Dispositions Legales en Matiere de Circulation Routiere Flashcards
risque d’incendie
fire hazard
descent dangereuse
dangerous descent
piste ou bande cyclable conseillée et réservée aux cycles à deux ou trois roues
recommended bike track or lane for two or three-wheel cycles
Roundabouts: I let those who are already on the ring pass by. In agglomeration, it happens that only the lines of effect of cedez the passage exist. Watch out for lane changes on the ring. I must always check that the way is free.
- Emergency stop band: It is reserved exclusively for the emergency (breakdown, malaise, emergency vehicles). When driving at a speed of 130 km / h, leave between you and the vehicle in front of you a safety distance equivalent to 2 lines and 1 space of the emergency stop band.
- on an autoroute or road with separate roadways
- Reminder of the spacing that users must leave between their vehicles on the motorway and on the road at two times two lanes
signalisation temporaire - travaux
construction work
Poste de recharge de vehicules electriques ouvert 7 jours sur 7 et 24 heures sur 24
Electric vehicle charging station open 7 days a week and 24 hours a day
fin d’une section d’autoroute
End of a section of highway
The arrows:
- The flashing yellow arrow on the red light allows the passage in the direction of the arrow (right or left or straight) on the condition of giving way to other users and pedestrians.
- The arrow-shaped lights are in the directions indicated. They are placed near the tracks or on a portico just above.
Truck or transit? The public transport vehicle does not go backwards because the risk is high. So it’s up to the truck to go back.
Vehicles of the same category: The one who goes down has to go back to get away, unless the other user can be stored more easily.
- 50m
In all cases, a triple staking is implanted between the panel and the tracks. Attention, in agglomeration the milestones are closer, spaces approximately of 15 meters
intersection and directional island tags:
a beacon with a red ring positions the location of an intersection. In no case does this beacon give an indication of the order of passage. When there is an amenagement with a directional island, an arrow indicates the side by or to pass.
- Increasingly in the city center are pedestrian areas, zones 30 and meeting areas where the speed is limited to 20 km / h
- From time to time, a place may be artificially limited by means of speed bumps
lieu aménagé pour le stationnement
place arranged for parking
Balise -limites de chaussées par delineateur
roadway limits by delineateur
Balise - nez des îlots séparateurs
nose of separating island
Adapt your speed - There is the rule and its reasoned application. A speed limit is not a mandatory speed to reach, but a speed not to exceed. I must also adapt it according to the environment and the presence of users.
General limitations: Speeds are limited in France and tend to be the same everywhere in Europe. Every driver must control his speed according to the environment, the weather conditions, the lighting, as well as the presence of the users and the density of the traffic.
Intercity Buses: When a bus leaves a stop, I must allow it to start and insert by slowing or stopping if necessary. When the passage is narrow in a street or intersection, I will always facilitate its passage or manouvre to turn for example.
- Ground markings serve to guide users. the closer the lines are, the less we can cross the lines.
- The color is white, except the temporary marking, or relative to the stop or parking, which is yellow
- A deterrent line is only on a narrow and winding road
- Broad lines delimit a reserved lane
hotel ou motel ouvert 7 jours sur 7
arret a l’intersection. Signal de position
stop at the intersection. Position signal
Turn tags delimit this one. In snow-covered areas, they have a red cap to distinguish them. The blue and white herringbone tag indicates the direction of the turn.
passage a niveau sans barriere ni demi-barriere muni en position d’un panneau stop imposant a l’usager de marquer un temps d’arret avant de franchir le passage a niveau
level crossing without barrier or half-barrier equipped with a stop sign imposing the user to stop before crossing the crossing
signalisation temporaire - reduction d’une voie
reduction of lanes
réseau communal ou rural
municipal or rural network
poste de distribution de carburant ouvert 7 jours sur 7 et 24 heures sur 24 assurant la recharge des vehicules electriques
24/7 fuel station with rechargine possible for electric vehicules
signaux bicolores de contrôle individuel
two-color signals of individual control
- the figure 10% indicates that the road goes down 10 m every 100 m. When a risk of collision of slow vehicles exists, this panel may be complete
- Be careful when the notch is just before a curve, excessive speed, there is a risk of losing control of the vehicle
- If a bus engages, I let it pass
- At the stop, I let the cyclists pass
issue de secours vers la droite
emergency exit to the right
The more the road is wide and clear, the more it will be in a straight line and the more I will have a tendency to drive quickly, without realizing it. A speed limiter then plays its role of moderator completely.
