Prelims Flashcards
is the fundamental unit of analysis in Political Science
refers to a principle or an idea that tends to answer something in an acceptable and rational manner
this theory assumes that the state is of divine origin
the state had come to exist through the use of force in making a government
the formation of a state is a result of a social contract or agreement among people living in a “state of nature” that is too harsh, brutal and lacks social order
the emergence of state was caused by a natural gradual process of evolution from simple structure into a complex society
Theories of State Functions(3)
Idealist Theory, Marxist Theory, Liberal Theory
It premised that the state is ethical and moral entity.
Idealist Theory
It premised that the state can be used for exploitation by the dominant (economically elite) class against the lower class.
Marxist Theory
It premised that the state should adapt a liberal attitude towards the right and privileges of the citizens, embraces multiplicity of ideas, accountable to the citizenry for all its activities, decisions and policies
Liberal Theory
According to ______, a State refers to a community of persons more or less numerous, permanently occupying a definite territory independent of external control and possessing a government to which the great body of inhabitants render habitual obedience.
James W. Garner
Elements of the State(4)
Territory, People, Government, Sovereignty
Inherent Powers of the State(3)
Police Power, Eminent Domain, Power of Taxation
The power of the state to regulate or impose restrictions to the individuals in relation to the promotion and maintenance of security, health and general welfare of the public.
Police Power
The power of the state to acquire private property for public use such that just (fair) compensation shall be made whenever private property is taken for public use.
Eminent Domain
The power of the state to impose an amount on person or to his property for the support of the government in spending for public use.
Power of Taxation
Income Tax
5% -32 %
Corporate Tax Rate
Sales Tax (EVAT)
Republic Act 8424
National Revenue Code of 1997
Republic Act 9337
EVAT Law of 2005
Republic Act 10351
Sin Tax Law of 2012 for Cigarettes and Alcoholic Beverages
Republic Act 10963
Tax Reform for Acceleration and Inclusion of 2017