practices: jewish festivals Flashcards
why are jewish festivals considered a great event in jewish history?
provide an opportunity to build a relationship with god
build jewish identity as families and communities come together
origin of rosh hashanah:
1. what is it?
2. what does it mean?
3. what is this festival a time for?
4. what do jewish people evaluate, ask and make?
5. what is a also a time to recall?
- jewish new year
- means head
- it is a time for jews to think about what they have done right and wrong over the past year and to look forward to the year ahead
- evaluate their behaviour, ask for forgiveness and make plans for the year ahead
- time to recall the story of creation in genesis and celebrate belief in gods as creator
how is rosh hashanah celebrated?
1. in homes, what do they drink?
2. what do they eat?
3. what does the challah represent?
4. how many times is the shofar horn blown?
5. what is shofar made from?
6. why is it blown?
7. what does the noise of the horn represent?
8. what is the tashlikh?
9. why are crumbs from the challah thrown into the water?
- wine is blessed
- slices of apple dipped in honey are eaten
- challah (bread) represents the cycle of the year
- shofar horn is blown 100 times
- shofar is made from the horn of a ram
- blown to announce holidays
- the noise of horn represents the soul crying out to god
- will say special prayers at a stream or river called ‘tashlikh’ (casting away)
- crumbs from the challah are thrown into the water which represents the sins thrown away
next 10 days, what do jews try to make up?
for actions they regret and plan ways to which they can live a better life
what do jews believe that god will do?
god will not forgive unless a person asks for forgiveness
why is rosh hashanah important?
1. why is it important?
2. what does it celebrate?
3. what does the book of genesis teach?
4. source of authority
- it is the celebration of the jewish jew year
- celebrate god creating the world
- book of genesis teaches that god created the worlds in 6 days and on the 7th, god rested
- “in the beginning god created the heavens and the earth”
why is rosh hashanah important?
1. why is it important along with yom kippur?
2. what does this mean then?
3. what does it give the opportunity to do what?
4. why is it joyous?
5. what do they celebrate?
6. why is it serious?
- along with Yom Kippur, it is looked upon as being one of judaism’s high holy days
- meaning it should be celebrated by all jews above all others
- gives them the opportunity to spend 10 days planning how they are going to live a better life throughout the year ahead
- it is joyous because families can celebrate the new year togherher
- celebrate the world that god created
- it is serious because ir provides an opportunity to reflect on the previous year and plan
what will most orthodox jews consider?
consider ways in which they can fulfil the covenant and be observant to the torah and mitzvot
when does yom kippur start?
comes 10 days after rosh hashanah
what is yom kippur considered as?
the holiest day of the year
what is yom kippur known as?
‘day of atonement’ which means it is the day when jews ask god for forgiveness
origin of yom kippur:
1. what does it date back?
2. why would they visit the temple?
3. where is the holy holies contained?
4. why was it open?
- dates back to the time of temple and the early jewish community
- would visit the temple in jerusalem to offer a small sacrifice to god to atone (seek forgiveness)
- the holy of holies is contained in the original torah
- given to moses by god, it was open so that sacrifice and prayers could be offered directly to god
how is yom kippur celebrated?
1. why is yom kippur not the best way to celebrate?
2. how can god be fair and compassionate?
3. what must all jews do as it is the holiest day of the year?
4. what must they wear?
5. what will many do?
6. what do they do during prayers?
7. what symbolises god’s presence?
- it should not be celebrated because it is a holy and solemn (serious and sacred) day
- believes that if they are truly sorry for their sinful actions, god will be fair and compassionate and forgive them
- all jews must attended the synagogue as it is the holiest day of the year
- must wear white clothing
- many will spend a large part of the day in the synagogue in prayer and reflection
- during prayers, people quietly ask god for forgiveness
- the door of the holy ark - aron kadesh are open to symbolise god’s presence
what must jews for 25 hours?
day of fasting
go without:
food, perfume, alcohol, sexual activity, wearing leather shoes
where do jews visit on the day before yom kippur?
a mikveh (a poor of natural water) for spiritual cleaning
what rule applies on Yom Kippur?
shabbat: no work
pikuach refresh applies if you are ill or to young: no fasting
what are all jews expected to do?
attend the synagogue on this day and seek forgiveness for their sins
why is Yom Kippur important?
referred to as the ‘sabbath of sabbaths’
torah commands it “the tenth day is the day of atonement. hold a scared assembly and deny themselves, and present an offering to the lord”
what are some jews who do not follow shabbat throughout the year expected to do?
expected to try to do so on this day
during Yom Kippur, what do jews focus on?
focus on god rather than focus on material possessions
how many prayers are there in Yom Kippur?
what do jews do at each service?
jews confess their sins to god
what do rabbis and cantors dress in?
what does it represent?
dress in white to represent forgiveness
why are the doors of the holy ark open throughout the service?
to confess directly to god
what is pesach known as?
the passover and takes place in spring
what does pesach recall?
the jews being saved by Moses from Egypt therefore it is the festival of freedom
origins of pesach:
1. what does it recall?
