Preflop Strategy - RFI Flashcards
40 BBs + - Early Position (UTG & UTG 1/2)
What is your standard preflop raising range?
What percentage of hands is this range?
Raise: 22+, A2s+, KJs+, suited connectors down to 98s, AQo+
13.1% of hands.
40 BBs + - Early Position (UTG & UTG 1/2)
What is your standard preflop raising & limping range against passive opponents that never raise if you limp?
What percentage of hands is this range?
Raise: 88+, ATs+, KJs+, AQo+
Limp: 22-77, A2s-A9s, KTs, 65s-QJs suited connectors, 97s - QTs suited one gappers
Raise 6.8% of hands
Limp 8.7% of hands
12-40 BBs - Early Position (UTG & UTG 1/2)
What is your standard preflop raising range?
What percentage of hands is this range?
Raise: 55+, ATs+, KJs+, suited connectors down to 98s, AJo+, KQo+
11.2% of hands.
Less than 12 BBs - Early Position (UTG & UTG 1/2)
What is your standard preflop raising/All-in range?
What percentage of hands is this range?
All-in: 22+, A2s+, K8s+, Q9s+, J9s+, suited connectors down to 98s, A8o+, KJo+
20.4% of hands.
40 BBs + - Middle Position (LJ & HJ)
What is your standard preflop raising range?
What percentage of hands is this range?
Raise: 22+, A2s+, KTs+, suited connectors down to 65s, suited one gappers down to 97s, ATo+, KJo+
Raise 19.2% of hands.
12-40 BBs - Middle Position (LJ & HJ)
What is your standard preflop raising range?
What percentage of hands is this range?
Raise: 22+, A8s+, KTs+, QTs+, suited connectors down to 76s, ATo+, KJo+, QJo
Raise 17% of hands.
Less than 12 BBs - Middle Position (LJ & HJ)
What is your standard preflop raising/All-in range?
What percentage of hands is this range?
All-in: 22+, A2s+, K4s+, Q8s+, J8s+, suited connectors down to 76s, suited one gappers down to 97s, A2o+, K9o+, QTo+, JTo
33.3% of hands.
40 BBs + - Late Position (CO)
What is your standard preflop raising range?
What percentage of hands is this range?
Raise: 22+, A2s+, K7s+, Q8s+, J8s+, suited connectors down to 43s, suited one gappers down to 64s, A2o+, K9o+, Q9o+, J9o+, suited connectors down to 76o, T8o
Raise 40.6% of hands
40 BBs + - Late Position (CO)
What is your standard preflop raising range vs maniacs left behind you that will 3Bet any hands they deem playable?
What percentage of hands is this range?
Raise: 22+, A2s+, K9s+, Q9s+, J9s+, suited connectors down to 76s, ATo+, KJo+, QJo
Raise 19.8% of hands.
12-40 BBs - Late Position (CO)
What is your standard preflop raising range?
What percentage of hands is this range?
Raise: 22+, A2s+, K7s+, Q8s+, J8s+, suited connectors down to 43s, suited one gappers down to 64s, A2o+, K9o+, Q9o+, J9o+, off suited connectors down to 76o, T8o
Raise 40.6% of hands
Less than 12 BBs - Late Position (CO)
What is your standard preflop raising/All-in range?
What percentage of hands is this range?
All-in: 22+, A2s+, K5s+, Q8s+, J7s+, suited connectors down to 65s, suited one gappers down to 86s, A2o+, KTo+, QTo+, JTo
33.3% of hands
40 BBs + - Late Position (BTN)
What is your standard preflop raising range?
What percentage of hands is this range?
Raise: 22+, A2s+, K2s+, Q4s+, J7s+, T7s+, suited connectors down to 43s, suited one gappers down to 64s, 96s, A2o+, K7o+, Q8o+, J8o+, T7o+, 97o+, off suited connectors down to 76o
Raise 49.6% of hands
40 BBs + - Late Position (BTN)
What is your standard preflop raising range vs opponents who will often 3Bet large from out of position in the BBs?
