prelim Flashcards
made up of fat and glandular tissue, with nerves, arteries and veins, and connective tissue that provides the support structure
It develops at puberty and is sited on the __ overlying the __ between the ___ ribs vertically and from the sternum medially to the mid axillary line laterally.
anterior chest wall, pectoralis major, 2nd to 6th
The glandular component of the breast develops from the
____ groups of ectodermal cells grow into the underlying mesoderm (dermis) during the __ week of gestation.
15-20, 12th week
male breast development, condition arises as a response to hormonal imbalances which can occur at puberty or in later life as a result of disease, medication, recreational drug use or excessive alcohol consumption
occurs when fat is deposited on the anterior chest wall under the nipple areolar complex and looks very similar outwardly to true gynaecomastia
Once fully developed the breast is ‘tear drop’ shaped.
Externally the breast comprises of:
- The nipple *
The areolar - Skin
- Inframammary Fold
- Montgomery’s Glands (Tubercles)
Internally the breast comprises of:
- Glandular Tissue – 15–20 lobes
- Lactiferous Ducts
- Lactiferous Sinuses (Ampullae)
- Terminal Ductal Lobular Units
- Adipose Tissue (TDLU)
- Superficial Fascia
- Deep Fascia
- Retromammary Space
- Cooper’s Ligaments
- Blood vessels
concerned with milk production
glandular component, first part
all the other tissues that make up and support the breast. These include fat, fascia (connective tissue), and muscles.
second part
Breast tissue extends into the low axilla as a triangular shaped projection – this portion of the breast is called
the axillary tail or ‘Tail of
where milk is produced and stored during lactation
These are drained by a network of small ducts (____) which come together to form a single duct draining each lobule (____).
intralobular ducts
dilate just under the nipple to form the lactiferous sinus or ampulla and then narrow and terminate at the surface of the nipple
lactiferous ducts
The skin overlying the breast is typically ___ in
The superficial fascia is covered by a layer of adipose tissue thick and is attached to the skin by the Cooper’s Ligaments which pierce the fat.
2–2.5 cm thick
A. Lactiferous duct
B. Lobules
C. Cross section of lactiferous duct
D. Nipple
E .Adipose tissue
F. Pectoralis major muscle
G. Chest wall / ribs
H. Cooper’s ligaments
I. Retromammary space
J. Skin
K. Inframammary fold
The nipple promontory is surrounded by a circular area of pigmented skin called
lies between the deep fascia of the breast and the fascia of the pectoralis major muscle and is filled by loose connective tissue.
retromammary space
sited around, but not on the nipple, and are transitional between sweat and lactiferous glands. They lubricate the nipple during lactation and are visible as small bumps on the areolar.
montgomery’s glands
lower border of the breast
where the breast tissue meets the chest wall.
inframammary fold
The acini and ducts are made up of three layers:
✓ * Basement Membrane
✓ * Myoepithelial Layer
✓ * Epithelial Lining .
____ layer is usually only one cell thick but if this becomes two or three cells thick it is called _____
epithelial, hyperplasia
The blood supply to the breast skin comes from the subdermal plexus, which is in communication
with deeper underlying vessels supplying the breast
Arterial Supply
mainly through the axillary vein, with some through the internal mammary and thoracic veins.
venous drainage
begins in a perilobular plexus sited in the connective tissue stroma of the breast, lymphatic fluid flows from here alongside the lactiferous ducts into a subareolar plexus; Sappey’s Plexus.
lymphatic drainage
lie lateral to the lateral border of the pectoralis major muscle and can extend into the axillary tail
level 1
lie beneath the pectoralis minor muscle
level 2
lie medially and superiorly to the pectoralis minor muscle up to the clavicle
level 3