2. what did god sent?
3. what did the pharaoh agreed to do?
4. what does this festival reminds jews of?
- recalls the angel of death passed over Egypt killing every firstborn male, but no those of jew people
- was the 10th plague that god sent
- the Pharaoh agreed to allow the jew slaves to leave
- reminds jews that they are god’s chosen people and that he saved them
how is pesach celebrated:
1. what do they do in preparation?
2. what is chametz?
3. what must be the only bread eaten?
4. what does the bread symbolise?
- in preparation, the home is thoroughly cleaned
- all chametz which are food that contains yeast or rising agents are thrown out
- flat bread or matzo is the only bread eaten during this time
- symbolises that the slaves who left Egypt were in such a rush that they did not have time for their bread to rise
how is pesach celebrated:
1. what is the most important meal of the festival?
2. what does seder mean?
3. what does matzo crackers help to remember?
4. what does bitter herbs helps to remember?
5. what is salt water used to remember?
6. what is a charoset?
7. what does a charoset symbolise?
- seder meal is the most important event of the festival
- seder means order and everything on the seder plate is symbolic
- matzo crackers remember how there was no time for the bread to rise when the jews left Egypt
- bitter herbs like harshradish helps to remember the bitterness of slavery
- salt water is used to remember the tears of the slaves
- charoset - mix of apple, cinnamon, nut and wine
- symbolises the cement used in buildings by slaves
how is pesach celebrated:
1. how many cups of wine are drunk?
2. what does wine symbolise?
3. what is the children’s role?
4. what does the youngest present starts the meal with?
5. why is a piece of matzah hidden?
- four cups of wine are drunk
- wine symbolises freedom
- children play a key role in the celebration
- the youngest present starts the meal by asking 4 questions about the origins of the ritual
- a piece of matzah is hidden and the first child to find it receives a prize
why is pesach important to jews today?
because god commands jewish people to celebrate passover in the torah in the book of exodus
what does the exodus state?
the story of the jews escaping Egypt
“then Moses called all the elders of Israel and said to them, go and select lambs for yourselves and kill the passover lamb”
why does the pesach hold great importance?
as the story of passover comes directly from the torah
what do jews believe that god is?
so they attempt to follow all of his commandments and teachings from the torah
why is it important of retelling the story of passover?
ensures that the jewish faith and religion and passed on
this means younger jewish people will learn the important events from jewish history and be able to pass these on to their children in the future
why is pesach an important festival relating to egypt?
as it reminds jews to think about people today who are suffering from slavery and oppression
what can jews feel of having the seder meal?
can feel empathy with their ancestors who were kept as slaves in egypt
why is pesach a joyful celebration?
important as it helps jews to remember their freedom and entering the promise land.
it is an opportunity to spend time with family and show gratitude to god
- what is the festival of sukkot?
- what does it mark the end of?
- how many days do they celebrate for?
- what is it seen as?
it is the festival of huts
marks the end of summer and brings in the autumn harvest
celebrates for 8 days
seen as a holiday period and time of hospitality
origin of sukkot:
1. where did it come from?
2. what happened when the people left egypt?
3. what did they do during this time?
- comes from the time when the early jewish community were wandering in the wilderness after leaving the slavery of egypt
- when they left egypt, moses and his people were in the wilderness for 40 years
- during this time, the people had to build small shelters (sukkahs) to protect them
how is sukkot celebrated:
1. what does building tents and huts represent?
2. what does it mean for the booths to be very large?
3. what can they do inside them?
4. what is this a time of?
5. how can jews recall that this is a harvest festival?
- build tents and huts to represent the temporary shelters the wanderers used in the desert
- the booths can be large, enough for many people, and people are often invited into a family’s sukkah
- families will eat in them and may sleep if the weather is okay
- it is a time of sharing and hospitality
- leaves, fruit and vegetables will be hung from the roof to recall it is a harvest festival
how is sukkot celebrated:
1. what is the ancient tradition?
2. to symbolise who?
3. what is the another way to remember the biblical characters?
4. what do they do on the last day?
5. explain the celebration on the last day
- ancient tradition that a lulav and an etrog are waved in 6 directions
- to show god’s power is everywhere
- there is another tradition of remembering jewish biblical characters such as abraham, isaac, jocab and moses by children creating drawings of them and decorating the sukkah with them
- last day -> celebration of torah
- all of the torah scrolls are taken out of the ark with singing and dancing around the synagogue
why is the sukkot important?
it commemorates the years that the jews spent in the desert on their way to the promise land
celebrates the way in which gods protected them under difficult desert conditions for 40 years
why is the sukkot important relating to connection?
helps them to connect with their ancestors
why do they create a booth outside to live?
reminds them of how the jews people lived whilst in the desert
why is the sukkot important relating to the torah?
jews are commanded to celebrate this festival in the torah (part of the 613 mitzvot)
“you shall dwell in sukkot so that generations will know how the israelites lived”