Pre-Intentional/Pre-Linguistic Kids Flashcards
Factors to consider when determining language targets
- Talk to parents/teachers and see what their priorities are
- Things they are stimuable for
- What are the developmental norms?
- Zone of Proximal Development
- Foundations skills for later skills
- What would have the greatest functional impact?
- – If you are in schools what could piggyback on their curriculum
- Things they have opportunities to practice
- Assessment results
- Developmental sequence of acquisition
- Teachability
- Impact of cultural and linguistic diversity
Specific Language Impairment
Language disorder with no identified underlying neurological, sensory, intellectual, or emotional deficits.
Developmental Language Disorder
Language disorder that is associated with or secondary to another developmental disorder
Ex. Down syndrome or autism
Etiology of Primary DLD
No single cause, multiple risk factors
Factors: Genetic Neurobiologic Environmental Cognitive
Etiology of Primary DLD - Genetic Factors
Heritable; specific genes are linked to LD
- non-word repetition = 16q
- expressive language scores = 19q
- spoken language disorders = foxp2, cntnap2, atp2c2, cmip
Etiology of Primary DLD - Neurobiologic Factors
Structural Differences
- Atypical asymmetry of language cortex
- Abnormal white matter volume
- Unusual proportion of structures
Functional Differences
- Reduced lateralization of language
- Less mature brain responses
Etiology of Primary DLD - Environmental Factors
Influence the course and impact of a disorder
- Associations between family SES and other factors
- Exposure to multiple languages is NOT detrimental
Etiology of Primary DLD - Cognitive Factors General
Auditory Processing
Working Memory
Declarative & Procedural Memory
Etiology of Primary DLD - Cognitive Factors Auditory Processing
- Intervention may improve auditory processing skills and phonological awareness in kids with SLI and/or reading problems
- Intervention may change neuro-physiological responses to auditory stimuli
- Link to language and reading outcomes not established
Etiology of Primary DLD - Cognitive Factors - Working Memory
- Suggested that the ability to encode and hold incoming info in STM in order to learn it and store it in LTM impacts word learning
- Capacity rather than processing
- Can teach phonological rehearsal strategies
- Can improve working memory capacity
- Link between working memory capacity and higher level cognitive skills
Etiology of Primary DLD - Cognitive Factors - Declarative and Procedural Memory
- New word learning > link to semantics
- Lexical (learning and storage)
- Acquisition, storage, and use of knowledge
- Underlying perceptual, motor, and cognitive skills
- Sequential, probabilistic learning
- Slower, gradual learning through repetition and practice
- Linked to acquisition of rule-based morphosyntactic forms
Steps of EBP Process
- Find relevant external evidence
- Evaluate external evidence available
- Evaluate internal evidence re: child and family
- Evaluate internal evidence re: clinician and faculty
- Integrate all evidence - clinical decision
- Evaluate outcomes
Intervention being considered
Comparison treatment
desired Outcome
Hierarchy of Evidence
1a - A systematic meta-analysis of multiple well-designed randomized controlled studies
1b - A well-conducted single randomized controlled trail with a narrow confidence interval
2a - A systematic review of nonrandomized quasi-experimental trials or a systematic review of single subject experiments that documents consistent study outcomes
2b - A high quality quasi-experimental trial or a lower quality randomized control trail or a single subject experiment with consistent outcomes across replications
3 - Observational studies with control (retrospective studies, interrupted time-series studies, case-control studies, cohort studies with controls)
4 - Observational studies without controls
5 - Expert opinions without critical appraisal or theoretical background or basic research
Required Elements of an IFSP
- Info about the child’s present level of physical, cognitive, social, emotional, communicative, and adaptive development, based on objective criteria
- A statement of the family’s resources, priorities, and concerns related to enhancing the development of the child with the concurrence of the family
- A statement of the major outcomes expected to be achieved for the child and family, and the criteria, procedures, and timelines used to determine progress and whether modification or revisions of the outcomes or services are necessary
- A statement of the specific early intervention services necessary to meet the needs of the child and the family to achieve the specified outcomes including:
- the frequency, intensity, and method of delivering the services
- the environments in which early intervention services will be provided and a justification of the extent to which the services will not be provided in a natural environment, the location of the services, and the payment arrangements. - A list of other services such as:
- medical and other services the child needs
- the funding sources to be used in paying for those services or the steps that will be taken to secure those services through public or private sources - Projected dates for initiation of the services as soon as possible after the IFSP meeting and anticipated duration of those services
- The name and discipline of the service coordinator who will be responsible for the implementations of the IFSP and coordination with other agencies/persons.
- A plan for transition to preschool services
Transactional Model of Communication Development
Reciprocal, bidirectional
If a child is less responsive to a parent’s attempts the parent will likely become less engaged
If the parent then becomes less responsive to the child then the child will produce less
Leads to less language exposure for the child
TIPS for Parents
T - Turn-taking (peekaboo, rolling a ball back and forth)
I - Imitation (imitating the child, having the child imitate you)
P - Point things out (facilitate joint attention, labeling)
S - Sets (sets the stage, bath time)
Prelinguistic Milieu Teaching - Candidates
- Mental age of 9+ months
- If a child needs to increase frequency of gestures and vocalizations
- Infrequent spontaneous intentional communication without canonical vocalizations
Prelinguistic Milieu Teaching - Goals
Overall Goal:
Increase frequency, clarity, and complexity of communicative attempts
Intermediate Goals:
- Increase frequency of:
- Routines
- Nonverbal vocalizations
- Coordinated eye gaze
- Gestures
Prelinguistic Milieu Teaching - Procedures
- Time delay
- Nonverbal
- Verbal
Natural consequences
PMT - Time Delay
Wait 15 seconds for an answer
PMT - Nonverbal Prompt
Reaching out, not a direct gestural cue
PMT - Verbal Prompt
“Show me”
PMT - Models
Clinician modeling sounds that the child has made.
PMT - Natural Consequences
Respond to intent - if the child points to a cookie jar you give them a cookie
Acknowledgement/Praise - “I can tell you want a cookie because you pointed!”
Linguistic Mapping - “You want a cookie!”
Responsivity Education
Primary goal is to educate the parents to perform these techniques to increase responsiveness from the child.
Follows child’s lead
Need to allow time for child to communicate
PMT vs. RE
Increased lexical diversity in subgroup of PMT
Others found no significant differences
Highly educated mothers that were responsive = PMT
Less educated mothers that were less responsive = RE
Developing Play Skills - General
There is a direct link between linguistic development and play development
Functional Pretend Play
Symbolic Play
Presymbolic Play
Conventional use of the object
Ex. using a phone to make a call
Functional Pretend Play
Play with actual or miniature objects the way they should be
Symbolic Play
Object Substitution
Imagining absent absent objects or attributes
Emerging Language - Expanding Lexicon
First words should be functional to the child: fave toy, mom, more, negation words, and social words
Word combinations :
combine words they already have, developmental norms (agent+object), make it functionally relevant for the kid
EBP for early Semantic and Syntactic Targets
Indirect language stimulation, expanding, focused stimulation, parallel talk with specific target
Indirect language stimulation, focused stimulation, vertical structuring
Considerations for CLD Families
Know the cultural norms - should a kid be imitating a parent?
Is extended family involved?
Are games culturally relevant? Are they familiar with the game?
How does the family perceive the problem?