Friendships and Romantic Relations Flashcards
Victor - example of lack of human contact
- Look at examples of people who have lacked human contact
- E.g. Feral children
- Wild boy, found aged 12
- Never learned to talk, so never learned to stick to social conventions
- Lack of social interactions and thus lack of social communication
Feral children & lack of human contact
- Feral children suffer from social deficits - could suggest that lack of HC leads to ill-adjustment
- However hard to draw conclusions from this
- We cannot know what other influences could have caused the ill-adjustment
Human contact and functioning - Harlow’s Monkey Study
Harlow’s studies on rhesus monkeys (1958)
- Infant monkeys who have been removed from their mothers
- Infants isolated from other monkeys
- Baby has two surrogate mothers - one wire cloth mother and a wire food mother
- Some monkey’s only had the choice of a food giving mother
Findings of Harlow’s (1958) monkey study
- Infant monkey’s generally preferred the cloth wire surrogate mother
- Repeatedly choose cloth mother over food mother suggests
- Those monkeys that chose the cloth mother were reported to be more physically and mentally adjusted at the end of the study than the monkeys who only had the food mother
Conclusions of Harlow’s (1958) monkey study
- Harlow concluded that comfort was important for the developing monkey and that it is not food alone that connects mother and infant
- This research provided a foundation for attachment theory
Human contact example Admiral Byrd
- Admiral Byrd kept a journal
- Lived in isolation out of choice
- 4 weeks: Reported being lonely, lost and bewildered
- 9th week: Preoccupied with religious questions and dwelling excessively on the meaning of life
- 3 months: Severely depressed, apathetic (showing/feeling no interest and enthusiasm) and attacked by hallucinations and bizarre ideas
Conclusion of Admiral Byrd
- Lack of social contact can have quite striking effects, even when the person was brought up in a loving family environment and chooses isolation
Prevalence of Loneliness
- Between 10-45% of Americans report they regularly feel lonely (Beutal et al. 2017)
- Adolescents and young adults report being loneliest (Heinrich & Gullone, 2006)
- No direct relationship between contact time with people and feelings of loneliness have been found
- Even when we spend time with others, it doesn’t stop people from feeling lonely - especially when interactions are not always positive
Isolated vs Loneliness
- We can be isolated but feel fine with ourselves and not lonely
- Yet we can be with others and still feel lonely
- Lonely therefore is a subjective feeling
Lack of social support and Loneliness have been associated with multiple negative effects:
- Bloom et al (1978)
- Griffiths et al (2005)
- James et al (2011)
- Cacioppo et al (2006)
- Bloom et al (1978) - hospital admissions for psychiatric problems were higher for divorced than married people
- Griffiths et al (2005) - Suicide rates are higher for single and divorced people
- James et al (2011) - Loneliness puts individuals at risk of cognitive decline
- Cacioppo et al (2006) - Loneliness has been associated with higher risks of depression
Lack of social support and Loneliness: Mortality
- Lynch (1979)
- Holt-Lunstad (2015)
- Lynch (1979) - Mortality rates are higher for divorced, unmarried and widowed individuals
- Those who fit these criteria have a higher chance of sooner death
✓ Supported by Holt-Lunstad (2015) - loneliness was associated with an increase in mortality by 26%
Lack of social support and Loneliness: Physical effects
- Holt-Lunstad et al (2010)
- Valtorta (2016)
- Holt-Lunstad et al (2010) - Loneliness has been linked with higher rates of obesity and smoking habits
- Valtorta (2016) - Loneliness is associated with an increased risk of developing coronary heart disease and stroke
Gender differences after divorce
- (Robards et al., 2012)
- Divorce is associated with worse physical and mental health more strongly for men than for women (Robards et al., 2012)
- Men are more likely to develop suicidality than women after separation (Kolves et al., 2010)
- Women may experience benefits after separations (e.g., Dittami et al., 2007)
- Stronger mental health issues and physical symptoms after divorce than women
Why are there gender differences after divorce
> > Possibly because women have a more secure social support network
Women are more encouraged to seek help for their emotions
Possibly this social support acts as a buffer for the negative consequences after a break up
Gender differences in friendships - men more emotionally dependent
- Men may be more emotionally dependent on their romantic partners and have fewer alternative sources of support.
