Praxis Practice Test Deck 7 Flashcards

What famous landmark case ruled that public schools could not segregate based on race? This law is also known as the anti segregation law.
A. Hobson v. Hansen
B. Brown v. Board of Education
C. Rowley v. Board of Education
D. Larry P. v. Riles

B. In the field of educational law, the famous Brown v. Board of Education is one of the most important cases and was responsible for addressing discriminatory practices. All other choices are
also important educational legal cases, but do not directly influence segregation. Foundations of School Psychological Service Delivery

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A student was in a car accident and sustained substantial damage to the left temporal lobe, especially to the Broca’s area. Given this information, it is reasonable to assume that the student may have difficulty with which of the following cognitive abilities?
A. Spatial reasoning
B. Receptive language
C. Auditory long-term memory
D. Expressive language

D. Language, in general, is largely influenced by the left hemisphere and the temporal lobe of the brain. A specific area in the temporal lobe, called Broca’s area, plays a critical function in expressive language. Professional Practices, Practices That Permeate All Aspects of Service Delivery and Foundations of School Psychological Service Delivery

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Neuropsychology is related to school psychology, but the primary focus of a school
neuropsychology assessment is which of the following?
A. Neuropsychology is concerned with brain–behavior relationships
B. Neuropsychology focuses on the neurological aspects of learning
C. Neuropsychology gives practitioners neurological information that can be used to predict student achievement
D. Neuropsychology evaluates a student’s higher level reasoning and problem-solving skills


A. Neuropsychology is concerned with brain–behavior relationships. Although a neuropsychologist can use tests that measure higher level reasoning skills, generally speaking,
neuropsychological instruments evaluate basal neuropsychological processes such as memory,
attention, and processing speed. Full-scale scores from school psychology tests, such as the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC) or Differential Ability Scales (DAS), are very
good at predicting student achievement, while neuropsychologists can pinpoint subtle areas of
neurological difficulties. Professional Practices, Practices That Permeate All Aspects of Service
Delivery and Foundations of School Psychological Service Delivery

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As a school psychologist, you have knowledge of basic psychopharmacology and brain chemicals.
Which of the following brain chemicals is thought to be implicated in producing positive moods
and emotions, especially those associated with rewards? Parkinson’s disease and attention deficit
hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are also associated with an imbalance of this neurochemical.
A. Serotonin
B. Dopamine
C. Endorphins
D. Cortisol


B. The brain contains several neurochemicals that are usually maintained in a tight balance. Dopamine is a well-known and critical neurochemical that must be in balance for the brain to
function. Several research studies suggest that attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and
Parkinson’s disease are related to low levels of dopamine. Direct and Indirect Services for
Children, Families, and Schools

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Cognitive-psychology researchers use the term “executive function” to describe a constellation of behaviors or functions necessary for success. School neuropsychologists are most likely to describe the same executive functions, such as initiation, impulse control, organization, and attention, by using which of the following terms?
A. Neurocognitive function
B. Frontal lobe function
C. Global neurocognitive function
D. Temporal lobe function

B. The frontal cortex of the brain plays a pivotal role in the regulation and management of
behaviors associated with executive functions. Foundations of School Psychological Service

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A child who has significant neurological impairments in the right hemisphere of the brain due to a stroke would most likely have which of the following learning problems?
A. Difficulty with memory for previously learned skills
B. Phonological processing problems
C. Reading and spelling difficulties
D. Difficulty with novel problem solving


D. The right hemisphere of the brain is associated with new learning and processing novel
information. The left hemisphere, in general, helps with memory for learned facts, logic, and details. Foundations of School Psychological Service Delivery and Direct and Indirect Services for Children, Families, and Schools

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The information-processing model, originally created by cognitive psychologists, helps
practitioners conceptualize how humans think and learn. Which of the following choices best illustrates the cognitive processing model?
A. Attention→ input → processing → long-term storage
B. Attention → decoding → processing → output
C. Attention→ processing → encoding → decoding
D. Attention → encoding → storage → decoding


