practices: bar mitzvah & bat chayil Flashcards
what happens when a jewish boy or girl hits puberty? (4)
will become responsible for living by the jewish law = torah
will have to accept the law and its obligations in full
take part in synagogue services
set a good example
bar mitzvah: what is it?
male rite of passage
bar mitzvah: when will the boy become a bar mitzvah?
on the sabbath nearest to his 13th birthday, they will become bar mitzvah meaning son of the commandment
bar mitzvah: what will the boy do during the sabbath service?
the boy will stand at the bimah and read aloud part of the torah
bar mitzvah: what would have the boy prepared before the sabbath service?
will have studied for many months to learn Hebrew and the section of the torah
bar mitzvah: what will the boy wear for the first time?
tefillin - black leather boxes containing an extract of the torah
bar mitzvah: what will the rabbi address?
address part of his talk to the boy and the boy could give a talk to the rest of assembly
bar mitzvah: what will the boy’s father recite?
recite a prayer of thanks for his sons coming of age
bar mitzvah: what happens after the service?
there will usually be a party to celebrate the bar mitzvah
bar mitzvah: what is the boy considered as now?
part of the minyan and may lead part of the synagogue services
according to the jewish law, he is now eligible to own property and get married however this is unusual in modern society
bat mitzvah: what is it?
female reform rite of passage
bat mitzvah: when will the girl prepare?
around the time of her 12th birthday
bat mitzvah: what happens during the ceremony?
the girl will not wear a tefillin
may lead prayers and read from the torah scroll
bar mitzvah: what does it demonstrates?
that she is taking on these additional privileges and responsibilities
bat mitzvah: some reform jews may ask the girl to do what?
to read a section from the tank from one of the female figures
bat mitzvah: what may she be asked to prepare?
to prepare a speech based on the reading or talk about aa ‘mitzvah project’
may choose 1 or 2 of the mitzvot to focus on such as kosher cooking, a day dedicated to prayer or some form of charity work
bat mitzvah: what do jews believe about the bat mitzvah?
do not accept it
do not allow girls to count as part of the minyan or to lead services
bat chayil: what is it?
female orthodox rite of passage
bat chayil: what does it mean?
daughter of valour
what does valour mean?
great courage in the face of danger, especially in battle.
bat chayil: when does it take place?
in orthodox synagogues at a date close to the girl’s 12th birthday
bat chayil: what happens during the ceremony?
will give a talk on a jewish topic but not during the sabbath service
bat chayil: why do orthodox see the role of women and men as different?
they believe that women do not take an active part in the synagogue services but have a very important role to play in the home
bat chayil: what does this allow the girl to take up to? why?
take up her adult role in the community
has to observe jewish laws that pertain to women and learn how to keep a good jewish home
apply the kosher (one of the lessons they will have to learn)