An intersection with little visibility should make me slow down. I have at least one foot in front of the brake. it is the same with the approach of a bend or a summit of side, or even downhill. A locality also claims a suitable speed.
signalisation temporaire - fin de deviation
end of detour
sortie d’agglomeration
- prescription (limit)
- Interdiction (forbidden)
- Fin de inderction
- Obligation
- Fin de obligation
informations relatives aux services ou activites touristiques
information on tourist services or activities
paiement automatique par pieces de monnaie
automatic coin payment
Lateral Safety Distance: In general, I have to make sure not to snag the user I’m passing. For all other road users (two or three-wheeled machine, pedestrian, horse, animal, animal-drawn vehicle), I must leave at least:
- 1.5 m if I travel outside the town
- 1 m if I drive in the city
- However, I can overtake a cyclist by riding a continuous line. When it’s possible, I leave more distance.
The reserved lanes or bands: As a rule, these lines are thicker than the other lines of the road. Traffic, stopping and parking are prohibited. In addition, I have to yield the way before cutting to turn. At the end of a reserved lane, their users must yield the way
- Bus lane: a white checkerboard marks the bus pass at intersections
- Bike lane: Sometimes this line is doubled with a green marking to make the difference
- Slow vehicle lane: All vehicles, even light ones, must use it when their speed is less than or equal to 60 km / h
interdiction de tourner à droite à la prochaine intersection
prohibition to turn right at the next intersection
- Yield the passage only: Outside agglomeration, the panel is precede by a presignalisation placed 150 m before the intersection
- To stop and yield the passage: Outside agglomeration, the panel is preceded by a presignalisation placed 150 m before the intersection
parc national
national park
- risk of falls of stones or fallen stones on the road. Stop and parking may be prohibited.
- At worst, the traffic can be stopped.
circulation interdite à tout véhicule dans les deux sens
traffic prohibited to any vehicle in both directions
- motorway exit with lane assignment
- motorway exit with deceleration lane
circulation dans les deux sens, a partir du panneau
traffic in both directions, from the sign
restaurant ouvert 7 jours sur 7
Restaurant open 7 days a week
accès interdit aux véhicules affectés au transport de marchandises. Une camionnette est cocnernee (camionette est permis B)
No access to vehicles used for the carriage of goods
poste de distribution de carburant ouvert 7 jours sur 7 et 24 heures sur 24 assurant le ravitaillement en gaz de petrole liquefie (GPL) et la recharge des vehicules electriques
24/7 fuel station with GPL services and able to charge electric cars
virage à droite
right turn
A warning line, along with three draw arrows, precedes a continuous line.
I must have finished overtaking before the continuous line.
When the line is mixed, if the continuous line is on my side, I can not go beyond. If the broken line is on my side, I can go beyond.
circulation à sens unique
one-way traffic
arret de tramway
tramway stop
Panels and signs
A sign of distance or full extent sometimes two associated panels
a. especially slippery road at 500m
b. especially slippery road at 150m and 500m
c. stop forbidden because of the danger of falling stones on 2400m
Two kinds of roundabouts
Definition of the roundabout: A roundabout, or a roundabout, is both a crossroads, because several roads arrive on it, and a ring road. There may be several circular lanes inside. All roundabouts serve two purposes:
- slow down traffic
- promote exchanges of directions
It goes without saying that we enter a roundabout at a reduced speed, between 30 and 50 km / h depending on the layout. never beyond this speed. And sometimes much less quickly.
- direction
- localisation
- highway
- local
- grand itenaire
- temporaire
- tourisique
signalisation temporaire - barrages. Signalisation de position de travaux
end of construction
- The crossing is done on the right
- The vehicle of width equal to or greater than 2 m, or of length equal to or greater than 7 m, slows down, squeezes to the right, and stops if necessary to facilitate the crossing.
