Precautions Necessaires en Quittant le Vehicule Flashcards

General rules: There are three types of fixed assets of his vehicle:
1. the outstanding stop
2. the stop which does not last because one leaves immediately
3. parking to leave the vehicle.
Often a stop is made, which is actually considered a parking lot
Stopping: it is immobilizing the vehicle on the road, the time to take or deposit a passenger, or the time to load or unload objects. The driver must remain behind the wheel or in the immediate vicinity to move the vehicle without delay.

- Parking: it is stopping the vehicle for any other reason that falls outside the definition of the stop. For example, stopping to get bread at the bakery is a parking lot
- Out of town: The stop and parking are on the shoulder and preferably on the right when possible. To park on the left, do not cut a continuous line (axial or bank).

In town: The stop and the parking are made always on the right in the direction of the march. In one direction, parking can also be allowed on the left. This is the only case of bilateral parking permits.

How to park? As a safety measure, it is always preferable to be able to leave a parking lot in front to widen the field of vision. Which is not always feasible on a super market parking.

Thus, I go as far as possible backwards into a free battle location.

When leaving the vehicle, I must:
- make sure the steering lock (anti-theft)
- check the total immobilisation with the parking brake (parking brake)
- Exit with precauition not to surprise a two-wheeled vehicle for example
- getting the passengers off the sidewalk
- lock doors (or central locking)

The general prohibitions
Dangerous parking and parking: Stopping and parking are said to be dangerous if they obscure visibility. And that costs, in addition to a fine, 3 points to the driving license.
1. near an intersection
2. in a bend
3. near a hilltop
4. before a level crossing
5/6. at night or by poor visibility on a roadway, without signaling with the parking or parking lights

- Stop and parking very troublesome: It is when I encroach on a domain that is not mine.
- on a pedestrian crossing, or a distance of 5 meters upstream in the direction of traffic
- on horseback and on a sidewalk, unless specified locations are provided
- On a greenway a strip and a bicycle path, a pedestrian path or a cavalry trail
- In a bus corridor

- On a site reserved for the handicapped, GIG (great invalid of war) or GIC (great invalid civil)
- at the level of a fire hydrant
- close to road signs if I hide it

Stop and parking awnings:
- the emergency stop band is only used for breakdown or discomfort
- on a bus stop (outside town)
- on a bus stop (in built-up areas)
- on the location of a taxi station

No parking but stop tolerated:
- in front of a driveway of a building
- On a delivery or recharging place for electric vehicles
- In double file

Improper parking: I can not leave my vehicle parked at the same location for more than seven days. In some large cities, this period is shortened (2 days in Paris).

Parking: In any case, I can generate during the maneuver:
- I therefore anticipate in advance of my intention to stop, indicating with the flashing and reducing my speed
- before the location of my home, if I am followed, I stop to make it clear to others that they must leave me room to maneuver
- I go around taking care to check that I am allowed to maneuver.

- I move back until the rear wheels reach the end of the vehicle
- I control around me
- I move my vehicle back to about 45 degrees
- I go forward while controlling that I’m not going to hang
- I control around me
- I retreat while positioning my vehicle to enter the rear in free space
- I can do several small maneuvers to adjust myself
- in reverse: I operate as for a storage in battle
- forward: I normally enter a very low speed
then be careful when going back when I leave because the visibility will not be good
I can do several small maneuvers to adjust myself

Car parks: at the entrance to major urban areas, parking lots (park and ride facilities) are sometimes set up to reduce congestion and the streets, ensuring liason with public transport. The fare combines most of the time the price of parking and the price of bus or tram tickets.

The undergrounds:
Warning. Access to underground car parks and car parks can be regulated. Speed, width or height requirements are indicated at the entrance. Watch out for vans, vans, or galleries if they are loaded.

Before entering, I turn on at least the position lights. I walk around and then I park. It is often useful to enter the number of the location and the floor …
Most car parks built in the basement or in floors are paying. Attention to closing hours.

