Pre Midter Flashcards
Who Model of disability
ICF: international classification of functioning disability and health
Functioning: umbrella term for all body functions activities and participation
Disability: Umberella term for all impairment, activity limitations and participation restrictions
WHO: World health organization
-Aim is to have a bio-phsycosocial model that intergrates the medical and social model together
Self Determined if
Autonomy: act freely without pressure
self regulation: decided how to act, acts out decision, evaluates outcomes, reacts to outcome and modifies behaviour accordingly
physiological empowerment: elements of percieved control such as, cognitive, personality and motivational domains
Self Realizing: strong awareness of their own strength and weaknesses, self awareness comes with experience
Basic Principles of APA (and life)
- include the person experiencing disability in making decisions
- give individuals choice
- partial participation is perferred over not participating
- people living with impairment shhould be offered same variety of sports games, rec activities as peers
- community based activities should be taught in the community whenever possible.
- focus on capacities rather then deficits, driven by the person and promotes sytem change rather than the individual.
- All about the relationship, togetherness, intertwined
Help Should be
- initiated by the person in need of help
- offer to help should not be patronizing
- the help asks before assisting then waits until the offer is accepted
- supervision of help is listened to and honoured
- helper does not persist if help is unnecessary
- only offer help if willing to be turned down
helplessness, a state of need, incopetence and functional incapacity
Self regulation, control, ability or opportunity to make choices about ones life
clapton says if we value independence of being human then we risk human beings
Imapirment types and onset
-Physical, sensory, learning, communication, behavioral, developmental
Onset: Congenital, Acquired
Inclusion & integration
Inclusion: social acceptance, belonging, sense of fitting in
Integration: Proximity
- act of instantly accepting without proof
- something deemed to be true without supporting evidence
- grounded in attitudes and beliefs
- assumptions and beliefs grounded in experience and fear
- assumptions, attitudes and beliefs grounded in history
Paradigm (Disability paradigm)
- paridigm of the world is a basic set of beliefs or philosophical assumptions that guide an individuals inquires
- defines for its holder “the nature of the world, the individuals place in it, and the range of possible relationships to that world
- disability paradigms: religeous, medical, eugenic, charitable, social, minority, admin privilege
4 paradigms of apa
Faculty based: institutions, residential programs, special school
- restricting interaction with society
- corretctive therapy
Service based: 1950’s increase awareness and concern for institutions
- ww11 veterans acess to rehab/employment
- benefits for physical activity for persons with impairment
- skills to re-intergrate in society
support based inclusion: shift to not be seperate program
- istructional strategies
- all welcome, inclusive setting
Empowerment/self determination: previous models purported expert incharge
-shifting disability as defective (medical) to disability as different (social minority)
Defining APA
Adapted Physical Activity
- to enhance learning, practice, enjoyment of independant physical activity
- The adaptation should enhance choice and opportunity, leading people to become empowered
What should you look for in a program?
Variety: all exercise domains, keep participant motivated
social environment: ages, experience level, competitive or rec
safety (physical/emotional): physical ability considered, knowlegable instructors
Adapted equipment: assistive devises, pool lifts
Elements of self determined behaviour
- choice making
- internal locus of control
- decision making
- self efficiency, persons belief in ability to change the world
- problem solving
- self awareness, knowing what youre thinking/feeling
- goal setting and attainment
- self knowledge, knowing what youre thinking or feeling that way
- self observation, evaluation and reinforcement
social Model
- Proposed 1975 by union of physically impaired against segregation (UPIAS)
- rejected charitable status, rejected experts
- UPIAS believed that political change was essential for advancement of disabled people
-disability is not located in the body, it is in the physcical, administrative and social barriers that people experience to limin their participation in life
Religeous model
disability seen as a result of evil spirits, whitchcraft, the devil or gods displeasure
- disability is associated with demonization and victimization, people were ill treated and unfavourably described
- OR people with disability are seen as an opportunity for people to respond with kindness
- not necissarily looking and veiwing them as people
Medical Model
Disability locate in the body
- cause of bodily difference must be diagnosed
- bodily difference can then be cured
- dissability is an individual problem and above all else, tragic
- doctors and technology hold all hope for correcting disability
- The doctors are the experts, not the people of their own bodies
Eugenic model
- what is normal
- normal enters around 1840, adolph quelet , mathmetician astronomer, statistitian.
- law of error - average man middle class
- eugenics aims to eliminate disability, and others at the bottom of the bell curve, anyone not seen as normal
- passive eugenics, locking people up keeping them out of the gene pool
- active eugenics involves sterilization in alberta 1928-72
Economic model
Concept of disability is about the result of a political conflict about disruptive criteria and appropriate recipiants of social aid.
- AISH assured income for the severly handicapt
- also called administrative priveledge model
- wealth distributed through eithe a work based system or a needs based system
- Disability is an adminestrative category in the needs based system
- early 20th century disability insurance starts to appear
- workhouse test validating disability
Charitable Model Disability
- Draws upon religeous, medical and eugenic model
- disability is tragic and is an opportunity for able bodied people to become and be better people (Religeous and medical)
- organizations are focused around specific diagnosis (medical)
- often funding research to eliminate disability is priority (medical, eugenic)
APA’s Role
- many orginizations, charities or non profit
- often run and employed by able bodied people
- Benifit: more easily access funding
- Dangers: do not know feelings and need of disabled people