- Sloped: The descending person must stop first and possibly back up, the slightest recoil, the isolated vehicle recoils in front of the towed vehicle, the heavy weight recedes in relation to the public transport
poste de distribution de carburant ouvert 7 jours sur 7 et 24 heures sur 24 assurant le ravitaillement en gaz de petrole liquefie (GPL)
24/7 fuel distribution station providing refueling of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG)
obligation de tourner à gauche avant le panneau
obligation to turn left before the sign
chaussée rétrécie par la gauche
pavement narrowed by the left
- Implantation: The end of bonds take effect at the height of the signal
- End of the lanes reserved for the traffic of the users concerned. I will remain very attentive at the end of a reserved lane, because the users return then on the lanes of circulation. They must yield the passage, but it is more prudent to monitor their behavior.
Double direction of circulation
- To turn left, I tighten the middle of the road, without biting on the other lane, and I bypass the intersection of the median axes, in the center of the intersection.
- When the signaling allows, I cross to the Indonesian. It is in front of a user who also turns to his left.
- I give way to the users who come in front because I cut their trajectory.
succession de virages dont le premier est a droite
succession of turns, the first of which is on the right
fin d’itineraire Bis
End of Bis route
voie de détresse à droite
distress lane on the right
impasse comportant une issue pour les pietons et les cyclistes
dead end with an exit for pedestrians and cyclists
feux tricolores pour bus
traffic lights for bus
- Large-size users: Drivers of vehicles whose width is 2 m or greater, or whose length is greater than or equal to 7 m, shall facilitate the crossing by squeezing to the right, or stopping to leave to pass another user. It can be me if I tow a trailer or a caravan.
- Intercity bus: Contrary to the rule on the size of the vehicles, it is for me to facilitate the passage to the buses in agglomeration if the passage is narrowed
- Emergency vehicles: I let vehicles that use their blue beacon and / or multi-tone buzzer when they go to the place of their intervention
The arrows: The arrows are used to choose its position on the track, they are called arrows of selection or preselection. They can also encourage a change of trajectory to return to the right or left. In this case, they are called drawdown arrows. In general, there are three successive to allow time and space to place
- Directional: I place myself if possible in the lane corresponding to my direction of the first arrow
- Bi-directional: It indicates two directions (sometimes three)
- Folding: The three arrows are included in a continuous line warning line. In this sense, the drawdown arrows do not concern me
- Reduction of the number of lanes: The lane on the left is removed after the third arrow. The right lane is removed after the third arrow.
When a speed limit sign is positioned at the entrance of the lane, I must respect it. This often forces me to slow down on the main axis. I warn in advance with the flashing and sometimes with a call of the brake lights. I monitor the behavior of users behind me.
Reserved and mandatory lanes:
When a lane is reserved for a user group, it is forbidden to others. In addition, stopping and parking are prohibited.
éléments de repérage utilisés sur les routes et autoroutes du réseau national
locating elements used on the roads and highways of the national network
virage a droite dangereux
curve to the right is dangerous
indications diverses
various indications
temporary stop authorized on sidewalk
accès interdit aux cycles
forbidden access to cycles
signalisation temporaire - présignalisation de changement de chaussée ou de trajectoire
advance warning of change of roadway or trajectory
feux tricolores circulaires
circular traffic lights
succession de virages dont le premier est a gauche
succession of turns, the first of which is on the left
Direction obligatoire a la prochaine intersection:a droite ou a gauche
Mandatory direction at the next intersection: right or left
interdiction de faire demi-tour sur la route suivie jusqu’à la prochaine intersection
prohibition to u-turn on the road followed until the next intersection
fin de toutes les interdictions précédemment signalées imposées aux véhicules en mouvement
end of all previously reported bans imposed on moving vehicles
entrée d’une zone à stationnement unilatéral à alternance semi-mensuelle
entrance to a semi-monthly semi-monthly alternating parking zone
For your safety where your seat belt
Dynamic signaling: Dynamic signaling is intended to deliver messages that need to be modified frequently or that need to be activated within a very short time. It informs users of disturbances affecting or may affect their course and advises them in difficult situations.
