Nutritional requirements with age Flashcards
why is folate supplementation important in prgenancy?
importatn for neualr tube dveelopment- reduce levels of folate increase risk of neural tube defects- anencephaly, encaphaloceles, spina bifia.
needed in the ealry stage dyas 17-30 Neural tube fuses
recommende taken when trying to get pregnant
what is the tole of Vitamin D in development?
plays vital role in bone development during pregnancy
increase doese to 10ug per day
healthy start vouchers availabel of NHS
rickets- in those who lack
why is calcium important?
vitamin D replated, calcium is deposited in feotus during development of he bpnes
approx 30g is used over the courser of average pregnancy
can be derieved entriely from mother bone reservoirs
why is iron needed mpore than normal durng pregnancy?
matenral haemotopoies
foetal ahemotapoensis
foeta; haemtoaogenseiss
normal dietary requirments- provided more than required amoutns fo rion-= no specific interventions for pregnancy unless already bordelrin e before
why are long chain omega 3 fatty acids needed in pregnancy?
increase need in pregnancy
development of foetal CNS and retina
eat 3 poritons of sih per week, 1 of whcih is oily
what vitamin supplemetn should be avoided in pregnancy?
vitamin A- teratogen
avoid eating liver and supplementation
what should not be consuemd during pregnancy?
alchol- teratogen
caffiene- no more than 3 cups of tea, or 1 filter coffee a day
avoid- rae eggs (not lion grade), pate and raw meat- due to risk fo slamonellea, listeria or toxoplassmsoi
during an average pregnancy how much weight will a women gain?
4850g- productys of conception- foetus, amniotic fluid, palcenta
-meternal tissues- extrafluiid, uterus, breast blood- 4305g
maternal fat stores- 3345g
how many more calories a dya shpuild a women eat during pregnancy?
200Kcal per day
undenutrion- IUGR
Over nutrtion- macrosomia and gestational diabetets
what is colostrum and when is it produced
first 2 days after birth- low in macrosnutrients
but contaisn important components of babys immune system
then under goes period of change- cotnain mroe water, lactose and fats
why is breast feeding good?
- reduce risk of
- childhood leukaema
- obesity in adultoods
- linked with increase mother baby bonding and a higher IQ in the child
- recommended exlcusive for 6 months
what are the main consituetns of bottle feeding
whey and casein protien
higher level of protein and lack of immune support main difference to breat milk
what foods are good/bad to ween (6 months who, uk most after 17 weeks)
- good to wean
- starch foods- bread rice pastaa
- dairy- cheese jogurt
- fruit and vege
- cooked meat fish eggs
- easy to chew!
- bad
- immune sysytem still dveeloped- gluten, eggs, seafood, unpastruateires diarys- avoid
- shark, amrlinm, swordish too much mervury
- whole nuts a no before 5 due to choking risk
Describe pre-school dieatry requirements
establishment of solid foods
toddler shave high calorie requiremnts relative to sixe- small meals and frequent snakcs
require higher levels of rion than adults duet growht
high fat diet, low added sugars, dont add salt (associaiton with hypertneison in later lfie)
what micronutrtients do adolsecents require more than adoelscnes
males- muscle mass icnrease
females- mesntraul flow begining
more claicum too
what is a healthy BMI- how many caloreis for males and females?
2500 males
females 2000
BMI maint between 18.5-24.9
5 portiosn fo fruti and veg
what may be acause of undernuttrion in the elderly
oeosphagela, gastric intestinal disease
neurlopgical disease
dental disease
Vitamin D- skin less efficent at convertinf Vitamin D to acitve form- less activ etoo less exposure to sunogiht/ housbound/institutionalsied