Pre work- pathophysiology of stress Flashcards
what is stress?
the term stress descirbes pathophysiological chnages following exposure to diverse pshycail/chemical or emotional challenegs
stree encompases- the stimuli (input), the processing systems (areas of the brian) and the resposne (stress)
is stress normaL?
stress reponse is normala daptive reponse- it becomes more associated with pathophysiological aspects that occur when stress is chronic
desciribe stage 1 stress?
- comost common
- alarm reaction to stress
- symapthetic NS and HPA
- when strssfil situation ends, endocine signals switche off
dilate spupils, inhbtiion of slaivation
lump in throat- msucle tenstion, pit ins tomach
accelrated heartrate releaxcec bronchi
stimulates glucose release
secretion fo Adr and Nadr
describe stage 2 Stress
stage 2= episdic stress- reisitance0- strugrrl to overcome
adpation to stress- sustaine reelaise of cortisol- when acute stress bceoms chronic- the HPA takes over form symapthetic nervous system
associated with particualr environments
describe stage 3 stress
chronric stress
fatigue, irritablity vulnerbale to illnes
body reosuces depleted
what is generl adpation syndrome GAS
our stress reponse system defentds (acuate-alarm reaction- fight or flight stage 1),
thne oyds reistance to stress (stage 2) only lasts so long before exhaustion)
then stage 3- exhaustion- chronic

describe the hypothalmic pituriatary adrenal axis with regards to stress
hyptohalamus- releas CRF (cortioctrophin releasing hormone)
acts on anterior pitiutiary (reales ACTH - adrenocrotpicortooin. hormones)
adenal cortex- releases cortisol
will be relased for several ours after sress

which areas of the hypthalamus are assoicated wit sexual response
females- ventromedial nucleis hypthalamus
males- preoptic areas
sexual dimorphic nucleus- in the preoptic area- linked to sexual orientation
what is the hppothalamus involved in teh control in
sexual repsonse
temperature regualtion
GI feeding and regulation
regulaiont of water (sense thirst)
sleep wake cycle and behaviour
descirbe the control of feeding behaviours in the ypothalamus
orexigneic- desire to eat- low nutrients, carcadianrhtym, GI stretch
Anorexigenic (desire not to eat)- higb nutrients, circdation rhythm GI strethc
what are cortisol metbaollic effects?
adipose tissue- breakdown fo fat
apncrease- inhbuiti insulin relase-n hyperglycaemai
liver- glucos eproduction (gluceneogesis)
skslete maucle- icnrease in protein degradation
adipose tissue- increased loplysis
bone- matric breadown
Mobilisation of energy sotres int imes of stress!