The risk of foetal exposure to medicine is greatest when?
During the first 12 weeks. Important because most women do not know they are pregnant until week 6 to 10.
What are the common conditions that pregnant women will present with in the community pharmacy?
Nausea and vomiting. Pain Heartburn Constipation Haemorrhoids Vaginal thrush
What referral symptoms are there in pregnant women suffering from vomiting? [6]
Very dark urination or no urination for 8 hours.
Abdominal pain or fever.
Weakness or feeling faint.
Blood in vomit.
Severe unstoppable vomiting.
Inability to keep fluids/food down for 24 hrs.
What advice can we give to pregnant women suffering from vomiting? [5]
NO OTC PRODUCTS. Eat a biscuit or toast before rising. Ginger biscuits. Eat small carbohydrate rich snacks throughout the day. Drink regular small amounts of water. Avoid triggers.
How can pain in pregnant women be managed?
Analgesics might be needed for headache, musculoskeletal pain or dental pain.
How can back pain in pregnancy be reduced?
Do not stand or sit for too long.
Rest when painful and put feet up.
Wear flat shoes.
Stretch tight muscles and soak in warm baths.
What is the only painkiller recommended OTC for pain in pregnancy?
How can heartburn be treated in pregnant women?
first line is lifestyle.
Second line is simple antacids/alignates at any point in pregnancy.
AVOID PPIs or H2 receptor antagonists.
When should pregnant women suffering from heartburn be referred?
No response to treatment.
Inability to eat due to symptoms.
Cause unrelated to pregnancy. (peptic ulcer, IBS)
Alarm symptoms present.
Why is it essential to treat constipation in pregnancy?
To avoid haemorrhoids. `
How are haemorrhoids treated in pregnancy?
Commonly occur for the first time during pregnancy
Essential to ensure they have been previously diagnosed prior to treatment
Avoid hydrocortisone based preparations
How is thrush treated in pregnancy?
DR will normally prescribe clotrimazole.
How are leg cramps treated in pregnancy?
Stretching exercises and massaging of the muscle during the attack.
How are coughs and colds treated in pregnancy?
Avoid use of decongestants. Paracetamol for symptomatic relief. Menthol inhalations for congestion. Avoid opioid cough suppressants. Demulcents have limited efficacy supporting their use but can be recommended.
How is threadworm treated in pregnancy?
No pharmacological therapies.
Strict hygiene.
Referral perhaps.