Pregnancy Flashcards
What is the main source of energy for fetus? What about mother?
Fetus: glucose
Mother: free FAs
How much weight should a normal weight mother carrying one child gain?
25-35 pounds
Estrogen is responsible for what in pregnancy?
Breast tenderness, headache and helps with development of: glands, placenta, fetal adrenal cortex and fetal liver
What hormone drives the starvation state?
Cardiovascular changes in pregnancy?
Increased CO and decrease systemic vascular resistance
What causes fluid retention?
Adrenal gland increase aldosterone, which causes increased reabsorption Na+= fluid retention
Why don’t lay on back when pregnant?
Suppress SVC=decrease venous return, decreased CO, hypotension
Obese Pregnant patient with diabetes and chronic HTN presents with facial swelling and BP 162/110. What is the likely diagnosis? Treatment?
Treatment: deliver by c-section 37 weeks or more, if less than keep in hospital and treat HTN and give medication to increase fetal surfactant
Vaginla delivery requires what?
3 P’s
Power (uterine contractions), big enough Passageway (pelvis), Passenger that fits (fetus)
What layer of uterus is responsible for contractions?
Name 3 portions of functional uterus
Active segment: generates the force of contractions
Lower (passive) uterine segment: thins during 3rd trimester, incisions in lower uterine segment have much lower risk separation or rupture during subsequent labor
Uterine Cervix: during delivery alter collagen fibrils and increase water content
Phase 0
0-36 weeks; Progesterone, inhibits contractions (prostaglandin I-2, relaxin also inhibit)
Phase 1
36 weeks-delivery; estrogen, increase contraction-associated proteins (prostaglandin and oxytocin receptors) in myometrium. Gap junction increase connectivity of myometrial cells.
Phase 2
Labor; PG (E2 and F2 alpha), oxytocin stimualte uterus to contract
Phase 3
Postpartum; oxytocin, stimulate contraction and involution uterus. Contract myometrium constricts spray arterioles which supply placenta bed=limit bleeding