Prejudice and stereotypes Flashcards
What is a stereotype?
positive or negative belief held** towards a group**
What is prejudice?
A unjustified negative attitude towards a group
What is discrimination?
A unjustified negative behaviour towards a group
How can we reduce prejudice
Changing social norms
JiGsaw class
Being motivated to learn about others
implicit bias
Implicit bias refers to unconscious stereotypes that influence an individual’s understanding, actions, and decisions in an automatic and involuntary manner.
unknowingly internalizing stereotypes
Positive discrimination
term that is sometimes used to describe policies or actions aimed at increasing opportunities for individuals or groups that have historically been disadvantaged or underrepresented
Why do stereotypes remain?
self fulfiling prophocies
exo group anxiety
easily acessable
confirmation bias
origin of prejudice
group categorization
uses of stereotypes?
Can quickly inform us about a person
There are some truth to some stereotypes
Fast and requires little effort
drawbacks of sterotypes
Creates distortion of perceptions that leads us to exaggerate differences
Leads to overgeneralization of group members
Homogeneity of the Outgroup what is it?
This concept refers to the tendency for individuals to perceive members of an outgroup as more similar to each other than they actually are
The perception of positive groups what is it?
refers to how individuals view and evaluate social groups that are associated with positive qualities, characteristics, or values.
Spontaneous categorization
is a cognitive process where individuals automatically and unconsciously group objects, people, or stimuli based on shared characteristics or features
i.e someoen asked about producting being prieced at $19.99 instaed of $20
Authoritarian tendencies
refer to a set of psychological traits or inclinations characterized by a preference for strong authority figures, a desire for strict obedience to established authorities, and a tendency to support hierarchical power structures