practice questions 2 Flashcards
simultaneous schedules
concurrent, alternate, conjunctive
successive schedules
multiple, mixed, chained, tandem
same interval
“how many times”
more intermittent
naive observer
collects data without knowing purpose of the study
contingent exercise
punishment procedure that requires engaging in a behavior that is topographically different from the problem behavior
3 levels of scientific understanding
description, prediction, control
PLACHECK (planned activity check)
group behavior and observer headcounts people engaging in target behavior
private events
are covert (not observable behaviors)
Direct instruction
fast paced, siegfried, uses scripted, fast-paced lessons to evoke individual or choral responses from small groups of students at similar academic level, uses prepared curriculum, frequent assessments and regrouping
behavior does not happen out of the blue
Keller, self-paced based entirely on the individuals progress, created for use in college classrooms but does not involve teachers lecturing on study materials
interval to deliver reinforcer less than 15 min, AO (abolishing operation)
Line graph
variability of behaviors
programming common stimuli
creating settings similar to the actual ones
Interspersed request
High prob request sequence, behavioral momentum all synonyms
Y axis
ordinate or vertical axis
behavioral cusp
once learned opens many new contingencies
pivotal behavior
once learned causes changes in known behaviors to occur
Precision teaching
Ogden Lindsley, standard celeration chart, display fluency data and are used to monitor skills
Permanent product
observer does not have to be present while target behavior is occurring
simultaneous treatment
rapidly alternating two or more reinforcers (alternating treatment design)
functional analysis
contrived setting
When data plots overlap in y axis
no change in level
When data plots show the same angle
no change in trend
Mixed and tandem schedules
No Sd
FI and FR
post-reinforcement pause
Temporal extent
If response is incorrect
not considered a prompt
multi baseline, subjects, behaviors, settings
Procedural fidelity
treatment integrity, IV is implemented as planned
Teaching loosely
randomly changes environmental settings when teaching a new skill
component analysis
test two or more IV to identify 1 that has functional relation
Discontinuous measurement
PRT Pivotal response training
self-initiation, Koegel, Schreibman
Double blind control
neither subject or researcher can identify the presence or absence of the IV
demonstrated when the subject is aware that he/she is observed and he/she reacts differently
requires a person to conduct an objective observation
time delay
between presentation of the Sd and the prompt
Cumulative graph
never descends
Default technologies
refer to the use of coercive and punitive interventions without elaborating the use of other effective interventions (corporal punishment)
example of backup reinforcers
contingent observation
time out procedure
x axis
arbitrary stimulus class
stimuli do not look alike but share the same response, 30 + 5, 3 tens 5 ones, thirty five
only one opportunity to respond
Free operant
Unlimited opportunities
graduated guidance
physical prompts, systematically
High P request sequence
relatively short responses in rapid succession
Premack Principle
Low probability followed by high probability, “if, then”
increase at high rate
diminishing behavior reinforcing lower and lower rates of unwanted behavior
incidental teaching, in-situ training, naturalistic teaching, non-intensive
Maximizing learning opportunities by creating a rich, intriguing environment that students find interesting and motivating, evoke tacts and mands, primary used for communication skills questions that include the word “environment” are a likely tip-off that Incidental Teaching is involved
stimulus generalization
same behavior under differing stimulus conditions
response generalization
behaving differently in presence of same stimuli
contingency contract
positively stated
behavioral contrast
running stop sign in chicago causes ticket so you stop more there but less in Gainesville
matching law
twice as often
token economies
teach or manage behaviors, steps: select tokens, identify behaviors or rules, select back-up reinforcers, establish a ratio of exchange, write procedures, field test, convenient and effective
7 Dimensions of ABA
GETACAB- generality, effective, techological, applied, conceptually systematic, analytic, behavioral
Private event
not directly observable
collect information in order to reasonably conclude behavioral function
Free operant naturalistic observation to determine potential reinforcers
either duration or frequency based measurement not necessary for both
ratio strain
requirements of reinforcement schedule too high, schedule too thin
reinforcer preference assessment without replacement
client chooses item and they are not put back in array
manipulating Mos
if i want to drink beer, I fill up with water first
response prompts
if i want to drink beer i put a note on the fridge saying don’t drink that beer
haven’t showered after a run, so you start running shower water
water was freezing so you adjust it to comfortable temperature
seeing shampoo on shower bench when taking shower
things in the way, if you want glass of wine you ave to open it etc
Matching law
interval schedule, netflix vs banging BF choice, what is valuable to you right now, double the amount, more effort where you get reinforcement, ratio
set amount
on average
Data, facts, objectives
control functional analysis
repeatability, believabilty
Philosophical doubt
healthy skepticism, bullshit detector