It pursues three objectives: Safety: It is to avoid over-accidents or accidents on evolving dangers.
voie réservée aux tramways
reserved lane for trams
- Fires are used to attract attention and to manage users’ order of passage
- In all cases, the red requires the stop, the yellow incite to slow down or stop and the green opens the way to the circulation
- Temporary signage prevails over any other signage. It is mainly yellow background. The markup is then red and white.
entree d’un zone de stationnement a duree limitee, avec controle par disque
entrance to a parking area of limited duration, with control by disk
frequence d’emission d’une station de radiodiffusion dediee aux informations sur la circulation routiere et l’etat des routes
frequency of transmission of a radio station dedicated to information on road traffic and the state of roads
Access to these two types of networks is regulated.
- The speed is limited to 110 km / h unless otherwise stated
- The speed is limited to 130 km / h on the highway. Only vehicles requiring a driving license are allowed to circulate. Stopping and parking are prohibited outside the developed areas.
sens interdite à tout véhicule
direction prohibited to any vehicle
obligation de tourner à droite avant le panneau
obligation to turn right before the sign
feux d’anticipation pour bus
anticipation lights for bus
Information: It is necessary to announce the current or planned traffic and / or movement conditions.
Traffic management: It is necessary to optimize the operation of the networks (for example: harmonization of speeds, stop and / or control of traffic, diversion of all or part of the traffic).
Trees hanging down near the road, tall vehicles be extra cautious
présignalisation du début d’une section à vitesse régulée
early warning of the beginning of a regulated speed section
- Mandatory snow chains on at least two driving wheels. Attention, it is not possible to exceed 30 km / h without damaging the mechanics.
- Minimum speed required. Not to be confused with a recommended speed or a speed limit.
- The nature of the obligation is recorded in the panel.
- Line of effect of a fire: This is the place or stop at the red light. Sometimes a space before this line is reserved for bicycles and mopeds; I stay in my place
- Lane of distress: This very visible track is used for any vehicle having a braking problem. At the end on a bed of sand or gravel can stop the vehicle. The approach is dangerous: I never stop there.
- Emergency call station: The symbol indicates the direction to take to reach the nearest station.
- Zebras: They serve to delimit an area where traffic, stopping and parking are prohibited. It can separate the directions of traffic or precede a separation of ways or signal a space to turn left
- Position of danger:
- In a residence, the speed is sometimes limited to less than 30 km / h
- Sometimes the pedestrian crossing is on the retarder (speed reducer bump)
- Watch out for tram rails, especially if I’m driving on two wheels.
traversée de voies de tramways
crossing of tramways
sortie de tunnel
Exiting a tunnel
passage pour pietons
paiement automatique par abonnement telepeage
automatic payment by subscription telepeage
acces interdit aux vehicules tractant une caravane ou une remorque de plus de 250 kg, tel que le PTRA depasse 3,5t
access forbidden to vehicles towing a caravan or a trailer weighing more than 250 kg, such that the PTRA exceeds 3.5t
voies soumises a prescriptions
routes subject to prescriptions
station de vidange pour caravanes, autocaravanes et cars
emptying station for caravans, motor homes and coaches (sports team bus)
narrow passage
The lines of various ways
- Storage lane: usually placed in the middle of the road, it serves to wait without generating before turning to the left
- acceleration: it is a route of insertion planned to launch without generosity the other users. the yellow car must yield the passage.
- Deceleration: I slow down when I’m in the lane. But sometimes a speed limit requires me to slow down before I get totally in between.
During overtaking: I regularly monitor the users who follow me, because they can overtake me. When I am about to be passed, I keep my pace and, if necessary, on a narrow road, I squeeze to the right.