General Social survey - Gender and depression (1972-2012)
- 71% of men said if they were depressed they would turn to their wife
- 39% of women said they would turn to their husband
Gender differences in friendships
- (Rubin, 1985) - Men are more likely to have ‘casual’ friendships with other men
- Women more likely to have ‘close’ relationships with other women
- (Grambs, 1989) - Married women have wider networks of social support
Cohen and Hoberman (1983) - Lack of social support
Cohen and Hoberman (1983)
- When you have social support from others, it acts as a buffer on physical symptoms of stress
- Those with high stress showed considerable severe physical symptoms when no support
- Those with support, even in high stress situations showed considerably lower physical symptoms
- Suggests social support does seem to be a buffer
Social support and anxiety - Schachter (1959)
- Participants were told they would be administered shocks
- Half were told the shocks would be strong (high anxiety condition)
- Half were told the shocks would be weak (low anxiety condition)
- They were given the option of waiting alone or with others
Social support and anxiety - Schachter (1959) - findings
- 63% of the HIGH anxiety condition wanted to remain together (wait with someone and remain with them)
- 33% of the LOW anxiety condition wanted to remain together - 67% were happy to wait alone
Types of social support (Stroebe) EEII
- Emotional support (e.g. feeling loved)
- Evaluation (e.g. help make up mind about things)
- Information (e.g. about financial things)
- Instrumental (e.g. concrete help)
Reasons for affiliating (Hill, 1987)
- Receive emotional support
- Reduce uncertainty through comparing with others
- Be positively stimulated
- Obtain confirmation and recognition
Theory of relationships - A fundamental human need to belong (Baumeister & Leary, 1995)
> > For something to be considered a basic need it has to fit the following criteria:
- An evolutionary basis for seeking relationships
- The need to belong is universal
- The need to belong guides social cognition
- The need to belong is satiable (able to be met)
- There will be profound negative consequences if the need is not met
Theory of relationships - A fundamental human need to belong (Baumeister & Leary, 1995)
- Just like we need food/water, we need social relationships to survive
- Several arguments for the theory
An evolutionary basis for seeking relationships (Baumeister & Leary, 1995)
- We develop relationships to help us survive through evolution
- Romantic relationships mean we can provide for our children > increasing likelihood of passing on genes
Evolutionary basis for relationships
- Diamond (2003)
- Bowlby (1992)
- Trivers (1971)
- Diamond (2003) - LT romantic bonds evolved to facilitate reproduction, and raise offspring
- Bowlby (1992) - Parent-offspring attachments help protect offspring until they become independent
- Trivers (1971) - friendship evolved as means for non-kin cooporation, increasing survival chances through cooperation
Baumeister & Leary (1995) - the need to belong is UNIVERSAL
- We see the same type of behaviours and rituals in different types of relationships e.g. siblings
Baumeister & Leary (1995) - The need to belong guides SOCIAL COGNITION
> When we are in a relationship with someone, our self concept of ourself changes to include the other person
Baumeister & Leary (1995) - The need to belong is satiable
- (Wheeler & Nezlek, 1977) -The majority of the average student’s meaningful interactions are with the same six people
- Satiable: when we feel we have enough contact and friends, we don’t need to look for further social support
- Usually around 6 friends - we stop actively seeking new friendships
- Negative consequences if this isn’t met
Attachment Theory (Bowlby, 1982)
- Early attachments with caregivers shape our relationships for the rest of our lives
- If caregivers are responsive, children will develop confidence to assume that caregivers are a secure base
- Early attachment with caregivers is important
- Lack of these early attachments can have detrimental effects later on in life
Attachment Theory (Bowlby, 1982) - Working Models
- Children develop ‘working models’ of themselves (beliefs about their lovability and competence)
- Children develop these models relationships as well (beliefs about other people’s availability, warmth and ability to provide security).