- Alteration in DNA sequence that is rare in
the population - Typically affects phenotype
- base - pair change in any part of the DNA molecule
- are recessive and cause a loss-of-function
refers to theprocess of altering a DNA sequence.
- genes’ product is reduced or absent
- gene’s activity changes
- tend to be dominant and are also called “TOXIC”
- the differences between organisms caused by alternates form of DNA
- alteration/change at the DNA or chromosome level.
- “many forms”
- alteration in DNA sequence that is common in the population
- Do not severely affect the phenotype
- Short tandem repeats (microsatellites):
: short repeating units (2-6 nucleotides), vary in number among individuals and is often used in DNA
profiling and paternity testing
Short tandem repeats (microsatellites)
- refers to phenotype; describes an allele.
- depends upon how the mutation affects the gene’s product or activity, and usually connotes an abnormal or unusual characteristic.
- may also be a rare variant that is nevertheless “normal,” such as red hair.
___________ mutation treats HIV infection
o Occurs in the gametes during DNA
replication before meiosis
o All cells will have the mutation
- are transmitted to the next generation of individuals.
germline mutation
- occurs in ANY CELL IN THE BODY except germ cells
- happens during DNA replication before mitosis
- passed to the next generation of cells but NOT PASSED TO ALL CELLS
- has “somatic mosaicism”
somatic mutation
occur in cells that divide often, such as skin and
blood cells
Somatic mosaicism
- Changes in the nucleotide sequence of gene with no known cause
- Generally assumed to be accidental
- Originates as an error in DNA replication, may be due to the lack of DNA repair
- also manifests as “gonadal mosaicism”
Spontaneous mutation
likelihood of a gene to undergo mutation in a single generation or in a single gamete
Spontaneous mutation rate
where mutations are more likely to occur,
where sequences are repetitive
may confuse replication enzymes
Mutational hotspots
- Result from the influence of external factors (mutagens), such as exposure to CHEMICAL/RADIATION
- may be the result of either natural/artificial agents
Induced mutation
- agents of mutations
- Base analogs,
- alkylating agents,
- intercalating agents,
- adduct-forming agents (acetaldehyde
and heterocyclic amines) - UV LIGHT
- base pairing mutation
- Base analogs,
- alkylating agents,
- intercalating agents,
- adduct-forming agents (acetaldehyde
and heterocyclic amines)
point mutation, most common mutagen
➢ UV light, sunlight, and ionizing radiation
Radiation mutagens
can be found inserted into our DNA
➢ Viruses and transposable elements
Biological mutagens
caused by environmental pollutants and
lifestyle factors
➢ Tobacco smoke and alcohol
Environmental mutagens
Common products containing mutagens
- Hair dye
- Smoked meats
- Certain flame retardants in children’s sleepwear
- Food additives
- Developed by DR. BRUCE ARMES in 1970s
- commonly used method that uses bacteria (Salmonella typhimurium) to test if the chemical can cause mutation in the DNA of the test organism
- Indication: produces a measurable increase in the number of colonies
Ames Test
Accidental exposure to mutagens:
- Workplace contact before danger is known
- Industrial accidents
- Medical treatments (chemotherapy and
radiation) - Exposure to weapons that emit radiation
- Natural disasters that damage RADIATION EMITTING EQUIPMENT
Natural exposure to mutagens:
- Natural environment sources of radiation (cosmic rays, sunlight, & radioactive substances)
- Medical X-rays and occupational radiation hazards (ionizing radiation)
- Job sites with increased radiation exposure (weapon facilities, research lab, health care facilities, nuclear power plants, & certain manufacturing plants)
Types of Mutations
* Change of one base pair to another in a
DNA molecule
a. Transition
b. Transversion
c. Missense
d. Nonsense
e. Silent
f. Splice-site
Point Mutations
Point Mutations
: purine replaces PURINE (A-G) and pyrimidine replaces pyrimidine (T-C)
a. Transition
b. Transversion
c. Missense
d. Nonsense
e. Silent
f. Splice-site
