Practice Test Questions Flashcards
A pharmacist receives a Schedule Eight prescription that gets dropped off at the pharmacy. They are unfamiliar with the prescriber’s signature or handwriting and when they contact the prescriber the prescriber informs them that they did not write the prescription and that they had prescription stationery stolen from the surgery. The person who dropped off the prescription never returns to the pharmacy. Which ONE of the following describes the MOST appropriate action for the pharmacist to take in this situation
Retain the prescription, stamp the prescription “cancelled” and contact the Health Department of Western Australia’s Pharmaceutical Service branch and report the fraudulent prescription
A pharmacist who works in three pharmacies in nearby suburbs identifies that a patient has presented prescriptions for 28 morphine 20mg tablets on consecutive days at each pharmacy written by different prescribers from different surgeries. Which ONE of the following describes the MOST appropriate action for this pharmacist to take in this situation
Investigate the situation by first discussing the matter with the patient before any action is taken
A prescriber known to a pharmacist contacts the pharmacy and requests that the pharmacy delivers a bottle of morphine 5mg/mL oral liquid to patient of the pharmacy that has cancer. Which ONE of the following describes the MOST appropriate action for this pharmacist to take in this situation?
Supply the full bottle of morphine oral liquid to the patient
A prescriber known to a pharmacist contacts the pharmacy and requests that the pharmacy delivers a bottle of morphine 5mg/mL oral liquid to patient of the pharmacy that has cancer. Which ONE of the following describes the MOST appropriate action for this pharmacist to take in this situation
Supply the full bottle of morphine oral liquid to the patient
Which ONE of the following BEST describes the advertising of Schedule Eight medications in Western Australia
Schedule Eight medication can only be advertised to health professionals licensed to prescribe or persons licensed to manufacture or supply medicines
Which ONE of the following BEST describes the records needing to be kept when a pharmacist dispenses a veterinary prescription or a Schedule Eight medication for an animal
The pharmacist must record the owners name, address and species of animal
Which ONE of the following BEST describes the types of information recorded by a pharmacist in the Schedule Eight Drug of Addiction Register when they dispense a Schedule Eight prescription for a patient
Pharmacist will record dispensing date, full name of patient, address, quantity supplied, prescription number and prescriber
A pharmacist receives a prescription for Schedule Eight medication flunitrazepam from a patient who is visiting from interstate written by her General Practitioner in her home state. Which ONE of the following describes the MOST appropriate action for this pharmacist to take in this situation
The pharmacist cannot dispense the prescription and should direct the patient to a local medical practitioner
Which ONE of the following BEST describes the prescribing of Schedule Eight opioid medications to patients under the age of 18 in Western Australia
Authorisation is required for all Schedule Eight opioid medications prescribed to patients under the age of 18
A pharmacist working in Perth CBD, visits his local doctor regarding his mental health.Which of the following best describes the scenario?
There is no legal obligation to make a mandatory notification in this situation
Dose administration aids would be most useful for which type of medication non-adherence
After speaking with a patient Mr BK you determine that he believes his medication is very important and he expresses little concerns about his medication. Which attitude group would he belong according to the necessity-concerns framework?
The Stages of Change model of behaviour identifies five stages through which individual progress as they change behaviours. Which of the following is INCORRECT
Stages of Change model is useful in predicting intentional and unintentional non-adherence
The Pharmacy Board of Australia’s Code of Conduct for Pharmacists recognises that effective communication plays an integral part of pharmacist-patient relationship. Which ONE of the following BEST describes effective communication as detailed in Section 3.3 of this Code?
Listening to, asking for, and respecting patients’ views about their health, and responding to their concerns and preferences
According to the 2016 National Competency Standards Framework for Pharmacists in Australia, which ONE of the following examples of evidence BEST describes Domain 2: Communication and Collaboration?
Uses respectful, empathetic, active listening and a compassionate manner, without bias or judgement, when communicating with a patient
Jamila, a recently qualified pharmacist has been given the task by the pharmacy manager to ensure the pharmacy has all the required reference texts. Jamila recalls learning in one of the pharmacy practice units that the Pharmacy Board of Australia provides a list of reference texts in which pharmacists are expected to access during clinical assessment, reviewing, dispensing and counselling processes. Which ONE of the following is the BEST course of action for Jamila?