D. There are more elaborate depictions of the information processing model, but in its simplest form, option “D” best represents this cognitive process. Although the information processing
model is still used by practitioners, some researchers caution that the model is too simplistic. Brain
processes illustrated by computer models are useful, but not entirely accurate. Foundations of School Psychological Service Delivery

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A T-score of 64 is considered to be within which range?
A. Above average
B. Average
C. Below average
D. Significantly below average
A. The answer is factual and straightforward. Make sure you do not confuse T-scores with
standard scores (SSs). If this question asked about an SS of 64, then the answer would be
substantially different (e.g., SS = 64 is significantly below average). Professional Practices, Practices That Permeate All Aspects of Service Delivery
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Colette, a third-grade student, has a documented history of reading problems. Colette’s family is supportive of her learning, but they struggle financially and had to move twice in the past 2 years. The parents and teachers are worried that Colette will fall further behind in her reading development. In a consultation situation, what should the school psychologist recommend?
A. The psychologist should recommend a special education evaluation based on the Child Find law
B. The psychologist should recommend an after-school tutoring program and connect the family with community support services
C. The psychologist should make a formal recommendation to the school’s Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) process
D. The psychologist should consult with the student’s team and parents, then formulate a support plan


C. Because the student has a history of reading problems, an intervention should be recommended. Special education might be an option at a later time, but because Colette has moved twice at a young age, it is likely that there is an environmental factor influencing her learning. Choice “D” is valid, but “C” is specific and likely to lead to formal supports for the student. Professional Practices, Practices That Permeate All Aspects of Service Delivery and Direct and Indirect Services for Children, Families, and Schools

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You are counseling a second-grade student who is significantly concerned about her father’s recent
unemployment. From Abraham Maslow’s perspective, you could say this student is coping with the aspects found at which level?
A. Love and belonging
B. Safety needs
C. Self-actualization
D. Primary needs


B. Family health and employment stability are aspects of Maslow’s lower level of needs, called
safety needs. Safety needs come after physiological needs, which are the most basic needs. Direct
and Indirect Services for Children, Families, and Schools

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Modeling and role playing are key intervention techniques that are used to address various student difficulties. Of the following choices, modeling and role playing are considered important
interventions for which type of problem?
A. Depression
B. Trauma
C. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
D. Social skills deficits


D. Although modeling and role-playing could be useful in all of the choices, it is most likely to be employed with students who need to develop appropriate social skills. Direct and Indirect Services for Children, Families, and Schools

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You are counseling a regular education high school student who has been caught using his brother’s attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) medication. The parent believes her son is distraught because he was denied admission to a selective college that he wanted to attend. When you meet with the student, you tell the student that he has control of how he chooses to respond to the situation. Which counseling theorist emphasizes that people can choose how to respond to difficult situations?
A. Viktor Frankl
B. Sigmund Freud
C. Carl Rogers
D. Abraham Maslow

A. Of all the choices provided, Viktor Frankl emphasized that people have a choice in how they respond to events, even in the most difficult situations. Direct and Indirect Services for Children, Families, and Schools

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In which of the following situations would a school psychologist tell a teacher that the technique of “time-out” is appropriate to employ?
A. When a child blurts out answers in class despite being told twice to stop
B. When a student with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) starts to have difficulty focusing on the task at hand
C. When a student with oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) is socializing during a test
D. When a student moves around the room without permission during a teacher’s presentation of a new concept


B. Time-out techniques are frequently used as punishment when they should be employed as preventive measures. In choice “B,” a student with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) might possibly need a cognitive rest break to help with his concentration and prevent negative behaviors that may develop. Direct and Indirect Services for Children, Families, and

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In a response to intervention (RTI) process, Tier 2 (Level 2) interventions are generally associated with which of the following?
A. Intensive interventions
B. Benchmark interventions
C. 5% to 8% of the student population
D. Strategic interventions for “at-risk” students


D. There are three levels typically illustrated within the response to intervention (RTI) pyramid. At the bottom level, screening and universal measures reside. Level 2 RTIs are associated with more targeted interventions for at-risk students. At the highest RTI level, the most intensive interventions are found, usually for 5% to 8% of a school’s population. Direct and Indirect Services for Children, Families, and Schools and Systems-Level Services

