Pre-Sale RFP Experience Flashcards
Do you have any pre-sale experience
yes i was involved in proposal response for Morgan Stanley Quality Center of Excellence, shortly called QCoE
What was the objective of the RFP
Morgan Stanley wanted to set up a QCoE program. The main objective of the program was to:
a) Operating and consolidating at scale (processes, standards, tools and metrics)
b) Delivering significant innovation
c) Providing successful project management at scale
What CG expect to demonstrate with the proposal
a) Deep knowledge of Morgan Stanley applications and environment from the past 12-year relationship
b) Provide industry leading, best in class processes
c) Industry leadership
d) Colloborative and transformational approach to create unique testing solution
What did we do
We demonstrated understanding of the program requirements by clearly stating:
a) Programs Objectives, Vision and Principles
b) Current State Challenges
c) Contract and Pricing Approach
d) Transformation Requirements
What are the components of RFP document
Demonstration of understanding of the requirements,
Current State Challenges, Pricing Approach, Scope, Proposed Solution, Roles and Responsibilities, Governance Model, Head count/ Cost Savings (commercials), Issues/Risk Management