- Take or deposit a passenger, load or unload the vehicle, while remaining close to move, define the stop. Any other stop is considered as parking
- Staying more than 7 days at the same place is an abusive parking
- stopping and parking are considered unattractive when they encroach on an area reserved for other users, or when they generate traffic
- the stop remains sometimes tolerated: entry of building, delivery, location of recharging of the electric vehicles
- stopping and parking are dangerous when they hide visibility in dangerous places.

Prohibitions: prohibition takes effect at the sign, in the direction of travel and until the next intersection
Stop and parking signs prohibited:
Prohibited stop: A yellow continuous line along the sidewalk also means a ban on stopping
No parking: A yellow broken line along the sidewalk also means a parking ban. The stop is allowed.

Panonceaux: They specify that the prohibition is aimed at a category of users, a definite period or the fact of designating a rating.
The immobilization with the help of a Denver shoe and then the putting into the car may be requested by agents if the parking lot continues.

Parks and zones
Zone: The prohibition or regulation concerns all the streets until the exit sign

Parking signaling regulates:
Blue zone: Sometimes the parking spaces are marked in blue, hence the name of this zone.
Parking is regulated between 9 am and 7 pm and limited to 1:30 or less.
- I settle the record on the arrival here
- I place the disc visible from the sidewalk, behind the windshield
- I have to leave before the end of the authorized period

Parking limit according to the tax paid
Paid parking area: I have to park in the delimited places. The word PAYING is attached to the marking.
The ticket distributed by the ticket machine is placed behind the windshield so as to be visible from the sidewalk.

Zone parking unilateral alternation semi-monthly:
Place near the panel of entrance of agglomeration, it concerns in general the whole agglomeration. Be careful, however, there may also be other types of regulations within the agglomeration (paying or with disk for example). Parking is on one side of the street and every fortnight changes. The change is made the day before a fortnight between 20:30 and 21h. To better understand the rule, I will reason for permission to park and not a ban on parking. Association rule for odd numbers and even numbers:
1. I park on the odd side (1-3-5-etc.) Of the street the first fortnight of the month (1 to 15).
2. I park on the even side (2-4-6-etc) the second half of the month (16 at the end of the month).
Example: It’s June 30 in the morning. I park like car A or like car B?
June 30 is part of the second half. The second half is an even number. So I park on the even side of the street, like the B vehicle.

Parking unilateral: The rule is often recalled in the streets by signs that are implanted on the side of the ban.
- parking prohibited on this side, the first fortnight of the month
- Parking prohibited on this side, the second half of the month

- Stopping and parking may also be prohibited by a continuous or discontinuous yellow line
- Signs may specify to whom the prohibition applies, a duration or spaces
- The zones concern a neighborhood up to the entire agglomeration. A sign ends the area
- Parking may be prohibited or paid, free or paid and limited in time. Symbols then specify the parking regime and places are delimited
- when semi-monthly alternate one-sided parking is used, odd or even numbers are combined to determine the authorized parking dimension.
- parking permits the first fortnight odd numbers
- sationnement allows the second half of the odds even number.

Getting in and out of the vehicle: Driving starts well before entering the traffic and ends when all occupants are out of the vehicle. Before each departure, I must implement a special procedure.
Installation procedure: As far as I am concerned, the installation plays a big role in the comfort and accessibility of the controls. I must be able to access these without having to take off the back of the folder, or to me to swing on the seat.

I rule the seat:
1. The left leg should be able to push the clutch pedal all the way down, without being stretched
- The adjustment knob is located under the seat or on the deck. On some models, there is a lever for adjusting the seat height.

I settle the file
- in position, the arms are slightly bent
- I must be able to reach the top of the steering wheel without taking off the back
- the joystick (or wheel) is at the bottom of the backrest

- to hold the steering wheel, I do not cling, and I place the hands between 9:15 and 10:10 depending on my size.
- On certain models, the steering wheel is adjustable in height.