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When conducting a problem-solving and ecological assessment, what four components should
psychologists emphasize?
A. School environment, student records, formal assessments, and student learning styles
B. School environment, home environment, community environment, and interpersonal skills
C. Instruction, curriculum, environment, and learning style
D. Informal assessments, formal assessments, student records, and student interview


C. This item might be difficult to answer because other choices are valid or have components that are valid. Remember the acronym ICEL when answering ecological types of questions. ICEL stands for instruction, curriculum, environment, and learner style. Direct and Indirect Services for Children, Families, and Schools and Professional Practices, Practices That Permeate All Aspects of Service Delivery

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A parent is demanding that her son be placed on an individual education plan (IEP) because he has a formal diagnosis of schizophrenia. The student’s pediatrician has also recommended an IEP and wrote a prescription for one. Despite the mother’s concern, the student’s medication appears to be effective in managing his disorder and he is able to make educational progress. As a school psychologist, what is your response to the parent?
A. If there is no educational or social impact, then a formal special education IEP may not be appropriate
B. Legally, a medical diagnosis and recommendation from the doctor must be honored
C. Although the school is not legally obligated to provide an IEP in this situation, it is good
practice to provide special education support
D. Students with schizophrenia should be provided formal supports and an IEP, especially to prevent the student’s difficulties from getting worse within the school environment


A. Special education qualifications have strict criteria that a special education team must consider. A primary consideration by the special education team is to determine whether a student cannot access the general curriculum and if there is negative educational and/or social impact from the suspected disability. In this case, it is implied that the student is making “reasonable educational progress.” There may be other ways to address the concerns of the parent and the needs of the student outside of the special education progress (e.g., Multi-Tiered System of Support [MTSS]). Medical doctors that are not employed by a school district have no authority to dictate educational services. Professional Practices, Practices That Permeate All Aspects of Service Delivery

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From a historical perspective, which is a new role for schools?
A. Reading interventionist for response to intervention (RTI) programs
B. Brain injury resource specialist for school districts
C. Threat assessment team leaders for schools and law enforcement
D. Autism evaluation specialist


B. A new role for psychologists is brain injury specialist because psychologists are trained in
measuring brain-based functions. Although options “C” and “A” might also be valid choices, psychologists have been involved in providing professional consultation regarding reading problems and threatening behaviors longer than brain injury management issues (which is a new development). Foundations of School Psychological Service Delivery


What type of behavioral intervention would you recommend for a student with a phobia involving insects?
A. Flooding
B. Cognitive behavioral therapy
C. Systematic desensitization
D. Functional behavioral analysis and intervention


C. Although this question and answer is not common to the field of school psychology, be
prepared to answer such questions. Systematic desensitization is a well-known behavioral
technique that is typically associated with helping people with various irrational fears. Direct and
Indirect Services for Children, Families, and Schools


According to psychological research, students who sacrifice sleep to play hours of continuous video games might develop which of the following problems?
A. Antisocial personality disorder
B. Traits normally associated with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)–inattentive type
C. Aggressive tendencies and poor social skills
D. Difficulties with memory and learning


D. Lack of sleep has been scientifically correlated with poor memory performance. Video game playing by teens is a growing concern as it is addictive to school-aged students, especially males.
Foundations of School Psychological Service Delivery and Direct and Indirect Services for
Children, Families, and Schools


Before administering a new psychological assessment, it is reasonable for a school psychologist to
do which of the following?
A. Complete a formal training course on the new test
B. Give the new test to students but report the scores as informal measures until proficiency is achieved
C. Practice with the new test and be supervised by a colleague familiar with the test until proficient
D. Watch a training video and practice with the new test until proficient


C. The answer to this test item is difficult because all but “B” are valid responses. The best answer is “C” because this choice includes practice and supervision. A colleague can provide insight and
feedback when learning new psychological tests and practices. It is not always feasible to take a full training course on a new test. Watching a video of a new assessment is helpful, but it does not provide an opportunity for interactive questions. Foundations of School Psychological Service
Delivery and Professional Practices, Practices That Permeate All Aspects of Service Delivery


