Practice Questions 2 Flashcards
Jeffrey is a 7-year-old student. He has a severe bilateral sensori-neural hearing loss. His parents are hearing and speak Cantonese at home. He has poor English skills and poor sign language skills. His family moved to the school district three months ago and is frequently is sent to the principal for misbehaving in class.
A teacher is responsible for planning Jeffrey’s first Individualized Education Program (IEP) conference at school. What should the teacher do first to prepare for Jeffrey’s IEP conference?
a. Arrange payment for a Cantonese interpreter
b. Inform the school psychologist of the IEP conference date
c. Gather data on Kerry’s functioning in all areas (e.g., academic, social)
d. Develop the IEP plan to give to Kerry’s parents at the conference
c. All data gathered in evaluating Jeffrey’s functioning in all areas are needed by the IEP
team members. This team will use the data to determine the placement it will recommend for
Jeffrey when the team meets with her parents at the IEP conference.
The psychologist tells the IEP team that Jeffrey’s IQ score is 87. What should be the
team’s immediate response?
a. Reject this information because IQ scores are invalid for deaf students
b. Begin identifying programs for mildly retarded students who are deaf or hard of hearing
c. Use this IQ score and begin developing IEP goals and objectives for the year
d. Ask the psychologist if this IQ score is from the performance scale or the verbal scale of an IQ test
d. The IEP team must know the basis for the IQ score to evaluate if it is appropriate to use in developing Kerry’s IEP plan.
At the IEP conference, the LEA representative must inform Jeffrey’s parents that:
a. There are limited in-school services available for Kerry
b. They may have time to review the proposed IEP plan before signing it
c. They are required to keep a record of how Kerry communicates at home
d. They must pay for Kerry’s transportation to and from any special services outside the school
b. According to federal laws relevant to individuals with disabilities, parents are to have
access to all records relevant to their children’s evaluation and placement. Parents may have time to consider the evaluation and the placement before signing the IEP plan.
If Jeffrey’s parents are dissatisfied with the IEP plan, they may
a. Request a due process hearing
b. Ask for another IEP conference after 6 months
c. Require the school to provide the services the parents desire
d. Transfer Kerry to another placement at the school district’s expense
a. If Jeffrey’s parents are dissatisfied with her initial evaluation and placement, according to
federal laws relevant to individuals with disabilities, Jeffrey’s parents may request and obtain an independent evaluation.
An aide is assigned to observe how often a student exhibits a particular behavior.
The aide divides the observation period into equal time periods and records the
occurrences of the target behavior during these time periods. Which of the following
types of observation is being used?
a. Interval recording
b. Duration recording
c. Continuous recording
d. Anecdotal recording
a. Interval recording is used when the observation recording of target events/behavior inside the classroom is broken down into time increments. This generally is the preferred method for a student’s IEP.
Which of the following informal classroom assessments is most appropriate for
assessing a student’s auditory discrimination?
a. Asking the student to follow multi-step verbal commands to complete a puzzle
b. Asking the student to recall the exact order of a number series present orally
c. Showing the student two unrelated words and asking him/her to pronounce the words
d. Having the student classify pairs of recorded sounds as the same of different
d. Having the student classify pairs of recorded sounds as the same of different is the most
appropriate assessment to determine a student’s auditory discrimination.
During an initial consultation with the parents or guardians of a child with a hearing impairment, what is the most important information to obtain?
a. The student’s current school performance level
b. The developmental history of the student
c. The family’s ethnic-religious background
d. Information about marital or other family conflicts
b. The developmental history of the student is the most important piece of information to
have during an initial consultation. This will help the multidisciplinary team develop the
beginning parts of the IEP.
Which of the following is an example of functional language training for children who
are non-verbal?
a. Rewarding the child for making the vocalization approximating the sound made by the
b. Rewarding the child for any vocalization made while looking at the teacher
c. Drilling on bilabial sounds so the student can say “mama”
d. Drilling the child on pointing to the sink when he/she wants a drink of water
d. Functional language training involves giving the child a means of influencing and
interacting with the environment. Teaching the child to make sounds or imitate words in
isolation does not fulfill the goal of functional language training
A well-made teacher-developed test is generally preferred to a standardized
achievement test when learning mastery because it does which of the following?
a. Is more likely to yield a true score
b. Has higher inter-rater reliability
c. Allows greater comparison of students to each other
d. Has better content validity
d. Learning mastery generally refers to those lessons taught in the classroom. A teacherdeveloped test is more likely than a standardized achievement test to assess mastery of those lessons, which is to have better content validity
. Which of the following best describes an ecological inventory?
a. An analysis of the curriculum of a given school system
b. A compilation of specific behavioral management needs of a child with disabilities
c. A synthesis of the past educational achievements of a child with disabilities
d. A compilation of life skills needed by a child with disabilities in present or future settings
d. An ecological inventory is designed to determine those skills needed by a particular
individual in his or her current and future environments
According to IDEA, when parents and schools disagree over education issues for a child with a disability, either party can request a:
a. Mediator
b. Due process hearing
c. New teacher for the student
d. Court date
b. According to IDEIA, either a parent or the public educational agency may initiate a
hearing on the identification, evaluation, or educational placement of a student with a disability.