Orders a new copy of the Australian Medicines Handbook each year
Is the following statement incorrect?
Compliance indicates a relationship between patient and prescriber where the patient can make informed decisions

A pharmacy offers an in-store blood pressure monitoring service conducted by a pharmacist. These type of service would be best classified as
Pharmacist, other healthcare, professional pharmacy service
Is the following statement incorrect?
Implementation is a single event that occurs when a provider starts to deliver a new innovation for the first time
When considering a professional pharmacy service, factors associated with the service as well as factors at each contextual level will influence the implementation process. Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding factors at the individual level?
- Individual level factors include personal characteristics of the pharmacist, their attitudes towards the service, motivation, self-confidence, knowledge and experience
Which of the following statements is INCORRECT regarding the Pharmacy Guild of Australia?
It is an employee member associated representing pharmacists
Which of the following is NOT a requirement for a patient to be eligible under the 6CPA DAA program?
Live at home in a Government funded aged care facility (should be live at home in a community setting)
A patient receives their medicines on a daily pick up schedule, under the Staged Supply arrangements. What payment would the pharmacy receive per week under the 6 CPA?
In addition to (i) being a Medicare and/or Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA) cardholder; (ii) having not received a MedsCheck, Diabetes MedsCheck, Home Medicines Review (HMR) or Residential Medication Management Review (RMMR) in the last 12 months; (iii) be living at home in a community setting; Which of the following is the criteria for a patient to be eligible to receive a Diabetes MedsCheck service?
Is unable to gain timely access to existing diabetes education/health services in their community; and has recently been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes (in the last 12 months); or has less than ideally controlled type 2 diabetes.
Which of the following is INCORRECT regarding medication management services under the 6CPA
Only accredited pharmacist are able to conduct medication management review services
Pharmacists must record clinical interventions using the DOCUMENT classification system. What do the letters of DOCUMENT stand for?
Drug selection, Over or under dose, Compliance, Undertreated, Monitoring, Education, Not classifiable, Toxicity or adverse reaction
which of the following is INCORRECT in regards to the Community Service Obligation (CSO)?
The CSO is payment to pharmaceutical wholesales by the Australian Government to supply PBS medications
Mrs Judy Macklin, 68 years old comes into the pharmacy and hands you a large folder of prescriptions. She tells you that out of that pile of prescriptions she only wants her Lipitor®, Atacand® and Xalatan® scripts today and is going to the supermarket across the road and will return later to collect her medication.
Which ONE of the following describes a PRIORITY step in receiving Mrs Macklin’s prescriptions in this situation?
Ask Mrs Macklin if you can confirm certain details before she leaves the pharmacy
Mrs Judy Macklin, 68 years old comes into the pharmacy and hands you a large folder of prescriptions. She tells you that out of that pile of prescriptions she only wants her Lipitor®, Atacand® and Xalatan® scripts today and is going to the supermarket across the road and will return later to collect her medication.
Looking through Mrs Macklin’s prescription folder you notice she has multiple repeats for Lipitor®, Atacand® and Xalatan®. Which ONE of the following describes the first step to follow in this situation?
Sort all the prescriptions so they are in date order, with oldest prescriptions at the front to be dispensed first if they are still relevan
Mrs Judy Macklin, 68 years old comes into the pharmacy and hands you a large folder of prescriptions. She tells you that out of that pile of prescriptions she only wants her Lipitor®, Atacand® and Xalatan® scripts today and is going to the supermarket across the road and will return later to collect her medication.
Mrs Macklin has asked for three medications that she has already been taking for some time. Which ONE of the following describes an important detail you should check in Mrs Macklin’s dispensing history as you dispense these prescriptions?
Checking how often each medication is dispensed as a clue to determining how adherent she is to her prescribed therapy
Which ONE of the following is a requirement with regards to the Quality Care Pharmacy Program (QCPP) standards for cold chain management?
Each pharmacy should have an appointed staff member per shift who is responsible for reading and recording the fridge’s daily minimum and maximum temperature
Pharmacy medicines or Schedule 2 Medicines have restrictions placed upon their sale and supply. Which ONE of the following restrictions apply to their sale or supply?
