practice/quiz questions EXAM 1 Flashcards
which of the following force vectors acting on a segment has the greatest moment arm for the axis of rotation if all vectors are the same magnitude?
- the perpendicular distance between the line of force and the axis of rotation is the greatest
flexion of the skater’s right knee is about which axis of rotation?
- tibia is flexed relative to the knee
the position of two runners at 0.2 s intervals are represented by the colored squares below. the runners (squares) are moving from left to right. the acceleration of the runners are related as follows:
acceleration of A=B
- the acceleration of both is 0 - they have the same velocity the whole time
the two position/time graphs indicate motion of an object over time. distance traveled by each object are related as follows:
distance A > B
- the area under the curve = the distance traveled
- curve A has more area, so it has more distance
the muscle force vector (M) will create a compressive force and a moment at the knee joint. the magnitude of the compressive component is ___ the perpendicular component creating the knee moment.
greater than
- vector composition: Mx > My
estimate the location fo the person’s whole-body center of mass in each of the pictures below
red is original COM, green is new COM with movement
the position of the pitcher’s right hip
flexed, internally rotated, abducted
- left hip higher than the right, so the right hip is abducted
at the knee during a downward squat, what arthrokinematic motions do you expect?
femur roll into flexion, anterior glide
tibial roll into flexion, posterior glide
consider a tissue placed under strain and stretched into the elastic region of the stress-strain curve without injury. when the load is removed the tissue will:
lose energy
- hysteresis
the greatest total force of a maximally active muscle will be at
the longest physiologic length of the muscle
- the greatest active force would be at the intermediate length near the resting length
if the hip were in anatomical position and the knee was fully extended, what would the relative length of the hamstring muscle gorup be on the x-axis of the diagram?
- 280 (full hamstring length) - 120 (if hip was flexed) = 160
consuder the gluteus maximus and semitendinosus of the person in the figure for the LE that is being raised. which muscle has a greater moment arm for creating a hip extension moment?
gluteus maximus
according to the chart, which of the following muscles are concentrically active during the pre-swing (PSw) phase of gait?
if the person in the picture is slowly lowering the hand weights from position A to B, what is the primary active muscle at the glenohumeral joint?
anterior deltoid
- line of pull - eccentrically
if the person in the picture is slowly lowering the hand weights from A to B, what is a helping synergist muscles working with the anterior deltoid?
biceps brachii
in the picture, what are the internal and external moments acting on the right leg and foot segment?
weight of the body
probably some others
muscle activation vs. muscle action
muscle activation: the neuromuscular process of motor unit recruitment to create muscle tension
muscle action: the potential for a muscle to cause movement in a particular direction about a give joint axis of motion
consider a person walking up a flight of stair. if you measured body weight, stair height, number of steps, and time, which measure could you calculate?
mechanical work and mechanical power
- weight = force
- height x number of steps = displacement
- force x displacement = mechanical work
- mechanical work/time = mechanical power
- cannot calculate ankle moment - would need moment arms and the forces across the ankle some distance from axis of rotation
consider the mechnical energy of the gymnast. if the gymnast hols this position for 5 seconds, the following occurs
- generation of mechanical energy would need velocity at COM
- no increase in PE - no change in position/height
- no increase in KE - no movement
a smaller femoral angle of inclination (coxa varus) has the mechanical advantage of ____, relative to the normal angle
increased amoment arm for hip abductor muscles
what explains the linear force of 250-300% body weight during static single-limb standing?
forces across the joint influenced by muscle moments
- other forces through the hip joint
- stair climb - 300% BW
- walking - 400-700% BW
- running - 1000% BW
what muscle attaches to the iliotibial band?
gluteus maximus