A school psychologist is reviewing research about several new assessments for reading fluency. As
the psychologist reviews the reliability data, he or she notes there is significant variability in the correlations. Which of the following correlation coefficients depicts strongest reliability?
A. 0.96
B. –0.97
C. 0.100
D. –0.450


B. Remember that a negative correlation can be stronger than a positive correlation. Note that a –0.97 is almost a perfect (i.e., highest possible) correlation. Professional Practices, Practices That
Permeate All Aspects of Service Delivery


Informal and formal data are required to inform professional judgments regarding an individual student at the four response to intervention (RTI) levels. Which one of the following is not a level
typically required to inform professional judgment?
A. Background data collection and problem identification level
B. Screening level
C. Analysis and determination level
D. Formal assessment level (special education evaluation)


C. Option “C” is not a valid level, but all other choices are correct levels. The level that is missing is the progress monitoring and response to intervention (RTI) level. At this level, data are used to
determine effectiveness of the interventions (RTI) once a student is identified as having a problem. Professional Practices, Practices That Permeate All Aspects of Service Delivery and SystemsLevel Services

Two mainstream cognitive test batteries are the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, Fifth Edition (WISC-V) and the Stanford–Binet, Fifth Edition (SB-V). When these tests were being constructed, their overall full scale scores were statistically analyzed and found to be highly correlated. What is the purpose of correlating overall scores on similar tests when creating them?
A. To establish validity
B. To establish convergent validity
C. To establish reliability
D. To establish predictive validity

B. When two similar measures are purposely correlated, this is done to establish convergent validity. Two similar, but different tests should correlate highly. If two purportedly similar
measures did not correlate, then one of the tests might be an invalid measure of the construct being assessed. Correlation coefficients for tests should be within the 0.80 to 0.90 range to be endorsed for use. Professional Practices, Practices That Permeate All Aspects of Service Delivery


School psychologists are increasingly asked to support students with several different types of difficulties, especially mild brain injuries (e.g., concussions). If a student sustains a hit to the back
of the head, what difficulties should you expect and how should you support the student within the school environment?
A. The student will most likely have visual difficulties and light sensitivity. The school
psychologist should allow for frequent rest breaks and allow the student to wear sunglasses at school
B. The student will most likely have headaches. The school psychologist should allow the
student to stay at home until the student’s headaches have fully resolved
C. The student will most likely have cognitive fatigue and short-term memory problems. The school psychologist should allow for frequent breaks in the health room and a late school start as needed
D. The student will most likely have difficulty focusing and experience headaches. The school psychologist should collaborate with parents to create a support plan for the student


A. School psychologists do not have extensive training in neuropsychology, but they should be aware of basic brain-based functions. A basic knowledge of neuropsychology can increase a school psychologist’s understanding of student learning and behavior. In this question, a hit to the
back of the head typically impacts the occipital lobe of the brain. The occipital lobe is the primary
visual cortex. When the occipital lobe is dysfunctional due to a concussion, students commonly have problems with visual processes (reading, writing) and they experience light sensitivity. Direct
and Indirect Services for Children, Families, and Schools


According to the Virginia Model of Threat Assessment, what are the three qualitative
identification levels for threats?
A. Low, medium, and high
B. Nonsignificant, significant, and imminent
C. Transient, substantive, and imminent
D. Low, medium, and significant


C. The Virginia Model of Threat Assessment (see Dr. Cornell’s work) uses three qualitative categories for threats. The classifications are transient, substantive, and imminent. The older classifications, offered by the U.S. Secret Service, are low, medium, and high. Systems-Level Services

In crisis situations, there are several ways that students cope with stress and trauma. According to the Belief, Affect, Social, Imagination, Cognitive, and Physiological (BASIC-Ph) model of coping, which of the following is not a coping style?
A. Belief
B. Avoidance
C. Social
D. Imagination

B. The BASIC-Ph Model of Coping is an acronym that stands for Beliefs, Affect, Social, Imagination, Cognitive, and Physiological. Note that avoidance (option “B”) is not valid and should have been termed “affect” according to the model. Direct and Indirect Services for Children, Families, and Schools and Systems-Level Services

