Pre Solo Exam Flashcards
When two aircraft are approaching at approximately the same altitude on converging headings, which aircraft shall give way?
Ref: CAR 162
The aircraft that has the other on its right shall give way.
When two aircraft are approaching head on or approximately so, and there is danger of collision, which shall give way?
Ref: CAR 162
Each aircraft shall alter its heading to the right
One aircraft is on final approach to land, another is prepared for takeoff, which has the right of way?
Ref: CAR 162
The aircraft on final approach
What is the meaning of the following ground signals:
A. Horizontal white dumbbell displayed adjacent to primary wind direction indicator.
B. White cross displayed adjacent to primary wind direction indicator.
C. White cross displayed on manoeuvring area.
D. Double white cross displayed adjacent to primary wind sock.
Ref: AIP ENR 1.5 - 51
A. Use hard surface runways and taxiways only.
B. Aerodrome completely unserviceable.
C. Area is unfit for use by aircraft.
D. Gliding operations in progress.
What is the meaning of the following light signals directed at pilots from the control tower in flight: A. Steady green. B. Steady red. C. Green flashes. D. Red flashes. E. White flashes.
Ref: AIP ENR 1.5 - 50
A. Clear to land if no risk of collision. B. Do not land, continue circling. C. Return to land. D. Aerodrome unsafe, do not land. E. No significance.
What is the meaning of the following light signals directed at pilots from the control tower on the ground: A. Steady green. B. Steady red. C. Green flashes. D. Red flashes. E. White flashes.
Ref: AIP ENR 1.5 - 50
A. Clear for takeoff if no risk of collision. B. Stop. C. Clear to taxi. D. Taxi clear of landing area. E. Return to starting point.
Who is responsible for maintaining separation with other aircraft?
Ref: CAR 163(A)
How are unserviced sections of a movement area marked?
Ref: AIP AD 1.1
By white cone markers on the affected area, with the limits of such area outlined by white cone markers with a wide horizontal red band.
What is meant by QNH altimeter settings?
Ref: AIP GEN 2.2 - 23
The atmospheric pressure corresponding to mean sea level at a particular place.
What is the minimum fuel which must be carried on a private VFR flight in an Aero Club aircraft?
Ref: RACWA Operations Manual
Sufficient for flight + 45 min reserve
Whose responsibility is it to ensure that this minimum amount of fuel is carried?
Ref: RACWA Operations Manual
What post flight administrative action must a pilot take if the aircraft develops a defect or any damage is sustained or suspected while operating the aircraft?
Ref: AIP ENR 1.14
Report the incident to owner, operator, or a licensed engineer and enter the particulars on the Maintenance Release.
When necessary, follow up with an incident report.
What should you transmit to Jandakot Class D airport prior to takeoff?
Ref: AIP ENR 1.1 - 41 Para 31
Jandakot Tower, (Aircraft Callsign), ready for circuits/destination via departure route.
What should you transmit if you wish to conduct circuits and the ATIS says “start clearance required for circuits”?
Ref: AIP ENR 1.1 - 41 Para 31
Jandakot Ground, (Aircraft Callsign) request start for circuits.
Using a diagram, show how a holding point is marked.
Ref: AIP AD 1.1 - 10 Para 3.8.4
By four yellow lines across the taxiway, two continuous and the other two a series of spaced lines.
When should a radio listening watch be established by a pilot who is departing from an aerodrome located within: A. Primary control zone B. Class D control zone C. CTAF (R) D. A CTAF
Ref: CAR 243
From parking position before commencing taxi
How should the following altimeter indications be expressed?
A. 3000 ft
B. 1800 ft
Ref: AIP GEN 3.4 - 15 Para 4.11
A. Three thousand
B. One thousand eight hundred
What is the minimum height at which the pilot in command may alter heading from the takeoff heading?
Ref: CAR 166
500’ above terrain, unless directed by ATC or is necessary due to terrain
When is a right hand turn after takeoff permitted?
Ref: CAR 166
Controlled Aerodromes:
When tower says “Make right turn” or on parallel runways.
Uncontrolled Aerodromes:
When it is a published right hand circuit for that runway or 3nm from the aerodrome
During what type of flying is the carriage of passengers prohibited?
Ref: CAR 249
A. GFPT practice
B. Emergency procedure practice
C. Low flying practice
D. Testing an aircraft
Draw a diagram to show when an aircraft is said to be an overtaking aircraft.
Ref: CAR 162
B must pass on the right.
Draw a diagram to show when an aircraft is said to be an overtaking aircraft?
Ref: CAR 162
What requirements apply to VFR flights below 2000’ AGL?
Ref: AIP ENR 1.2 - 1 Para 1.1
The pilot must be able to navigate by visual reference to the ground or water (not above cloud)
What occurrence, either on the ground or in the air, would necessitate the submission of an incident report by the pilot in command of an aircraft.
Ref: AIP ENR 1.14
Any occurrences in which:
A. Aircraft suffers damage or a persons suffers injury.
B. The aircraft has forced landing.
C. The aircraft lands at a scheduled aerodrome in an unairworthy condition.
D. The aircraft is compelled to land at the aerodrome of departure without completing the scheduled flight.
E. The aircraft lands owing to conditions which makes continuance of the flight inadvisable.
F. The position of the aircraft becomes unknown for any period.
G. The safety of the aircraft, or of any persons or property is jeopardised.
What instruments are mandatory for flight under VFR?
Ref: CAO 20.18 & Flight Manual
- Compass
- Altimeter
- Air Speed Indicator (ASI)
- Time Piece
- Plus those specified in Flight Manual
Draw in the circuit patterns for Jandakot and name the legs
Left Hand Circuit - 06L, 24L, 12, 30
Right Hand Circuit - 06R, 24R
Upwind, Crosswind, Downwind, Base, Final
State your actions should your radio fail in the circuit area.
Ref: ERSA / Instructor
- Maintain good lookout and separation from other traffic.
- Check switches in correct position.
- Check headphones / microphone jacks are secure.
- Try another frequency.
- Continue approach and watch for lights from tower.
- Keep good lookout and land when safe to do so.
On final approach you are told to go around. State the correct actions you would take.
Ref: AIP ENR 1.1 - 32 Para 16.4
- Apply full power.
- Nose on horizon, retracting flaps in stages.
- Fly to live side of runway.
- Maintain good lookout.
What is a NOTAM?
Ref: AIP GEN 2.2 - 18
Notice to Airmen
What are the rules regarding flying and the consumption of alcohol?
Ref: CAR 256
A person shall not have consumed alcohol 8 hours prior to performing duties as a pilot.
State your actions should the voltage light illuminate during flight or on the ground.
Ref: Pilots Operating Handbook / Instructor
- Turn off radios and electrics then turn the master/alternator switch off then on.
- Check circuit breakers.
How many consecutive hours are you permitted to fly solo without a dual check?
Ref: CASR 61.115
Prior to RPL - 3 hours
A pilot licence is valid as long as you have a current medical.
How often is a medical required?
Ref: CASR 67.205
Below 40 years old - 4 years
Over 40 years old - 2 years
When checking the magnetos, what is the maximum permissible drop in RPM and what is the maximum difference between the two?
Ref: Pilots Operating Handbook
125 RPM and 50 RPM
What would you do if during the pre takeoff checks the RPM drop was exceeded or the engine ran rough?
Ref: Instructor
You have been instructed to follow an aircraft, but cannot see that aircraft. What would you do and say?
Ref: Instructor
Acknowledge (Aircraft Callsign) only.
Then you’d say (Aircraft Callsign) traffic not sighted.