Prehistory Flashcards
Dead (?) Bison, Altamira Caves, 12000 BC
Wall of Bison, Altamira Caves, 12000 BC
Bison Relief, The Cave of the Three Brothers, 13000 BC
“The Sorcerer,” Cave of the Three Brothers, 13000 BC, Sketch by Henri Breuil 1920
Horse Panel, Lascaux Cave, 15000 BC
Megalocerous and Dots, Lascaux Cave, 15000 BC
Hunting Scene, Lascaux Cave, 15000 BC
Spotted Horse and Human Hands, Peche-Merle Cave, 23000 BC
Wall of Animals, Chauvet Cave, 30000 BC
Panel of Lions, Chauvet Cave, 30000 BC
Bison with Turned Head, Madeleine Cave, France, 12000 BC
Venus of Willendorf, Austria, 25000 BC
Venus of Hohle Fels, Germany, 35000 BC
Venus of Brassempouy, France, 25000 BC
Lion-Headed Figurine, Hohlenstein Stadel Cave, Germany, 35000 BC