According to Epstein’s Model of Parent Involvement, which one of the following is a key element of the model?
A. Communicating
B. Community opportunities
C. Parent opportunities
D. Staff–parent collaboration

A. Epstein’s Model of Parental Involvement includes the following specific elements: parenting, communicating, volunteering, learning at home, decision making, collaborating with community.
Foundations of School Psychological Service Delivery

A school psychologist may evaluate research for school districts (systems level). One of the most common means to evaluating research variables has been through analysis of variance (ANOVA). Which type of ANOVA moderates bias in the dependent variable to increase the validity of the
researcher’s conclusion?
A. Multivariate ANOVA
B. Mixed factorial ANOVA
C. Repeated-measures ANOVA
D. Analysis of covariance (ANCOVA)

D. The key benefit of analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) is that it mitigates bias in the dependent variable(s). This type of analysis of variance (ANOVA) increases the accuracy of conclusions
regarding the independent variable because it accounts for covariates related to within-group variance or group error. Systems-Level Services and Foundations of School Psychological Service

Multilevel modeling (MLM) is an important method to know because it may offer an alternative to analysis of variance (ANOVA) techniques. What choice best defines MLM?
A. MLM is a statistical model of parameters that vary at more than one level
B. MLM is a statistical method that controls biases at all levels of analysis
C. MLM is a technique that controls biases in the dependent variable
D. MLM is a method that analyzes covariances between variables

A. Multilevel modeling (MLM) is a statistical model of parameters that vary at more than one level. If there are multiple levels or variables to consider in research, then MLM is a useful alternative to analysis of variance (ANOVA). Foundations of School Psychological Service Delivery


Suicide among school-aged children and adolescents is a significant and serious concern.
According to the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP), suicide in the school-aged population is:
A. The first leading cause of death
B. The second leading cause of death
C. The third leading cause of death
D. The fourth leading cause of death


B. According to the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP), suicide is the second leading cause of death. A total of 17% of high school students have contemplated suicide.
Systems-Level Services


Case example for questions 131 and 132: As a school psychologist, you are asked to perform a focused assessment on a student suspected of having attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, combined type (ADHD-C). You have already formally observed the student in two classes, given a standardized broad-spectrum assessment, and interviewed the parents for developmental information.

What other formal measure would you employ as part of your comprehensive evaluation?
A. Behavior Assessment System for Children-III (BASC-III)
B. Conners Rating Scales–Revised
C. Conners-3
D. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Test


C. Although the Behavior Assessment System for Children-3 (BASC-3) is an effective formal
measure to aid in an attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) identification, it is considered
a broad-spectrum assessment, which has already been administered. The Conners Rating Scales–
Revised is a narrow brand tool, but it is older than the Conners-3. The Conners-3 is the most
current version of a narrow band ADHD tool that is widely utilized by school psychologists.
Professional Practices, Practices That Permeate All Aspects of Service Delivery


Case example for questions 131 and 132: As a school psychologist, you are asked to perform a focused assessment on a student suspected of having attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, combined type (ADHD-C). You have already formally observed the student in two classes, given a standardized
broad-spectrum assessment, and interviewed the parents for developmental information.

In the situation provided, the Behavior Assessment System for Children-III (BASC-III) Teacher and Parent Forms show significant score variability. The Teacher Form reveals a T-score of 66,
while the Parent Form illustrates a T-78. How would you interpret these results?

