Pre-Columbian Americas Flashcards
emerged in highlands of S. Mexico 800 AD
pre-cursor to Aztec
Largest Toltec city, had pyramids & ball courts
Toltec city, survived to Aztecs
Lake Texcoco
Lake Aztec culture is built around
Aztec capital, on island in center of Lake Texcoco, built dams using boats for land for crops
had complex architecture, most lived in simple buildings
Aztec sister city
Tlacaelel & Moctezuma I
aztec half-brothers/rulers, started aggressive expansion
by 1500, had empire across all of S. Mexico
Governed w/ tribute system, subjects gave food & jewels to Tenochtitlan
Aztec Religion
detailed calendars, sacrifices often
Iroquois Confederation
Iroquois formed Confederation to resolve conflicts
5 tribes, Onondaga, Oneida, Cayuga, Seneca, & Mohawk. Confederation called Haudenosaunee
high level of consent & deliberation
S. Appalachian culture
Georgian offshoot of Mississippian culture w/ large towns
large S. Appalachian community, large wood fortifications & ceremonial plaza
Largest city of Bolivian culture
Terraced pyramids & sunken plazas
Sister city of Tiwanaku
Sican culture
Coastal N. Peru, after Moche culture
known for gold-plated pottery
abandoned after drought in 1100, but capital, Tucume, survived until conquered by Chimu
Capital of Sican culture
SE of Sican culture, skilled irrigation and pottery, fishing
Chan Chan
capital of Chimu culture
Place of start of Inca culture after Tiwanaku & Wari, 1200s
1438, established central state & strong army, began Inca expansion
Machu Picchu
New Inca capital, built 1450, no “mortar”
Tupac Inca
After Pachacuti, conquered N. Peru & Ecuador
Huayna Capac
After Tupac Inca, conquered Bolivia, Argentina & Chile
Inca Govt
4 administrative regions
left rulers, but made to participate in conscript labor system, supplied empire with food and resources