I regulate the mirrors: Frame at best the rear window to see as far as possible. The interior mirror is grasped without putting his fingers on the mirror. A night position can not be dazzled. Just push or pull the controller.

The vision in the exterior mirrors touches the edge of the vehicle to have a reference to the position of other users. The field of vision forces you to turn your head to see the blind spots. The adjustment of external mirrors can be done from an electrical or mechanical control.

I attach my seat belt:
The belt must rest well down on the bones of the pelvis; and on its pectoral part do not rub on the neck. The height is often adjustable. The belt is not twisted. Any clamp intended to relieve the tension of the belt is to be avoided because dangerous. Warning. The belt is fastened before making contact. It is detached after cutting the ignition. It is a good habit to take. Driving on a car park without a belt is an offense.

Leave the vehicle:
After completely stopping the vehicle, I must make sure that:
1. The steering lock is blocked
2. the parking lot (a hand) is greenhouse
In a steep slope, it is advisable to turn the wheels a little towards the sidewalk. Engaging a gear may eventually serve but is not well advised. The mechanics can indeed be damaged by a shock even slight. To exit the vehicle, it is best to open the door with the right hand. This makes it easier to control the blind spot and thus not to risk dropping a cyclist. Check the closing of all doors.

- Adjustments are made in order to have good access to all controls, without moving from the seat
- The mirror interior frames the rear window
- the mirrors outside touch the bodywork to have a referent on the position of other users
- Be careful of the belt that should hold the pelvis and go away from the neck
- I check the total immobilization of the vehicle before leaving it
- On a steep slope, I turn the wheels a bit on the sidewalk side and I may pass a speed

Transport of children
All children under the age of 10 must be placed at the back, except in the following cases:
1. A baby can be carried in front of the driver’s side in a rear-facing seat. Attention, in this case, deactivate the passenger airbag
2. If the rear seats are all occupied by children under 10 years old
3. If there are no seats in the back or if they are not usable.

Car seats
1. Group 0 (from birth to 10 kg) or up to 9 months: In a nacelle bed firm and anchors parallel to the seat. Possibility to place a seat forward, back to the road. It is then mandatory to deactivate the passenger airbag.
- Group 1 (9 to 18 kg), up to 4 years: If possible always back to the road because the cervical vertebrae are still very fragile. Bucket seat with harness and receiver board
Group 2 (15 to 25 kg) and Group 3 (22 to 36 kg), up to 10 years: Booster according to the size of the child, with harness or belt.

Child safety: the rear doors are equipped with safety lock for children. They do not open from the inside. The lock can be centralized.

Driving aids
1. the cruise control allows you to dispense with pressing the accelerator, the speed remains automatically regulated at the programmed speed. It can be deactivated quickly by pressing the brake pedal.
- It can be adaptive or intelligent, by monitoring the preceding vehicles to automatically adjust the speed according to the safety distances
- The speed limiter does not dispense with the use of the accelerator, it only prevents roll over the programmed speed. It can be deactivated temporarily by pressing strongly on the accelerator, to make a fast overtaking in particular.

- The Lane Departure Warning System (AFIL) is a device that warns the driver when he inadvertently crosses a continuous or discontinuous line without using the turn signals. The warning is manifested by a vibration of the seat or steering wheel of the vehicle.
- The park assist makes it possible to realize simply, without touching the steering wheel, the crenels (right and left), even the storage in battle

The e-Call system is an automatic emergency call system that allows an accident-prone car to call emergency services instantly while sending its precise position, regardless of whether the occupants are aware of it, and regardless of the country of origin. the EU in which it is located. This system, based on the European emergency number 112, is completed by geolocation and allows a faster emergency service, adapted to the severity of the accident and the type of vehicle involved, thus reducing mortality. and the privacy of injuries resulting from road accidents. This system is mandatory on all vehicles since March 31, 2018.

- Children under 10 years old travel in the back, except for a baby on a back-to-road seat, passenger airbag deactivated
- Children are intalles in booster seats and booster seats