Pregnancy and child birth work book Flashcards
What are the nursing assessments during pregnancy
- Antenatal assessment
- Abdominal assessment
What does the antenatal nursing assessment include for each stage
- First trimester
= labs, dating scans, initial vitals, health education - second trimester
= monthly visits, urinalysis, fundal growth and fatal heart rate, health education - Anatomy scans at 20 weeks
- third trimester
= fortnightly visits - health education - 36 weeks until birth
= weekly visits
What does the abdominal nursing assessment include
- assess growth
- determine position
- determine presentation
- determine fetal lie
- fatal movements felt
- polyhydramnios
What are the four stage assessments to do during labor
- Stage 1
- BP, urinalysis, heart rate, vaginal exam
- check for bleeding and fluid
- contractions
- CTG to monitor foetal heart and contractions - Stage 2
Labour - Stage 3
- Waiting for placenta to deliver - Stage 4
- risk of postpartum haemorrhaging
- monitor vitals
- urinary retention
Recommended weight gain while pregnant
Early sighs of pregnancy
- Tender breasts
- Urinate frequently
- Nausea
- appetite changes
- missed periods
uncomfortable symptoms during last trimester of pregnancy
- heart burn
- indigestion
- back ache
- difficulty sleeping
how to help morning sickness
- increase B12 vitamin intake
- antimetics
- eat often
What type of birth does Jenny want
- Hospital birth
what is advocacy for children
- Making informed choices to best meet the child’s needs
Principles of UN convention on right of child
- non-discrimination
- all children have equal opportunities and work regardless of religion, wealth and ability - Best interest of children
- laws and actions affecting children. Puts them first - survival, development and protection
- authorities have responsibility to protect children and ensure full development - participation
- children have right to have a say in decisions that affect them
benefits of breastfeeding
- helps eyesight, speech
- increase bonding
- prevents illness and infection
interventions supporting mother who is breast-feeding
- assess mother’s ability to position infant when feeding
- ensure mother is educated on technique
Case Scenario
- You are on clinical placement at a GP. A mother has bought in her 4 month old back and states she has never heard from the Well Child Nurse and she wonders if her baby is growing appropriately.
- What advice would you give this mother
- tell mother she is entitled to well child checks from plunker nurse
- discuss the role of plunker nurse
- contact her local plunker office and discuss them meeting
- give mother the number and document situation in notes
Case Scenario
- You are on clinical placement at a GP. A mother has bought in her 4 month old back and states she has never heard from the Well Child Nurse and she wonders if her baby is growing appropriately.
- What checks should she have had by four months from the Well Child nurse, and what would he or she have checked?
4-6 weeks baby should have had child growth and development checks, vision, hearing, family health and wellbeing checks.
- education about breastfeeding, immunisations, safety, parenting
- plunked nurse would have screened for PND, smoking, family violence
- same checks at 8-10 weeks and 3-4 months