PRELIMS: Approach to pt with Neurologic Disease Flashcards
Key components of history taking?
Chief complaint, history of present problem, functional history, psychosocial history, medications/allergies.
Main areas in a general neurologic examination?
Vital signs, neck stiffness, carotid bruit, cardiac murmurs, cyanosis.
Components of the mental status exam?
Alertness, orientation, memory, language, apraxia, logic/abstraction.
Corneal Reflex - Pathway?
Sensory: CN V1 (trigeminal nerve) → Brainstem → Motor: CN VII (facial nerve).
Essential instruments for a neuro exam?
Neuro hammer, pen light, pin/cotton/tongue depressor, stethoscope.
Types of apraxia?
Ideomotor, constructional, dressing.
Glasgow Coma Scale - Eye Opening?
: 1) No response, 2) Opens to pain, 3) Opens to verbal stimuli, 4) Spontaneous.
Corneal Reflex Test?
Use a large Q-tip with a cotton wisp to touch the cornea. Look for blinking response. Test both eyes.
Glasgow Coma Scale - Verbal Response?
1) No response, 2) Incomprehensible sounds, 3) Inappropriate words, 4) Disoriented and converses, 5) Oriented and converses.
Cognitive Skills - Dominant Hemisphere?
Language pattern, comprehension, naming, reading, writing, calculation.
Cognitive Skills - Non-dominant Hemisphere?
Spatial awareness, dressing, copying patterns, geographical agnosia, constructional apraxia.
Glasgow Coma Scale - Motor Response?
1) No response, 2) Decerebrate rigidity, 3) Decorticate rigidity, 4) Flexion withdrawal, 5) Localizes pain, 6) Obeys command.
Trigeminal Nerve (jaw reflex)- Pathway?
: Sensory pathways for touch and pain from face to brainstem; motor pathways to masseter muscle.
Control of Eye Movement Pathway?
: Originates in r frontal cortex → descends → decussates at pons → descends into pprf → connects to ipsilateral 6th nucleus and contralateral oculomotor nucleus via MLF.
CN 8 - Auditory Nerve Test?
Rinne test: Tuning fork on mastoid process, then near ear. Compare bone and air conduction.
How to elicit Trigeminal Nerve - Jaw Reflex?
Palpate masseter while patient bites down hard. Test sensation by asking patient to close eyes and identify “sharp” or “dull” touch at V1, V2, V3 bilaterally.
CN 7 - Facial Nerve Assessment?
Inspect for asymmetry. Ask patient to raise eyebrows, smile, frown, puff cheeks, and close eyes tightly against resistance.
CN 9 & 10 - Glossopharyngeal and Vagus Nerves Test?
Ask patient to say “ahh” and observe for palatal and uvula symmetry.
CN 11 - Spinal Accessory Nerve Test?
Shrug shoulders against resistance. Turn head against resistance and palpate sternomastoid muscle.
CN 12 - Hypoglossal Nerve Test?
: Ask patient to stick out tongue and move it laterally against resistance.