Pre Circuit Solo Exam Flashcards
What is the standard circuit height for medium performance aircraft (55-150 KIAS)?
1000 ft AGL
When two powered aircraft are on approach to land, which aircraft has right of way?
The lower aircraft has right of way
What are the 5 legs of a circuit referred to?
Upwind / Initial
When two aircraft are approaching head on, in what direction should they alter their heading into order to avoid collision?
Each aircraft must alter its heading to the right
To what side should you overtake another aircraft?
Keep clear and pass the other aircraft on its right.
Do not pass under or climb over.
True or false?
If any aircraft are aware that another aircraft is compelled to land due to an emergency, should they give way to that aircraft?
When two aircraft are on converging headings at aproximately the same height, who must give way?
The aircraft having the other aircraft on its right must give way by altering its heading to the right
True or False?
Landing aircraft have right of way over aircraft in flight or taxiing on the ground?
The consumption of alcohol by flight crew is prohibited for how may hours immediately prior to flight?
8 hours
According to CAO 20.9 Para 4.4.3(a), smoking is prohibited within how many metres of an aircraft being refuelled?
Within 15 metres
The RA-Aus Operational manual specifies that smoking is prohibited within how many metres of an aircraft being refuelled?
30 metres
Generally speaking, circuits are flown in which direction unless otherwise specified by ATC/ ERSA?
Left-hand circuits
Runways are numbered at each end in accordance to what?
Magnetic north
What does the white cross ground signal specify?
Total (aerodrome) unserviceability
What does the white dumbbell ground signal specify?
Restricted operations - only use hard surfaces, runways, taxiways
What does the double white cross ground signal specify?
Glider operations in progess
Glass G airspace is subdivided LATERALLY into what areas?
Flight Information Areas (FIAs)
What are the two operational spheres that Class G airspace is divided into VERTICALLY?
Surface to 5000ft AMSL, and
Above 5000 ft
Aerodromes in Class G airspace do not have a control tower and therefore are referred to as what?
Non-controlled aerodromes
Is en route position reporting required for VFR flights in Class G airspace?
No - but recommended
When is an aircraft said to be “in the vicinity” of a non-controlled aerodrome?
When within a 10 mile radius horizontally from the aerodrome reference point
What determines the active runway?
The runway most closely aligned to the prevailing wind and/or the runway in use as indicated by the circuit pattern/ established traffic/ ATC/ ERSA
Even though permissable, are straight-in approaches recommended?
Where fitted, what 3 lights should be on when in the vicinity of a non-controlled aerodrome?
Landing lights
Strobe lights
Prior to take off, what must the pilot assess and identify?
Wind sock - wx intensity and direction
Cross wind component
Runway serviceability and obstructions - aircraft traffic, wildlife inc
birds, people, vehicles etc
What is the separation minima for take-off?
An aircrat shall not take-off until:
- a preceeding departing aircraft taking off from the same runway
has commenced a turn or crossed the upwind end of the runway,
- a preceeding aircraft landing on the same runway has vacated it
and is taxiing away, or
- a preceeding aircraft taking off or landing on a ‘crosswind
runway’ has crossed or stopped short of the take-off aircraft’s
What is the minimum height AGL that an aircraft can turn onto crosswind?
500ft AGL/ AAL
At approximately what height AGL / AAL and angle from the extended runway centreline should a turn onto downwind be made?
At the appropiate height for the given circuit and aircraft performamance, e.g - 1000ft AGL / AAL for the Jabiru 170C
The turn is made at approximately 45deg from the extended runway centreline. This may be extended to facilitate aircraft and runway separation.
What is the minimum height that an aircraft would normally commence a turn onto base leg?
Not below 500ft AGL/ AAL
What is the minimum height that an aircraft should commence final leg?
Not below 500ft AGL/ AAL - provides sufficient time for approach to be stabilised and for the runway to be assessed
What procedure should a pilot adopt when intending to land at an unfamiliar aerodrome/ airstrip?
‘The Overfly Procedure’
What does ‘The Overfly Procedure’ entail?
The aircraft is to arrive over the unfamiliar aerodrome at no less than 500ft above the standard circuit height - note that high performance aircraft may be operating in the circuit and therefore, this may mean an overfly at 2000ft AGL/ AAL is necessary, not 1500ft.
The preferred method of entering the circuit at a non-familiar aerodrome is then from the INACTIVE side.
At what height should you join the circuit at a familiar aerodrome?
At standard circuit height - either 1000ft or 1500ft AGL / AAL
How should you enter the circuit from the INACTIVE side?
From the INACTIVE side, turn (either way) onto a leg parallel to crosswind throught ‘the entry zone’ followed by a turn onto the downwind leg in the direction of the circuit pattern
How should you enter the circuit from the ACTIVE side?
From the ACTIVE side, either join the circuit opposite ‘the entry zone’ at an angle of 45deg to the downwind leg, or join directly on an extended downwind leg
True or False?
Pilots should NOT descend into the circuit from directly above the aerodrome/ airstrip?
True or False?
Pilots should always give way to aircraft already in the circuit?
True or False?
Should low performance aircraft (max speed < 55kts) use ‘The Overfly Procedure’?
Although not recommended, can aircraft join the circuit at base leg or use the straight-in approach onto final?
How should a pilot depart from an aerodrome and when is it safe to turn against the standard circuit pattern?
Pilots of aircraft leaving the circuit should depart by tracking (and climbing) along an extension of one of the standard circuit legs.
It is safe to turn contrary to the standard circuit pattern when at least 3 NM from the aerodrome
When transiting through the airspace over a non-controlled aerodrome, what should the pilot do?
The pilot should monitor the appropriate CTAF, use positional broadcasts and advise their intentions, and also be extra vigilant of traffic
When transitioning through the airspace above a non-controlled aerodrome, what is the minimum recommended overfly height and why?
The minimum overfly height is 2500ft AGL/ AAL because other aircraft may be utilising ‘The Overfly Procedure’ below to enter the aerodrome
What is the ALA code for Greenside Airstrip
What is the elevation of YGSD?
194ft AMSL
59m AMSL
What are the two operational runways at YSD and what are their standard circuit directions?
090 and 270
090 (righthand)
270 (lefthand standard)
When there is nil wind or a 90 degree crosswind at YSGD airstrip, which runway is the designated the active runway?
RWY 27
What is the length of the YGSD airstrip runway?
What type of surface is the runway at YGSD?
unsealed - dirt / gravel
What radio frequency does YGSD operate on?
Pearce 118.3 CTAF outside RAAF tower hours
How far is YGSD from YPEA?
9.7 NM north-west (BRG 337)
What restricted airspace does YGSD fall within?
What are the runway directions of RAAF Gingin YGIG and what is the elevation?
080 and 260
247ft AMSL (75m)