- purine replaces a PYRIMIDINE (A-T; C-G) or vice versa
a. Transition
b. Transversion
c. Missense
d. Nonsense
e. Silent
f. Splice-site
- SUBSTITUTION in the codon that codes for a DIFFERENT amino acid
a. Transition
b. Transversion
c. Missense
d. Nonsense
e. Silent
f. Splice-site
- CHANGE in codon that codes for a stop codon, protein is shortened that leads to premature termination of the translation process
a. Transition
b. Transversion
c. Missense
d. Nonsense
e. Silent
f. Splice-site
- SUBSTITUTION in the codon that
codes for the SAME amino acid
a. Transition
b. Transversion
c. Missense
d. Nonsense
e. Silent
f. Splice-site
- ALTERS A SITE in the junctions
of exons and introns, happens after the
mRNA processing
a. Transition
b. Transversion
c. Missense
d. Nonsense
e. Silent
f. Splice-site
Types of Mutations
* Disrupts the reading frame during translation, causing a shift in the way codons are read
* Results to nonfunctional proteins
a. Deletion mutation
b. Insertion mutation
- Tandem duplication
Frameshift Mutation
Frameshift Mutation
- REMOVAL of one or more nucleotides
Deletion mutation
Frameshift Mutation
- ADDITION of one or more nucleotides
Insertion mutation
- insertion of two complete copies of a gene next to
each other
Ex. Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease
Tandem duplication
* DNA sequence very similar to the sequence of a protein-encoding gene
* Not translated into protein, but is transcribed resulting to nonfunctional proteins
result from a CROSSOVER BETWEEN the WORKING GENE and its PSEUDOGENE, resulting to a fusion gene
Gaucher disease
Types of Mutations
* Disrupts the site they jump into by SHUTTING OFF TRANSCRIPTION OF THE GENE they jump into, or alters the reading frame if not a multiple base of 3
Transposons “jumping genes”
Types of Mutation
* Segment of DNA within a gene undergoes EXPANSION resulting in the amplification of a repetitive DNA sequence
* Small part of the DNA sequence is copied and added to the gene
* Anticipation: specific DNA sequence in the gene EXPANDS in size across generations, worsening symptoms
Expanding Repeats
Type of Mutation
* Specific DNA sequence that VARIES IN NUMBER OF COPIES in individuals
* Types: duplication, deletions, and triplet repeats
* Common among people who have behavioral disorders (ADHD, autism, and schizophrenia)
Copy Number Variants
- Different mutations at the same site in a
gene can have different effects - Can cause anemia without sickling, or cause CYANOSIS
- Considered “clinically silent”
Globin gene mutations
Mutation in the b-globin Gene
o First genetic illness understood at the molecular level
o Cause: substitution of Valine from Glutamic Acid at the 6th codon of the b-globin chain
o Effect: Valine increases the frequency of hemoglobin molecules in low-oxygen conditions
Sickle cell disease
Mutation in the b-globin Gene
o Reduced production of either alpha or
beta chains
a. Thalassemia major (alpha thalassemia)
b. Thalassemia minor (beta thalassemia)
severe form, homozygous mutation in the gene
Thalassemia major (alpha thalassemia):
milder form, heterozygous mutation in the gene
Thalassemia minor (beta thalassemia)
- Major component of connective tissue
MUTATION: Mutations in any of three genes (COL4A3, COL4A4, COL4A5) affect type IV collagen, which disrupts tissue boundaries.
SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS: Deafness and inflamed kidneys
A. Alport syndrome
B. Chondrodysplasia
C. Dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa
D. Ehlers-Danlos syndrome
E. Osteoarthritis
F. Osteogenesis imperfecta type I
G. Stickler syndrome
Alport syndrome
MUTATION: Deletion, insertion, or missense mutation replaces Gly with bulky amino acids in COL2A1 type II collagen gene
SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS: Stunted growth, deformed joints
A. Alport syndrome
B. Chondrodysplasia
C. Dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa
D. Ehlers-Danlos syndrome
E. Osteoarthritis
F. Osteogenesis imperfecta type I
G. Stickler syndrome
MUTATION: Mutation in “COL7A1 gene” that encodes type VII collagen breaks down fibrils that attach epidermis to dermis.
SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS: Skin blisters upon any touch
A. Alport syndrome
B. Chondrodysplasia
C. Dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa
D. Ehlers-Danlos syndrome
E. Osteoarthritis
F. Osteogenesis imperfecta type I
G. Stickler syndrome
Dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa
MUTATION: DIVERSE mutations in at least a dozen genes affect collagens or the molecules to which they bind
SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS: Stretchy, easily scarred skin, lax joints
A. Alport syndrome
B. Chondrodysplasia
C. Dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa
D. Ehlers-Danlos syndrome
E. Osteoarthritis
F. Osteogenesis imperfecta type I
G. Stickler syndrome
Ehlers-Danlos syndrome
MUTATION: MISSENSE mutation in “α1” collagen gene (COL1A1) substitutes Cys for Arg.
SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS: Painful joints
A. Alport syndrome
B. Chondrodysplasia
C. Dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa
D. Ehlers-Danlos syndrome
E. Osteoarthritis
F. Osteogenesis imperfecta type I
G. Stickler syndrome
MUTATION: INACTIVATION of “α1” COLLAGEN GENE (COL1A1 or COL1A2) reduces number of collagen triple helices by 50%
SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS: Easily broken bones; blue eye whites; deafness
A. Alport syndrome
B. Chondrodysplasia
C. Dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa
D. Ehlers-Danlos syndrome
E. Osteoarthritis
F. Osteogenesis imperfecta type I
G. Stickler syndrome
Osteogenesis imperfecta type I
MUTATION: NONSENSE mutations in type II procollagen gene (COL2A1 or COL11A1) reduce number of collagen molecules
SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS: Joint pain, degeneration of vitreous gel and retina
A. Alport syndrome
B. Chondrodysplasia
C. Dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa
D. Ehlers-Danlos syndrome
E. Osteoarthritis
F. Osteogenesis imperfecta type I
G. Stickler syndrome
Stickler syndrome
- Caused by different mutations in the same gene resulting to different clinical phenotypes
- May result from:
- Mutations in different parts of the gene
- Mutations that are localized (single base change) or catastrophic (missing gene)
- Mutations that alter the protein in ways affecting its interaction with other proteins
- Mutations that affect a protein used in different tissues
Allelic Diseases
Degree to which a mutation alters a phenotype depending where it occurs in the gene, and how it affects the folding, conformation, activity, or abundance of the protein
Importance of Positioning
Factors that Lessen the Effects of Mutation
o Mutation in the 3rd position in a codon
= SILENT mutation
o Mutation in the 2nd position in a codon
= REPLACE another amino acid that has a similar structure
a. Genetic code
b. Conditional mutation
c. Stem cells
Genetic code
Factors that Lessen the Effects of Mutation
o Only affects the phenotype under CERTAIN CONDITIONS: exposures that trigger the symptoms
a. Genetic code
b. Conditional mutation
c. Stem cells
Conditional mutation
Factors that Lessen the Effects of Mutation
- Therapeutic approaches
a. Genetic code
b. Conditional mutation
c. Stem cells
Stem cells
- Change in the basic structure of DNA
- Cell’s response:
a. Apoptosis
b. DNA Repair
c. Cancer
DNA Damage
- Collection of cellular processes aimed to
detect and correct DNA damage - DNA replication is very accurate
= accomplishment because DNA replicates approx. 10 ^ 16 times during an average human lifetime - most mutation occur in somatic cells
DNA Repair
oversee the accuracy of replication
DNA polymerase & DNA damage response genes
proofreads the activity during DNA replication
DNA polymerase
complex network of cellular processes and signaling pathways activated in response to DNA DAMAGE
RAD51: repairs double strand breaks
DNA damage response genes
Types of DNA Repair
- Cut and paste mechanisms
- Corrects damaged DNA base
- Replaces 1-5 nucleotides at a time
- DNA glycosylase: recognizes a specific base
▪ First to cut the glycosidic bond
