Pre-AMS Flashcards
Outline the American Society of Anethesiologicals (ASA) classification
- Normally healthy patient
- Mild systemic disease
- Severe systemic disease that limits activity but is not incapacitating
- Incapacitating systemic disease which poses a constant threat to life
- Moribound: not expected to survive 24h even with operation
Suffixe E is used to denote Emergency (eg 2E)
What blood tests should ALWAYS be performed preoperatively and for what reason?
- U&E - renal failure?
- FBC - anaemia inc risks [Hb <100 tell anaesthetist], baseline
- Blood glucose (finger-prick)
When should a cross-match be performed?
Cross-match - predicted & held for 24hr
When should LFTs be performed
- Jaundice
- Malignancy
- Alcohol Abuse
When should Amylase be performed
Acute abdo pain
When should Blood Glucose be performed?
When should Clotting studies be performed?
- Live/ renal disease
- Massive blood loss
- On;
- Valproate
- Warfarin
- Heparin
When should Sickle test be performed?
- Malarial area origins
- Africa, West Indies or Mediterranean
When should Thryoid FTs be performed
Thyroid disease
When should Spirometry be performed
Obstructive/ restrictive lung pathology
When should a CXR be performed
- Abso, Cardio, Thoracic, Thyroid, Neck, Head
- Neurosurgery [due to prolonged anaethesia/ postop ITU]
- Lymph node surgery
- >65 yrs
When should ECG be performed
- >65yrs
- Poor exercise tolerance
- Hx of cardiovascular/ rheumatological conditions
When sould an Echocardiogram be performed
Suspicion of LV dysfunction
What is suxamethonium
Agent of choice for rapid paralysis (rapid metabolism)
Depolarising muscle relactant
Fasiculations then paralysis
Outline the cause of Suxamethonium Apnoea
- Incapable of metabolising drug sufficiently rapidly enough
- Remain paralysed & unable to breath post-surgery as they cannot regain muscle function
- Metabolised by Cholinesterase, 10% excreted by kidney
- Congenital/ inherited - varies with phenotype
- Aquired
- Pregnancy, liver/kidney disease/ Hypothyroidism
- Drugs: methotrexate, monoamine oxidase inhibitors
What is malignant hyperthermia/ pyrexia
Outline aetiology & pathophysiology
- Rapid rise in temperature usually triggered by anaesthetic
- Inherited myopathy due to genetic mutation
- Inc intramyoplasmic calcium ions via sarcoplasmic reticulum release
- Hypermetabolism
- Muscle rigidity & rhabdomyolysis
Outline the treatment of Malignant hyperpyrexia/ thermia
Dantrolene Sodium
muscle relaxant - ryanodine receptor, blocks coupling
What is Porphyria
What is the risk in surgery
Inherited metabolic disorders
- 8 types - each a partial deficiency in 1 of the enzymes involved in Haem synthesis
- Overproduction & inc. excretion of toxic haem precursors
- Acute porphyria
- Drug interactions
Outline the clinical features of Acute Porphyria
Acute neuropsychiatric features
What implications does an MI have on surgery?
Delay elective surgery 6months post-MI
Urgent surgery: benefits/ risks/ consider 3 months
What implications does Hypertension have on surgery
- >180 systolid or >110 diastolic on 3 measurment over 1-2hrs = DELAY ELECTIVE
What implications does Stroke/ TIA have on surgery
postpone 4 weeks
What implications does being >60yrs old have on surgery
Do a 12 lead ECG
What is Bowel Preparation?
Medication to empty the bowel to assist surgery
What operations require require/ do not require bowel preparation and what time of preparation?
- RIGHT colon - non
LEFT colon
- 2 sachets PICOLAX day before
Closure of colostomy
- Picolax & enema prep rectally
- Stapled transanal rectal resection (STARR) or Laparoscopic ventral rectopexy
- Phosphate enema on arrival
What are contraindications to Picolax regimen?
- Bowel obstruction/ strictures
- Epileptic (due to anti-epileptic medication absorption)
- Severe renal impairment (seek alternative)
- WARNING: Bowel prep affects absorption of drugs, admit if therapeutic control is critical
Outline the preperation, administration & monitoring required for Pixolax regimen
- Check electrolytes to exclude hypokalaemia
- Day prior: light diet
Administration day prior:
- 1 sachet at 8am & 2pm
- +150mL cold water & stir & drink when cool
- Drink plenty of fluids/ 1L IV infusion/8hr
- Dehydration
- Electrolyte imbalance