Pre-intubation & Intubation Medications - Airway Flashcards
What are the 4 sedatives recommended for RSI, and which is the preferred one?
- Ketamine (preferred)
- Midazolam
- Etomidate
- Propofol
What is the preferred analgesic for intubation?
What are the two paralytics recommended for RSI, and which is the preferred one?
- Rocuronium (preferred)
- Succinylcholine
What is the medication used for hypotension secondary to RSI, and is there a patch point?
Phenylephrine (Neosynephrine)
No patch required
What are the SpO2 targets for:
Pre-intubation oxygenation?
Stopping intubation to re-oxygenate?
Initiating cricothyrotomy?
Pre-intubation: min 93%, >95% preferred
Stop intubation attempts if SPO2 <90%
Cricothyrotomy if SpO2 <88% despite SGA/BVM/OPA
What are the 5 drilled responses to optimize the attempt at laryngoscopy in the difficult airway?
- Extra laryngeal manipulation (ELM, AKA BURP)
- Extra head elevation
- Extra laryngoscope lift (2 hands)
- Use Mac blade with Miller technique (use Mac 4)
- Use bougie if not already in use