When the vehicle is in front of me, and if only the situation requires it, I can slow down to help the drawdown. Otherwise, I do not change my pace.
fin d’interdiction de dépasser
end of prohibition to overtake (pass)
Balise - signalisation de position des intersections de routes
Beacon indicating where there is an intersection on the route
sortie d’une aire routiere
Exit of an area on the route where you can go to take a break from driving
autres dangers
other hazards
Hybrid mixed lines: Users who have the continuous line of their side can not ride or cross it
risque de chute de pierres ou de présence sur la route de pierres tombées
risk of falling rocks or presence on the road of fallen stones
Balise - manche a air
windsock - a light, flexible cylinder or cone mounted on a mast to show the direction and strength of the wind, especially at an airfield.
as for prohibition signs, the obligation signs take effect at the place where they are implanted
- sometimes with flashing yellow lights when the danger is high, this sign indicates various dangers specified by a sign:
at. inclined trees can damage a high vehicle (van, caravan or motorhome)
b. fog is frequent
c. the factory outlet can affect every day of the week
d. a fire station exit - The slippery road can have various origins:
at. ice
b. pluie
c. passage of agricultural tractors
d. beet harvesting campaigns
indication aux frontieres des limites de vitesse sur le territoire francais
Speed limits for in town, out of town, and on the autoroute
Alternate directions for work: Work may reclaim a passage alternately. The directions of movement can be managed by lights or by technicians carrying movable panels, or by panels.
Traffic: Agglomeration is the place where many fragile users (pedestrians, cyclists and moped riders) and specific users meet.
The reserved lanes: The lanes reserved for buses, sometimes also authorized for taxis and cyclists, are forbidden to the traffic of the other users and to the stop or the parking. Attention, they can be against sense.
The edge lines of the road
- Classic: It delimits the shoulder on both sides of the road
- Continue left: If it is permanent, it confirms that the roadway is one-way
- Intersection: It locates the infrastructure of the intersection, before and after
passage d’animaux domestiques
passage of domestic animals
itineraire Bis route faible trafic and touristique
low road traffic and touristic
- danger
- permanent
- temporaire
acces interdit aux vehicules, vehicules articules, trains doubles ou ensemble de vehicules dont la longueur est superieure au nombre indique
access forbidden to vehicles, articulated vehicles, double trains or combinations of vehicles whose length is greater than the number indicated
- general purpose: End of all the prohibitions previously reported, imposed on vehicles in motion
- It is intended for vehicles in motion and, therefore, does not put an end to a ban on parking or stopping
sortie d’aire pietonne
Exiting an area of pedesterians
stationnement interdit du 16 a la fin du mois
Parking forbidden from the 16th to the end of the month
black ice frequent
Visibility: Due to poor visibility due to rain or fog, I reduce my speed to the space I need to stop. There is nothing more dangerous than blindly following a user in front of you, trusting him.
If the visibility is less than 50 m, I must not exceed 50 km / h, even on the highway! In fact, I adapt my speed to visibility by associating the figures of the visible distance and the speed.
fin d’obligation de l’usage des chaînes à neige
end of obligation to use snow chains
signalisation temporaire - chaussee glissante
slippery road
Roads with access regulation:
For a speed to be allowed at 110 km / h on a road, the traffic directions must be separated by a median. Attention, a road with regulated access can be in two directions of circulation, in this case, the speed is limited to 80 or 90 km / h
créneau de dépassement à trois voies affectées deux voies dans un sens et une voie dans l’autre
three-way passing slot assigned two lanes in one direction and one lane in the other
chaines a neige obligatoires sur au moins deux roues motrices
snow chains required on at least two driving wheels
Beware of overtaking lanes
1. In a single sense, no one will come face to face. I can stay in the left lane to pass several users at once, but I have to go back to the right
- On two-lane and two-way traffic lanes, overtaking shall take place on the lane reserved for traffic in the opposite direction. I am waiting for this way to be free.
- On a three-lane roadway, the middle one is sometimes used for overtaking for both directions of traffic. I can not use the leftmost lane. Beware of users who turn left when they think they exceed.
sortie de zone a stationnement unilateral a alternance semi-mensuelle et a duree limitee, avaec controle par disques
exit of zone has parking unilateral alternation semi-monthly and has limited duration, with control by discs
moyen de lutte contre l’incendie
Fire extinguisher means of fire fighting
conditions particulieres de circulation par voie sur la route suivie
special road conditions on the route followed
point de départ d’un télésiège ou d’une télécabine
starting point of a chairlift or gondola lift
poste de secours
help station
- Between the entrance panel and the agglomeration exit sign, I must abide by the rules specific to it. Including the rules on stopping and parking,
- The speed is limited to 50 km / h and it is forbidden to honk unless there is immediate danger.