These medicines are considered safe in use but if the patient has experienced side effects related to their use, they need to referred to the pharmacist before further supply
The Pharmaceutical Society of Australia produced the Code of Practice – Pseudoephedrine to support the safe and appropriate supply of pseudoephedrine-containing products in community pharmacy. Which ONE of the following is a guideline relating to the supply of pseudoephedrine-containing products?
Prior to supply the pharmacist should satisfy themselves that a clinical condition exists which would benefit from treatment with a pseudoephedrine-containing product
The Pharmacy Board of Australia (PBA) requires that each community pharmacy provide adequate resources that must be available to staff to support the safe and appropriate supply of schedule 2 and 3 medicines. According to the PBA, which ONE of the following is a required resource for staff regarding clinical information about S2 or S3 medicine?
Consumer medicines information via MIMs
From 1 July 2017, community pharmacies participating in the dose administration aid (DAA) program will receive a fee of $6 per patient per week as a contribution towards the cost of providing the service to patients that meet the eligibility criteria, under the 6th Community Pharmacy Agreement (6CPA). According to the 6CPA DAA Program Rules, which ONE of the following patients MEETS the mandatory patient eligibility criteria?
Catherine, a retired accountant with dementia, holds Medicare and a government issued-concession card, lives at home in a community setting, and takes six prescription medicines.
Which of the following patients would benefit from using a dose administration aid?
i. Patients with a cognitive impairment (e.g. dementia)
ii. Patients with a physical impairment (e.g. rheumatoid arthritis)
iii. Patients with a recent hospital discharge due to a myocardial infarction
iv. Patients on multiple medications (i.e. more than five) on a daily basis
There are many pharmaceutical factors which need to be taken into consideration when preparing and supplying a dose administration aid (DAA). Which ONE of the following is an EXAMPLE of a medicine that would be considered unsuitable for packing in a DAA due to its sensitivity to moisture?
Olanzapine wafers
Staged supply is useful in the following situations, EXCEPT
A patient receiving palliative care who is unable to take medicines themselves and relies on a carer.
The ‘Continued Dispensing’ process enables the supply of an eligible medicine to a consumer under the PBS when there is an immediate need for that medicine but it is not practicable to obtain a prescription, provided they meet the eligibility criteria. Which of the following are the CORRECT eligibility criteria for a medicine to be dispensed under ‘Continued Dispensing’?
i. The pharmacist considers that there is an immediate need to supply the medicine to facilitate continuity of therapy.
ii. The most recent consultation between the patient and the prescriber was less than 12 months ago.
Which ONE (1) of the following statements is most accurate in relation to the role of pharmacists in supporting the quality use of medicines?
Pharmacists play a critical role in promoting the quality use of medicines by providing input to the careful selection of treatment options, appropriate choice of medicines and their safe and effective use.
Which ONE (1) of the following best explains Continuous Quality Improvement?
Continuous Quality Improvement is used by health care professionals to improve safety in health care which involves them monitoring and assessing their clinical practice to identify opportunities for improvement and change to reduce risk.
Which ONE (1) of the following most comprehensively lists the standards that may be used by pharmacists to help them assess whether the services and skills they provide are of appropriate quality?
Professional Practice Standards, National Competency Standards Framework, National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards, Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care (ACSQHC) Clinical Care Standards, and the Quality Care Pharmacy Program.
hich ONE (1) of the following best explains Root Cause Analysis and Action (RCA2)?
RCA2 is the process used by health care organisations to prevent future harm and improve patient safety by helping them determine what happened when a near miss or critical incident occurs, how and why it happened, and what actions should be taken to prevent similar future incidents.
Which ONE of the following is NOT a consideration when deciding the Listing or Registering of a pharmaceutical product on the Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods (ARTG)?
Manufacturing costs
Which ONE of the following statements is INCORRECT concerning complementary medicines?
Listed complementary medicines are assessed for quality, safety and efficacy
Which ONE of the following statements is CORRECT regarding the importation of unapproved drugs into Australia for personal use?
Unapproved therapeutic goods imported under the personal importation scheme can be used by the individual and their immediate family
Which ONE of the following statements BEST describes a situation that would require a Class II Therapeutic Goods Administration recall?
Defects in a product that could cause illness or mistreatment
Which ONE of the following activities is NOT part of the Therapeutic Goods Administration activities when conducting an on-site audit of a sponsor’s manufacturing site?
Drug testing of employees