As mandated in IDEA, the IEP team must consider the need for transition services for
each student before he/she leaves school. If it is determined that transition services are
needed, which of the following represents the most critical task for the team involved in preparing the transition plan?
a. Adopting a transition plan previously drafted by officials of the state department of education, the vocational rehabilitation agency, and the local school district
b. Getting information regarding post-school educational services, community living options and employment, from adult agency personnel
c. Providing written information for the family and the student to review and suggesting a placement for postsecondary special services
d. Conducting meetings at which family and student goals are determined, along with personnel responsibilities, information to be collected, a time frame for providing information, and the resource needed to meet each goal
d. Transition to post-school life will be most effective when the goals of the student and his
or her family are considered, when all responsible agencies work together to develop a plan for
For a special education teacher, which of the following is the best example of
collaborative goal setting?
a. Developing IEP goals with the regular classroom teacher and then presenting the completed goals to the students’ parents
b. Reaching a consensus on goals by consulting with parents and the multi-disciplinary team
c. Allowing parents to choose from goals designed by the multi-disciplinary team
d. Encouraging students to select goals for IEP inclusion from teacher-approved lists
b. Since collaborative goal setting requires the sharing of ideas among all those involved
with the student – educators, parents, related services providers, etc. It is not appropriate in
collaborative goal setting for one person or group to present previously prepared goals to the student and his/her family. There must be collaboration among all concerned to develop
appropriate goals for the student.
According to IDEA, which of the following is a mandated responsibility of the school
in servicing a student who has been identified as having a disability?
a. Guaranteeing that the student is placed in a regular classroom in the student’s home school 312
b. Paying for an independent educational evaluation of the student upon the request of the parent
c. Notifying the parent following the placement of the student in a special education program
d. Guaranteeing appropriate access to and confidentiality of the student’s records
d. Both confidentiality of and access to students’ records are addressed in IDEIA.
Remembering also, if the student lives with one parent that is the court-ordered legal guardian; the other parent must have permission from the legal guardian to review any records.
The most useful information for developing the long-range goals and short-term
objectives on an IEP is likely to come from using the results of which of the following
types of assessment?
a. Norm-referenced tests and adaptive behavior scales
b. Criterion-referenced tests and behavioral checklists
c. Norm-referenced tests and language samples
d. Developmental scales and group achievement tests
b. Criterion-referenced tests compare a student’s performance to a specified level of
mastery or achievement. Behavioral checklists may be used to gather various types of
information about the student’s current performance in a given area. Both assess specific information about a particular student, and therefore can be useful in developing IEP goals and objectives.
Which of the following best describes the group of special education students whom
transition plans must be developed as part of the IEP process?
a. Students of all ages
b. Students between the ages of 18 and 21
c. Students aged 14 through school completion
d. Students who will graduate from high school and be placed in a sheltered workshop
c. Students aged 14 through school completion, as stated in IDEIA, are the groups of special education students for whom transition plans must be developed as part of the IEP process.
Which of the following does NOT describe the group of special education students
whom transition plans must be developed as part of the IEP process?
a. Students of all ages that have been referred to Special Education by the regular education teacher
b. Students who have tested out of the Special Education program
c. Students aged 16 who have dropped out of school
d. All of the above do not describe the group of special education students
a. The following components of an IEP must include the current level of performance, or
PLEP (Present Level of Educational Performance).
An IEP must include which of the following components?
a. The current level of student performance
b. A record of past student performance
c. A description of the student’s intellectual functioning
d. Suggestions for parent involvement
d. All of the above do not describe the group of special education students.
Which of the following is an accurate statement about what IDEIA 2004 requires for any IEP?
a. It must include a multiyear outline of instructional objectives
b. It must include a section on assistive devices, regardless of the nature or degree of the student’s disability
c. It must be in effect before special education services or related services or provided
d. It must not be available to any school personnel except special education teachers
c. According to IDEIA, an IEP must be in effect before special education and related
services are provided to an eligible student. None of the other choices is required.
Under the provision of IDEIA 2004, an individualized family service plan (IFSP) for a two year-old child will most probably include:
a. A budget for early-intervention services
b. Plans for making the transition into preschool
c. Techniques for the family to use in introducing academic subjects
d. A recommendation of counseling for the child’s siblings
b. IDEIA 2004 requires that an IFSP include plans for the transition to preschool. Answers c & d, are optional points in an IFSP, but are not required as of 1997.