- A one-off limitation sometimes allows the 70 km / h on a troncon, month it can just as well be more restrictive for a category of vehicles throughout the agglomeration.
- A pedestrian zone is limited to 30 km / h or less.
- A road may continue to be a priority if the diamond is placed on the agglomeration entrance panel
- Pedestrians are fragile users, as are cyclists. Slow vehicles are often surrounded by men at work.
- Watch out for lanes reserved for buses or cyclists. I yield to these passengers when I want to turn in front of them I must wait for them to pass in their lane
Special information:
The information is twofold. Do not provoke a fire by throwing a cigarette butt or a match, and do not engage if a fire has occurred.
elements de reperage utilises sur les routes departementales
locating elements used on departmental roads
fin de voie verte
End of the green way or lane
bifurcation d’autoroutes
- Flashing yellow light to attract attention and slow down. The flashing yellow lights draw attention to a particularly dangerous place. I slow down to adjust my speed.
- Lane assignment lights open and close lanes to traffic. I find them at motorway junctions, at the entrance and in the tunnels, as well as on large bridges.
a. lane closed
b. lane open
c. change lanes at the side of the arrow
vitesse minimale obligatoire
minimum speed required
Direction obligatoire a la prochaine intersection: tout droit ou a gauche
Mandatory direction at the next intersection: straight or left
lieu aménagé pour la pratique du covoiturage
a place for carpooling
- Outside agglomeration: This sign is repeated after each intersection and every 5 km
- In built-up areas: This sign is repeated just before each intersection or on a block of traffic lights
- Agglomeration entry: The road keeps its status during the crossing of the agglomeration
- In the case of a fast road or motorway junction, one of the branches may retain or lose its status as a priority
signaux tricolore de contrôle de flot
tricolor flow control signals
arret d’autobus
bus stop
station d’autopartage
car pool station
- this sign covers all goods vehicles, including vans. He is independent of the PTAC
- this sign applies to all vehicles whose length exceeds the number indicated. If I tow a long trailer, I am concerned.
- this sign only designates trailers with a GVW of more than 250 kg
- this sign designates vehicles towing a caravan or a trailer over 250 kg and whose total weight, vehicle plus trailer, does not exceed 3.5 t
- this sign designates vehicles equipped with snow chains. Sometimes a mention - snow tires allowed - accompanies
signalisation temporaire - indication de chantier important ou de situations diverses
road work next 15 km
gare de téléphérique
cable car station
Poste de recharge de vehicules electriques ouvert 7 jours sur 7 et 24 heures sur 24 assurant le ravitaillement en gaz de petrole liquefie (GPL)
Service station to recharge electric cars or GPL for mopeds
Being passed - When a user passes me, I have some obligations to respect. I must consider that the one who passes me has calculated his maneuver according to my position, my trajectory, and my speed.
sortie de zone a stationnement payant
exit from paid parking area
Fog frequently
It is a very risky maneuver when there is no protection because I
must slow down, or even stop, on the lane used for overtaking in both directions of traffic.
1. I warn well in advance;
2. I make stop-lamp calls
3. I avoid this type of maneuver!
Indicaions associated with a particular space usage rule:
- The stop and the parking are reserved for the only user group designated by the sign
- Parking is free or regulated. Even on free parking, parking is limited to 7 days
- The parking of caravans and motorhomes is regulated. Placements are then planned.
accès interdit aux cyclomoteurs
No access to mopeds
accès interdit aux véhicules pesant sur un essieu plus que le nombre indiqué
access prohibited to vehicles weighing on an axle more than the indicated number
annonce de feux tricolores
announcement of traffic lights
fin de voie réservée aux véhicules des services réguliers de transport en commun
end of lane reserved for regular transit service vehicles
débit de boissons ou établissement proposant des collations sommaires ouvert 7 jours sur 7
a drinking establishment or establishment offering snacks open 7 days a week
- these animals are manifested especially at night, in forests …
locate: intersections are not always visible in the environment. A gap in the vegetation or in the alignment of trees can be a clue. the tags are used to see them from day to night.
