Prejudice & Intergroup conflict Flashcards
Individual differences approach
- The Authoritarian Personality
- Social Dominance Orientation
Group psychology approaches
- Realistic Conflict Theory
- Social Identity Theory
Social Cognition Factors
- Stereotyping Biases
- Attributional Biases
Adorno (1950) - Authoritarian Personality
Adorno et al (1950) developed the theory of an authoritarian personality to partially explain why individuals are prejudiced.
- This personality type supposedly possesses specific characteristics that meant they were more likely to be hostile to people of minority groups e.g. other races, social groups, age, sexuality
Adorno (1950) - Developing the Authoritarian Personality
- Psychoanalytic – influenced by Freud
» Research into whether there is a kind of personality that effects prejudice?
>The theory proposed that autocratic child-rearing practices were responsible for the emergence in adulthood of various clusters of beliefs.
» Focus placed on parental influences - it is possible for parents to sow
the seeds of a prejudice personality - possibly due to abusive/verbally
violent parents
» Thus we displace this aggression onto convenient targets - e.g. minority groups
Adorno (1950) - F-Scale
> Initially they interviews US college students about their political beliefs and anti-semitism - from this they designed questionnaires to measure authoritarian personality
> They developed the F scale - Fascism Scale to measure anti-democratic beliefs
F-Scale Weakness
✘ originally the scale had validity and reliability issues - their scoring only went in one direction -
now use positive and negative scoring)
Altemeyer & ‘Right-wing
Altemeyer highlighted three traits that show a strong relationship with each other, therefore approached authoritarianism as a collection of attitudes with 3 components: this collection of traits he named right-wing authoritarianism
- conventionalism (adherence to societal conventions that are endorsed by authorities
- authoritarian aggression (a general aggression and hostility directed towards out-groups, that is viewed as acceptable by recognised authorities)
- authoritarian submission (submission to society’s established authorities.)
Altemeyer developed the RWA - Right-Wing Authoritarianism scale
- Those who identify as high RWA tend to be politically conservative, tend to be more punitive towards criminals, and hold more orthodox religious views.
- They are also very prejudiced towards out-groups, therefore high scoles on the RWAs correlate highly with measures of ethnocentrism and hostility towards homosexuals.
- Interestingly, those who scored highly on the RWAs tended to show more prejudiced attitudes when their answers were anonymous
- Much research suggests that those who are high RWA tend to be prejudiced to virtually everyone
Criticism of authoritarian personality -
✘ The theory only explained the presence of prejudice in a small subset of the population, does not explain why many people without this personality type do show prejudice.
Criticism of authoritarian personality - Pettigrew (1959)
✘ This approach does not explain why prejudice is higher in some regions than in others, e.g. anti-Black prejudice has typically been stronger in the southern US than in other parts of the country
SDO - Sidanius & Pratto
Some people exhibit a preference for inequality among social groups.
- Specifically these individuals want their group to dominate and be superior to other groups, such individuals are regarded as possessing high social-dominance orientation (SDO)
- An SDO is an attitude towards intergroup relationships which say that groups are different and organised into hierarchical structure within society - hence some are inferior to others
- High SDO persons seek to maintain this structure of society’s groups, whereas low SDO persons seek to reduce group inequity, and eliminate the hierarchical structure of society.
SDO & other prejudice
- Research has found that SDO correlates with anit-Black racism and sexism.
- SDO has also been shown to correlate with conservative political views and opposition to policies to promote equality
SDO and origin of prejudice
✘ It should be noted that social dominance theory, upon which the concept of SDO was based, does not provide any suggestions for where prejudice originates.
SDO and sex differences
Pratto, Stallworth & Sidanius (1997) did suggest that men tend to hold more conservative political views, compared with women, who tend to hold more liberal views and supportive programs of equal rights.
- Despite strides to reduce the gap between males and females, Sidanius & Pratto (1994) conducted a survey in LA, finding that men had significantly higher SDO than women.
- This finding was still present after controlling for cultural, situational and demographic factors.
Opposing evidence of SDO and sex differences
✘ Wilson and Liu (2003) report evidence that the link between SDO and gender virtually disappears when strength of gender identification is factored in.
- Women who identified highly with their gender had a higher social dominance orientation than men.
F-Scale sample
If you agree with these statements you are more likely to be prejudice:
1) Obedience and respect for authority are the most important virtues children should learn
2) Homosexuals are no different from criminals and ought to be severely punished
RWA Sample
If you score highly on this scale you also score highly on other forms of prejudice:
1) The established authorities generally turn out to be right about things, whereas the radicals and protesters are usually just “loud mouths” showing off their ignorance
2) Women should have to promise to obey their husbands when they get married
3) Our country needs a mighty leader who will do what has to be done to destroy the radical new ways and sinfulness that are ruining us
4) *(reverse scored) Gays and lesbians are just as healthy and moral as anybody else
SDO Sample
SDO-6 Questions (answered agree or disagree)
1) Some groups of people are simply inferior to other groups
2) In getting what you want, it is sometimes necessary to use force against other groups
3) Its OK if some groups have more of a chance in life than others
4) To get ahead in life, it is sometimes necessary to step on other groups
Prejudice is not STATIC - Stereotypes Katz and Braly 1933 & Gilbert 1951 (after WW2)
> > Ask white americans what the Japanese are like? Americans give the following answers:
- Intelligent
- Industrious
- Progressive
- Shrewd
- Sly
> > After the second World War (Japanese have bombed Pearl Harbour) - US and Japan against each other
- Americans were asked about Japanese again:
- Americans reported them as:
- Imitative
- Sly
- Extremely nationalistic
- Treacherous
> > Americans then give negative traits - this suggests that there was a shift in stereotype
Group psychology approach - Realistic Conflict
Realistic Conflict
Sherif believed that we cannot extrapolate what we know and propose about individual approaches it intergroup relations and prejudice e.g. adorno, RWA, SDO, and use this to characterise group relations.
Intergroup relations
Sherif - Intergroup relations refer to relations between two or more groups and their respective members. Whenever individuals belonging to one group interact, collectively ot individually, with another group and its members we have an instance of intergroup behaviour
Sherif - intergroup belief
“Sherif believed that where groups compete over scarce resources, intergroup relations become marked by conflict and ethnocentrism arises”
“Sherif believed that where groups compete over scarce resources, intergroup relations become marked by conflict and ethnocentrism arises” - How does he test this
- Series of field experiments at summer camps for young boys in the US
Evaluative preference for all aspects of own groups over other groups
Realistic Conflict Theory RCT
- Sherif developed a theory to explain intergroup conflict and the findings of this earlier studies - he claimed that two groups are prejudiced towards one another when there is a goal in sight or when there is a possibility of material gain. Intergroup hostility/prejudice can arise as a result of conflicting goals and competition over limited resources