A. While both forms show significant score differences, both sets of scores suggest the student has indications of a substantial attention problem
B. Due to the significant score discrepancy, best practice is not to interpret the BASC results and put more emphasis on other measures to make a professional impression about attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
C. Both sets of scores, while discrepant, are still within the normal (average) range and do not indicate clinical concerns
D. The teacher form does not indicate high-level attention concerns, but the parent shows
substantial concerns


A. Behavior Assessment System for Children-3 (BASC-3) T-scores above 65 are clinically significant. Although there is significant score differences, both the parent and teacher forms are
signifying that the student has problems with attention. In other words, both scores are within the same range of concern and there is no discrepancy in the “range.” Professional Practices,
Practices That Permeate All Aspects of Service Delivery


When talking to parents about bell curve (e.g., normal curve) characteristics, two standard
deviations from the mean encompasses approximately how much of a given population?
A. 50%
B. 68%
C. 95%
D. 25%


C. A review of the bell curve illustration in this guide reveals that two standard deviations account for the majority of the bell curve population (approximately 95%). Note that one standard
deviation would encompass about 68% of a population. Professional Practices, Practices That Permeate All Aspects of Service Delivery and Foundations of School Psychological Service


A systems-wide practice or policy that is generally endorsed by the National Association of School
Psychologists (NASP) is:
A. Tracking
B. Positive behavioral interventions and supports (PBIS) training
C. Zero tolerance
D. Retention


B. Positive behavioral interventions and supports (PBIS) is a well-known systems-wide practice.
PBIS is an effective practice endorsed by the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP). All other choices are not endorsed practices. Systems-Level Services


Which critical law or case law states that special education students must have a manifestation
hearing to review placement if they are suspended for more than 10 days?
A. Buckley Amendment to the Family Education Act
B. Lau v. Nichols
C. Larry P v. Riles
D. Honig v. Doe


D. Honig v. Doe affirmed the “stay put” rule and prevents a special education student from being removed from school without a proper review. Foundations of School Psychological Service Delivery


Prior written notice must be given to parents for which of the following?
A. When a special education student is assessed for suicide
B. Change of service, or educational programming
C. When a special education student is suspended
D. When a special education student is assessed for threat


B. If a special education student has any formal change of service or programming, the school
must secure parent approval before changes are made. Note that any student can be assessed for suicide or threat without formal consent due to extreme safety concerns. Foundations of School
Psychological Service Delivery


Which academic practice/method is most closely aligned with Vygotsky’s cooperative learning
A. Tell-Show-Do-Practice-Generalize (TSDPG)
B. Classwide Peer Tutoring (CWPT)
C. Peer-to-peer instruction (PTPI)
D. Systematic and direct instruction


B. Classwide Peer Tutoring (CWPT) is a proactive intervention to help all students. It is similar to
Vygotsky’s theory on collaborative learning. Direct and Indirect Services for Children, Families,
and Schools

School psychologists must know facts related to various disorders. What is the name of the disorder that is believed to be caused by an extra chromosome, afflicts 1 out of 700 people, and is
sometimes referred to as Trisomy 21?
A. Fragile X
B. Autism
C. Pervasive developmental disorder
D. Down syndrome

D. Down syndrome is a low-incidence chromosomal disorder. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) states that roughly 1 out of every 700 people may have some degree of Down syndrome. Direct and Indirect Services for Children, Families, and Schools


An important role of school psychologists is to implement antibullying programs in schools. During a school wide training, the school psychologist tells staff that bullying is conceptualized as
a type of which of the following?
A. Violence that is characterized by a consistent abuse of power
B. Relationship aggression that is characterized by an imbalance of power
C. Violence that is characterized by consistent harassment of others
D. Harassment that is unwanted and chronic


A. Bullying is conceptualized in various ways by many experts and researchers. Although the answer to this question may be debatable, many experts would agree that bullying is a form of
aggression, not necessarily violence, which also involves an abuse of power. Note that some aspects of each choice may be true, but option “A” is the best choice given the options provided. Systems-Level Services


What is the current National Association of School Psychologists’ (NASP) opinion regarding no-harm or no-suicide contracts with students who may be suicidal?
A. Having students sign a no-harm contract raises the student’s awareness that others are willing
to provide support and has shown moderate effectiveness in practice
B. No-harm contracts have moderate effectiveness, but should be used with caution and a part of
a comprehensive support plan
C. No-harm contracts have little utility, but may be used with high school-aged students
D. No-harm contracts have shown little effectiveness and are not generally recommended


D. The National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) states, “Generally speaking no-suicide contracts have been shown to be ineffective and are no longer recommended.” Direct and
Indirect Services for Children, Families, and Schools and Systems-Level Services