Slow down: Depending on the visibility of the entire intersection and the roads that cross my axis, I will slow down. If necessary, I place at least the foot in front of the brake, in protection
feux bicolores pour pietons
two-color pedestrian lights
- the signs specify the obligation to affix the disc or to respect time slots
- In the cases below, the signs indicate the parking place
a. electric vehicle charging location
b. location reserved for users with reduced mobility
c. stopping and parking reserved for cars with carsharing label
- Indications of leisure activities: while passing nearby, I remain vigilant because of the presence of pedestrians who practice their activity of leisure. These 2 pannels are often present on the rest areas of motorways.
entree d’un zone de stationnement payant
entrance to a paid parking area
parfois dote de feux jaunes clignotants lorsque le danger est elevel, ce panneau signale divers dangers precises par un panonceau
sometimes with flashing yellow lights when the danger is high, this sign indicates various dangers specified by a sign
- Indication (info)
- avec des regles
- Information simple
paiement automatique par pieces et billets
automatic payment by coins and bills
gare auto/train
car/train station
chemin obligatoire reserve aux cavaliers
compulsory path reserved for riders
Before / during / after
The directions signals are implanted to take care of the user early enough and lead without hesitation where he wants to surrender.
- a presignalization a few hundred meters before
- advanced signage just before the change of direction
- Position signaling at the location of the change of direction
- after the change of direction a panel confirms the direction taken
voie réservée aux véhicules des services réguliers de transport en commun
reserved lane for regular community transit service vehicles
First, we must define what an intersection is. These are roads from different directions that intersect at the same level. There are then several cases of intersections. Warning. The widest street does not necessarily benefit from a priority of passage.
Cross Intersection: This is the classic case of most intersections. The danger comes from the left as from the right.
T-intersection: Only one branch connects to a road. Be careful if I open the bottom branch. The danger comes from left and right
Bifurcation: This is the separation of a road in two.
Junction: These are two roads that come together to make one
Roundabout: This facility serves to slow down and smooth traffic
serie de virages dangereux dont le premier est a gauche
series of dangerous curves with the first being to the left
- Signs are classified into two categories: simple indication and indication associated with a rule of behavior
- Each road network panel has a defined color: blue, green, white, or yellow
- As a general rule, on frequent networks, the signaling is done in four stages: well before announcement, close to presignalisation, in position, then in confirmation
- When there are arrows, they concern the tracks that are below
Lights with intersection signs:
- The lights work: I do not take into account the signs. Here, I do not have to give way.
- The light is yellow flashing: I take into account the signs. In the presence of the diamond, other users must give me the passage. It is the same if it is a bared arrow.
- Lights do not work: I take into account the signs or I apply the general rule said priority right Here, I give way to the right.
Indications of a single meaning:
There are special rules for one-way traffic:
at. Possibility to park or stop on the left
b. move to the left of the road to turn left
- Leaving a parking lot, a shopping center, a private place or a dirt road, I give way.
- I give way before cutting a reserved lane
- I do not agree if the intersection is congested
- I facilitate the start or the maneuvering of buses in urban areas
- I respect as a priority the actions of the agents who take precedence over any other signage
- I am alert to variable message signs or dynamic signage that may alert me to a specific risk situation.
Balise - présignalisation d’un passage à niveau
advance warning of a crossing
base de loisir
leisuire base
itineraire Bis
Bis route
selection channels
1. Storage lane on the left: A lane protected by a marking on the ground, and sometimes by a platform, makes it possible to slow down and wait in safety to yield the passage in front.
- a normal channel can become a storage channel.
- Storage lane on the right: Sometimes an exit lane on the right allows you to wait before cutting the axis you have just left. There may be a cedez-le-passage sign, stop sign or lights.
- I stop at the toll station except in the case of the telepeage, which I can cross at a pace.
- I walk around and observe the signs of the agents
- A portable flashing red light or a red lantern may be used to stop traffic at night.