▪ Creates an apyrimidinic or apurinic site
- AP endonuclease: recognizes a sugar with the missing base
▪ Makes a cut in the phosphodiester backbone
▪ Removes the deoxyribose sugar
▪ Gap is filled by DNA polymerase and DNA ligase
A. Photoreactivation Repair
B. Excision repair: Base Excision Repair
C. Excision repair: Nucleotide excision repair
D. Mismatch repair
E. Double-stranded break repair
Base excision repair
Types of DNA Repair
* Targets DNA lesions caused by exposure
to UV light
* Found in fungi, bacteria, archaea, plants,
and some vertebrates
* Photolyases: enzymes that absorb
energy from the visible light and use it to
detect and bind pyrimidine dimers to
break the extra bonds
A. Photoreactivation Repair
B. Base excision repair
C. Excision repair: Nucleotide excision repair
D. Mismatch repair
E. Double-stranded break repair
Photoreactivation Repair (light-dependent)
Types of DNA Repair
- Repair bulky DNA lesions that alter the
double helix
- Replaces up to 30 nucleotides
A. Photoreactivation Repair
B. Base excision repair
C. Excision repair: Nucleotide excision repair
D. Mismatch repair
E. Double-stranded break repair
Nucleotide excision repair
Types of DNA Repair
* Excise mismatched base and replace it
with the correct base
* Often occur in microsatellites
A. Photoreactivation Repair
B. Base excision repair
C. Excision repair: Nucleotide excision repair
D. Mismatch repair
E. Double-stranded break repair
Mismatch repair
Types of DNA Repair
* Heal a broken sugar-phosphate
backbone in both DNA strands as two
types of multiprotein complexes reseal
the backbone structure
* Result from exposure to ionizing
radiation or oxidative damage
A. Photoreactivation Repair
B. Base excision repair
C. Excision repair: Nucleotide excision repair
D. Mismatch repair
E. Double-stranded break repair
Double-stranded break repair
- INCORRECT DNA base is placed, but replication and transcription proceed
- DNA polymerase read past the error
Damage tolerance
- Heterozygotes who have one mutant repair gene may be more sensitive to damage from environmental factors, such as TOXINS and RADIATION
- Cancer develop as errors in the DNA sequence accumulate & are perpetuated to a much greater extent
DNA Repair Disorders
DNA Repair Disorders
- Caused by at least 5 genes
- Genes affected: ERCC2, ERCC3, GTF2H5, MPLKIP, RNF113A
- Faulty repair: NER, BER, or both
- Symptoms: dwarfism, intellectual
disability, failure to develop, brittle hair, scaly skin
Hearing & vision may fail
a. Trichothiodystrophy
b. Hereditary nonpolyposis colon cancer (Lynch syndrome)
c. Xeroderma pigmentosum
d. Ataxia telangiectasia
DNA Repair Disorders
- DNA repair defect in MICROSATELLITES (all the same length)
o Faulty repair: MMR
o Effects: increased risk of developing
colorectal cancer and other cancer
a. Trichothiodystrophy
b. Hereditary nonpolyposis colon cancer (Lynch syndrome)
c. Xeroderma pigmentosum
d. Ataxia telangiectasia
Hereditary nonpolyposis colon cancer (HNPCC) (Lynch syndrome)
DNA Repair Disorders
o Rare recessive genetic disorder that results to EXTREME SENSITIVITY TO UV
- deficient “sloppy” DNA polymerase
o Faulty repair: NER or damage tolerance
▪ Allows thymine dimers to stay and block replication
o Symptoms: skin cancers, severe skin abnormalities, developmental and neurological defects
a. Trichothiodystrophy
b. Hereditary nonpolyposis colon cancer (Lynch syndrome)
c. Xeroderma pigmentosum
d. Ataxia telangiectasia
Xeroderma pigmentosum
DNA Repair Disorders
o Genes affected: ATM, defect in KINASE
▪ Kinase: cell cycle checkpoint
▪ Cells proceed through cell cycle without pausing after replication for inspection and repair
o Faulty repair: DSBR
o Characterization: have 50 times increased risk of developing leukemia
o Symptoms: Poor balance and coordination (ataxia), telangiectasia (red marks on the face), delayed sexual maturation, high risk of
infection and diabetes mellitus
a. Trichothiodystrophy
b. Hereditary nonpolyposis colon cancer (Lynch syndrome)
c. Xeroderma pigmentosum
d. Ataxia telangiectasia
Ataxia telangiectasia