learning objectives EXAM 1 Flashcards
study of forces acting on human body/body segments and the consequences of those forces related to posture and motion
description of motion as a function of space and time, without regard to forces creating the movement
(no cause, just motion)
the description of motion of a system in terms of forces acting on the system
(muscle activity)
linear motion
curvilinear and rectilinear
mechanical interaction between a system and its surroundings; a push or pull of one object or another
the base of kinetics
the turning effect of a force, known as moment of force or torque
skeletal muscle cross-sectional area
anatomical, physiological
proportion to the muscle force that can be produced
absolute reference frame
based on the environment that movement occurs in
relative reference frame
moves with body segment
shows joint angle/ROM
change in position/change in time (s/t)
position/time, velocity/time, acceleration/time graphs
sign of velocity will be in direction of the change in position (if position slope is positive, then velocity value is negative)
peak/valley in position = 0 velocity
relationship between linear and angular motion of body segments
angular motion, theta = s/r
angular movements of a segment at the joint lead to linear movement of parts of segments
angular motion of the hip and knee lead to linear motion of the foot
kinematic graphs
area under a curve is the distance traveled
a change in position slope = 0 V
change in velocity slope = 0 acceleration
vector composition and resolution
make parallelogram for vector composition if vectors are coplanar but not collinear (if collinear, just add together)
resolution: split into X and Y components
- X to parallel to bony segment
- Y is perpendicular to bony segment
center of mass
COM is generally just anterior to S2
diarthroses (synovial joints)
“freely movable”
similarities in structure for all subtypes
difference between osteokinematics and arthrokinematics
osteokinematics: bone motion, physiologic motion (flexion, extension, abduction, adduction)
arthrokinematics: joint surface motion, accessory motion (roll, glide, spine) - necessary for physiologic motion
arthokinematic motions
- roll: series of points on one surface contacts a series of points on another
- glide/slide: a single point on one surface contacts a series of points on another
- spin: a single point on one surface rotates about a point on the other
convex on concave
- like femur on tibia
- roll and slide
- convex moves on stationary concave
- maximizes rotation and minimizes translation
concave on convex
- glide and roll
influence of articular structures on joint motion, beyond surface shape
ligaments, joint capsule, muscle-tendon units also influence
- frozen shoulder
stress-strain relationship for connective tissues
- stress: normalized force applied to deform a structure (tension, compression, shear)
- stress = force/area
- strain: quantification of object’s deformation (due to stress)
- no unit
- deformation - change in shape
- linear strain - change in length (from axial stress), tension or compression
- the more force is applied, the greater the deformation
- more strain = more stress
- change in stress/change in strain = stiffness
how water content affects stress-strain
loss of energy
when stress is removed, the tissue returns to normal but along a different path
less energy recovered
stress relaxation
also due to water content
with constant strain over time, stress decreases (stretching)
also due to water content
increasing deformation under constant load
tendency of a material to move slowly or deform permanently under the influence of mechanical stresses
active muscle force generation
actin filaments overlapping
active force is greatest at intermediate length of muscle
passive muscle force generation
ability of whole muscle (active and passive components) to produce force, based on muscle length
total force = active force + passive tension
greatest total force of a maximally active muscle is at longest physiologic length of the muscle
describe active length-tension principles for 2-joint muscles
2-joint muscles can length and shorten across both
- hamstring
- knee ROM - 135
- hip ROM - 145
- total HS ROM is 280
manipulat posture and motion to create mechanical strength advantage during movement
- active can produce greatest force at an intermediate length
- intermediate length is approximately the resting length
- changing length can change muscle force
viscosity and influence on muscle force production
- viscosity: resistance of a fluid to flow
- rate dependent resistance - higher resistance with higher rate
- muscles do not behave ideally as elastic because of viscosity due to water content
- increases resistance to motion and lowers energy return of lengthening an elastic structure