What percentage of hands is this range?
Raise: 22+, A2s+, K8s+, Q8s+, J8s+, T8s, suited connectors down to 54s, A2o+, K9o+, QTo+, JTo+, T9o
Raise 33.3% of hands
12-40 BBs - Late Position (BTN)
What is your standard preflop raising range?
What percentage of hands is this range?
Raise: 22+, A2s+, K2s+, Q4s+, J7s+, suited gappers down to 43s, suited one gappers down to 64s, suited two gappers down to 96s, A2o+, K7o+, Q8o+, J8o+, T7o+, 97o+, off suited connectors down to 76o
Raise 49.6% of hands
Less than 12 BBs - Late Position (BTN)
What is your standard preflop raising/All-in range?
What percentage of hands is this range?
All-in: 22+, A2s+, K2s+, Q5s+, J6s+, T6s+, suited connectors down to 76s, suited on gappers down to 97s, A2o+, K9o+, Q9o+, J9o+, T9o
33.3% of hands
40 BBs + - SB
What is your standard preflop limping range?
What percentage of hands is this range?
Limp: 22+, A2s+, K2s+, Q2s+, J2s+, T2s+, 92s+, 82s+, 72s+, 62s+, 52s+, 42s+, 32s, A2o+, K2o+, Q2o+, J5o+, T6o+, 96o+, 85o+, 75o+, 64o+, 54o, 43o
Call 79.2% of hands
40 BBs + - SB
What is your standard preflop limping range strategy when your somewhat aggressive opponent raises your limps?
What percentage of hands is this range?
Limp/3Bet for Value: 99+, ATs+, KQs, AJo+
Limp/3Bet as a Bluff: J2s-J4s, T2s-T5s, 95s-96s, 85s-86s, 74s-75s, 63s-64s, 53s, 43s, Q5o-Q6o, 96o-76o
Limp/Call: 22-88, A2s-A9s, K2s-KJs, Q2s-QJs, J5s-JTs, T6s-T9s, 97s-98s, suited connectors QJ suited down to 54s, A2o-ATo, K2o-KQo, Q7o-QJo, J7o-JTo, T7o-T9o, 97o-98o, 87o
Limp/Fold: 92s-94s, 82s-84s, 72s-73s, 62s, 52s, 42s, 32s, Q2o-Q4o, J5o-J6o, T6o, 85o, 75o, 64o-65o, 54o, 43o
12-40 BBs - SB
What is your standard preflop limping range strategy?
What percentage of hands is this range?
Raise/Go All-in: 55-QQ, ATs-AJs, AJo-AKo
Raise/Fold: K2s-K4s, Q5s-Q7s, J6s-J7s, T6s-T7s, 96s-97s, 86s, 76s, K5o-K8o, Q8o, J8o, T8o, 98o
Limp/Go All-in: 22-44, A2s-A5s, A9s, AQs, A2o-A5o, ATo
Limp/Call: KK-AA, A6s-A8s, AKs, K5s-KJs, Q8s-QJs, J8s-JTs, T8s-T9s, 98s, 87s, A6o-A9o, K9o-KQo, Q9o-QJo, J9o-Jto, T9o
Limp/Fold: Q2s-Q4s, J2s-J5s, T2s-T5s, 94s-95s, 84s-85s, 73s-75s, 63s-65s, 53s-54s, 43s, 32s, K2o-K4o, Q5o-Q7o, J6o-J7o, T6o-T7o, 96o-97o, 86o-87o, 75o-76o, 65o, 54o
Less than 12 BBs - SB
What is your standard preflop limping range strategy?
What percentage of hands is this range?
All-in: 22+, A2s+, K2s+, Q2s+, J2s+, T4s+, 95s+, 85s+, 74s+, suited connectors down to 54s, suited one gappers down to 53s, A2o+, K2o+, Q5o+, J7o+, T7o+, 97o+, 87o, 76o
61.7% of hands