Prayson Pediatrics Flashcards
Neural tube closure occurs at
4th week, failure of close is dysraphism
Craniorachischisis totalis
total neural tube closure failure, brain and spinal cord exposed. Assoc w/ maternal DM, hyperthermia, and anticonvulsants. increase serum alpha-fetoprotein and amniotic acetylcholiesterase
Defective closure of the rostral end of the neural tube. brain absent or rudimentary (area cerebrovasculosa), eyes well formed, absence or hypoplasia of pituitary (50%), cerebellum and brainstem usually absent. Females>males. Fatal
Protrusion of brain and meninges through congenital opening of skull, usually occipital
Meckel-Gruber Syndrome
autosomal recessive, occipital encephalocele, polydactyly, polycystic kidneys, hepatic fibrosis and sloping forehead
leptomeninges and cord through vertebral defect, assoc w/hydrocephalus, chiari type II, and other spinal cord anomalies. Lesions above T12 more commonly assoc. w/ other lesions and more common in females
congenital dilation of the central canal, associated with meningomyelocele and Chiari malformation
Cavitary lesion in medulla/pons, often assoc w/ syringomyelia. Produces nystagmus, ataxia, facial sensory loss, and bulbar palsy.
cavitation of the cord, usually cervical or thoracic, associated with intramedullary tumors (ependymoma), Chiari type 1, kyphoscoliosis, Charcot’s joints. Cuases wasting and weakness of the hand and forearm muscles
Alobar Holoprosencephaly
monoventricular small cerebrum wit no division of lobes, absent olfactory bulbs and tracts, facionasal malformaions. Brain stem and cerebellum usually normal.
Semilobar holoprosencephaly
Incomplete lobe formation, with a shallow interhemispheric fissure. absent olfactory bulbs and tracts. facionasal malfromation
Lobar holoprosencephaly
Only most rostral and ventral regions of the frontal lobes are not well formed.
Chiari Type I
Downward herniation of cerebellar tonsils, usually asymptomatic. Assoc w/ syringomyelia (50%)
Chirai Type II
Cerebellar malformations , displacement of the vermis below the foramen magnum, elongation and downward displasement of the inferior vermis, medulla, and cervical cord. Beaking. Malformation of basocranial bones, klippel Feil,
Chiari Type III
Occcipitocervical or high cervical bony defect with herniation of cerebellum through the defect
Dandy-Walker Syndrome
Hypoplasia or aplasia of cerebellar vermis and cystic dilation of the 4th ventricle. Mental retardation in 25-50%, compatible with normal life
Malformations of cortical develop by what week
16th week of gestation. Assoc w/ tuberous sclerosis, NF1, epidermal nevus syndrome, gnaglioglioma, and DNET
Miller Dieker Synd
Autosomal dominant, LIS-1 gene. Agyria (lissencephalyt) upturned nose, bitemporal hollowing, small chin, long upper lip, and low set ears. Siezures and mental retardation.
First fissures form when?
5th month
Secondary sulci form?
3rd trimester (29 -40 weeks, months 7-9)
Tertiary sulci form when?
3rd trimester to 6 months of age
Lissencephaly type I
Agyria, absence of convolution (gyri and sulci) except for inter-hemispheric and sylvian fissures with widening of the cortical thickness
Hydrocephalus, agyria, retinal dysplasia, encephalocele; severe psychomotos retardation, fatal in infancy. POMT1 (protein O-mannosyltransferase 1) gene
Lissencephaly type II
Cobblestone apperance with stippling of cortical surface, neurons overmigrate past pia. Assoc w/ Fukuyamas congenital muscular dystrophy.
Zellweger syndrome
pachygyria and polymicrogyria, poor cortical layering. Peroxisome abnormality
Minature incomplete convolutions, abnormal cortical architecture, usually only 4 layers, neuronal migration abnormalities at 20-24 weeks gestation.
Agenesis of corpus callosum
12-22 weeks gestation. Can be asymptomatic or mental retardation, seizures, and speech disturbances. Assoc w/ holoprosencephaly, pachygyria, schizencephaly, fetal alcohol syndrome, Aicardi synd., Meckel synd., Andermann synd, and Acrocallosal synd.
Agenesis of septum pelucidum
Assoc w/ agensis of the corpus callosum, holoprosencephaly, lateral ventricle and optic nerve defects, and septo-optic dysplasia (HEXS1 mutation)
Cavum septi pellucidi
Seperation of the leaflets of the septum pellucidum, usually closes around birth