- A motorway may periodically experience overloads. In this case a route of substitution (route S) allows to double this network by taking another route
- Number 19 is used to locate the exchanger. It is often followed by a distance indication (ex 25 km)
- There are two kinds of signs:
at. Useful information for users and including a rule
b. the simple indications of infrastructure or facilities made available to road users
These signs are located near the premises and are often advertised upstream with a sign of distance. They may also concern only one category of users.
reduction du nombre de voies
Reduction of lanes
vitesses limitees
limited speeds
L’axe principal vire a gauche
L’axe principal has priority and turns to the left
sortie d’une zone de rencontre
Exit the zone of meeting area
Forbidden except from 19h to 9h
cedez le passage a l’intersection. Signal avance
Yield the passage at the next intersection. Sign indicates in what distance this will occur.
debouche sur un quai ou une berge
leads to a dock or a bank
- danger
- permanent
- cyclistes
- debouche de cyclistes venant de droite ou de gauche
violent wind
be careful
passage à niveau muni de barrières ou demi barrières à fonctionnement automatique lors du passage des trains
level crossing equipped with automatic barriers or half gates when passing trains
Intersection avec une route dont les usagers doivent céder le passage
Intersection with a road whose users must yield the passage
The guide lines on the road:
- continuous line: Do not ride or cross. Except obstacle, works or cyclist
- Discontinuous lane delimitation line: It allows passing other vehicles
Be careful, they are similar but do not mean the same thing
- Deterrence line to override: Allows to pass only very slow vehicles. It is only present on narrow and winding lanes.
- Continuous Line Announcement Line: With three arrows, it is also called a warning line
- Exit deterrence line: This line only prohibits a sudden change from the left lane to the exit. It remains possible to pass vehicles
A bus carrying children is endowed with the front and the back of this logo. I have to slow down when he is stopped. Moreover, I do not go beyond it with extreme caution. On a narrow road, I prefer to stop and wait for him to restart.
understand: Quickly, I try to find out how the paths cross, how to apply the order of passage and how to place myself according to the direction I will follow
Observe: I observe the users. their speed, their investments, their directional intentions. I try to see in their behavior if they saw me and if they take into account my presence.
When I overtake a heavy vehicle, I am prepared to have to maintain my trajectory with flexibility, because I can undergo a displacement of air at the height of the vehicle and especially at the end of the overtaking
Balise - balisage de virages
Beacon - marking of where the road curves
Novice drivers:
Drivers in probationary period and those
in are subject to road speeds, ie:
110 km / h instead of 130 km / h
100 km / h instead of 110 km / h
80 km / h on other roads.
Applying the disk is mandatory during 3 years (2 years for those who have completed the Early Learning of Driving).
- Prescription panels take effect at the place where they are implanted. The effect ends at the next intersection or in the presence of an end-of-prescription panel.
- Prohibitions limit access to categories of users, maneuvering, speed, stopping and / or parking
- Obligations are there to guide or impose ways to categories of users
- Watch out for reserved lanes, as users must yield the passage before driving on the main axis. I remain cautious.
bifurcation entre deux autoroutes
bifurcation between two highways
panonceaux complementaires aux panneaux de stationnement et d’arrets
additional signs to parking and stop signs
terrain de camping pour caravanes et autocaravanes
campground for caravans and motorhomes
- This sign authorizes me to stop straddling the sidewalk, on the delimited sites. In the picture, the text is replaced by a symbol. Watch out for pedestrians and baby carriages
- Only the emergency stop remains authorized on this site (breakdown, malaise).
- This location indicated by a red and white checkerboard makes it possible to stop a vehicle with brake failure in a descent. It is not reserved for heavy vehicles only. The stop or the parking around is very dangerous.
sortie a droite et a gauche
- The colors of panels: The colors used for the directional signs serve to differentiate the networks or the itineraries.
- The red cartridge identifies a national route
- the yellow cartridge identifies a departmental road
- These signs are placed before the intersection
a. I make sure to place myself well. I turn right after the sign.
b. Signaling sometimes complementary to all these obligations.
distributeur de billets de banque
ATM machine