Preffixes/Suffixes Flashcards
Ber or Be (intranstive verbs)
Action done by oneself, to bear, to have, used as a tool
Men (Transitive verbs)
Actions done to another person or object (me, men, mem, meng, menge, meny)
A particle that signfies questions when words are attached to it for yes or no questions
A person, occupation or tool, person having the characteristics described by the base(pe, pen, pem, peng, penge, peny)
Se (prefix)
Same, a, happen at the same time
Ter (Prefix)
Accidentally, has the ability, a state or superlative
Passive voice
Making the root word the attention
Kan (suffix)
Verbs; do on the behalf of others, explain the verb itself, making something happen
An (suffix)
To form a noun, adjective,adverb out of verbs
Anti-dadah, auto-matik, sub-tropika, pra-sekolah, poligami, pro-kerajaan
Expert, great, post, rules, antonym
El,em,er,in (infix)
Gives the meaning of the root words from words that have the attributes of the root word
I (Suffix)
Transitive verbs
Isme (suffix)
Same as in English (ism)
Man, wan (suffix)
Form noun from the rootword ie Expert, occupation, field etc
Nita, wati (Suffix)
Occupation, expert for female only Kan (suffix)
Ber…an (affix)
Form intransitive verbs reciprocal action, explain a state, a large number, prolong a action
Ber….kan (affix)
Verb plus preposition
Di…….i (affix
Form passive voice
Di…..kan (affix)
Form passive voice from Men…kan verbs
Ke….an (affix)
Form abstract nouns, resemblance, a state
Men…i (affix)
Repeated verbs, to become, verbs that do not cause the object to change shape
Men…kan (affix)
Form transtitive verbs (affix)
Form abstract nouns referring to an abstract noun (a place, action or senses)
Per….an (affix)
Form abstract nouns referring to an abstract noun or adjective related to the root word
Ter…kan (affix)
Action according to the root words
Acts as a ‘ly’ as you would see in english
Use meng for
Words beginning with: a, e, i, o, u, g, h, kh, gh, k (drop the K and add meng)
Use men for
Words beginning with: c, d, j, t (drop the t and add men)
Use mem for
Words beginning with: b, f, v, p (drop the p and add mem)
Use meny for
Words beginning with: S (then drop the s and add meny)
Use me for
Words beginning with: L, m, n, ng, ny, r, w, y
Use menge for
Words beginning with: Single syallable words (such as bom, tin, had, khas)