Practice 1 Flashcards
According to the Standard Model:
A. fundamental particles have an inner structure and can be divided.
B. quarks exist only as solitary particles.
C. electrons are made of quarks.
D. all visible matter in the universe is made of up quarks, down quarks, or electrons.
When antimatter particles interact with matter, they:
A. form leptons.
B. form quarks.
C. mutually annihilate into pure energy.
D. create an antiparticle.
Which of the following types of force carrier particles mediates the strong nuclear force that binds nuclei together?
A. Photons
B. Bosons
C. Gluons
D. Gravitons
Which of the following statements is true of electron orbitals in an atom?
A.”‘S” represents the principal quantum number describing the size of the orbital.
B. The p-type orbital consists of four lobes arranged around the nucleus.
C. No known atom has more than 19 orbitals.
D. Only two electrons may occupy an orbital.
In order for an electron to move from an outer orbital shell to one closer to the nucleus:
A. energy is lost and given up in the form of electromagnetic radiation.
B. energy is lost and given up in the form of particulate radiation.
C. energy must be supplied in an amount equal to the difference in binding energies between the two orbitals.
D. energy must be supplied in an amount equal to the binding energy of the inner orbital.
ß particles most closely resemble a(n):
A. boson.
B. neutron.
C. proton.
D. electron.
The of a particle, the greater is its linear energy transfer (LET).
A. greater the mass
B. greater the velocity
C. lesser the physical size
D. lesser the charge
Which of the following forms of electromagnetic radiation has greater energy
than x rays?
A. infrared radiation
B. gamma (Y) rays
C. microwaves
D. radio waves
The quantum theory of radiation has been successful in correlating experimental data on:
A. diffraction.
B. the production of x rays.
C. polarization.
D. refraction.
High-energy photons such as x rays and y rays are typically characterized by their:
A. energy.
B. wavelength.
C. frequency.
D. magnitude.
Within the x-ray tube:
A. electrons stream from a filament in the anode to a target in the cathode.
B. electrons stream from a filament in the cathode to a target in the anode.
C. photons stream from a filament in the anode to a target in the cathode.
D. photons stream from a filament in the cathode to a target in the anode.
When x rays are being produced, the focusing cup:
A. is made of tungsten.
B. is positively charged
C. is a convex reflector.
D. contains the filament.
More than % of the kinetic energy of electrons produced at the filament is converted to heat at the target.
A. 10
B. 50
D. 99
The apparent size of the focal spot seen from a position perpendicular to the - beam is smaller than the actual focal spot size because the:
A. anode has many moving parts.
B. target is placed at an angle to the electron beam.
C. speed of the electrons is degraded by air in the x-ray tube.
D. focusing cup focuses the electrons into a narrow beam.
The primary function(s) of the power supply of an x-ray machine is to:
A. provide a high-voltage current to heat the x-ray tube filament.
B. generate a low potential difference between the anode and the cathode.
C. provide a low-voltage current to heat the x-ray tube filament and generate a low potential difference between the a
anode and the cathode.
D. provide a low-voltage current to heat the X-ray tube filament and generate a high potential difference between the
anode and the cathode.
When an x-ray machine is set to 70 kVp, the peak energy of electrons passing through the x-ray tube is:
boosted by the high-voltage transformer to 70 volts.
B. boosted by the high-voltage transformer to up to 70,000 volts.
C. reduced by the filament transformer to 70 volts.
D. reduced by the filament transformer to 70 milliamps.
Current flows through the tube when the target anode is ___
and the filament is ___
A. positive; positive
B. negative; negative
C. positive; negative
D. negative; positive
Which of the following statements is true regarding generation of x-ray pulses w/in an alternating current (AC)
X-ray tube?
A. During the inverse voltage or reverse bias portion of each cycle, the filament becomes negative and the target
becomes positive.
B. When an x-ray tube is powered with 60-cycle AC, 120 X rays are generated each second.
C. No x rays are generated during the inverse-voltage portion of the voltage cycle.
D. When photons produced by the filament strike the focal spot of the target, some of their energy converts to e-.
For a full-wave rectified, high-frequency power x-ray machine:
A. the mean ene of the x-ray beam is lower than that from a conventional half-wave rectified machine operated at the
same voltage.
B. the images a for a given voltage setting and radiographic density will have a shorter contrast scale compared with
conventional x-ray machines.
C. at a given voltage setting and radiographic density, the pt receives a lower dose compared w/ conventional x-ray machines.
D. X rays will not be generated during the inverse voltage portion of the voltage cycle.
A 15-impulse exposure is equivalent to ___
second for a conventional 60-cycle AC, half-wave rectified
x-ray machine.
A. 1
B. 0.5
C. 0.25
D. 0.125
The duty cycle of a dental x-ray machine:
A. is the lifetime of the machine in years permitted by law before it must be replaced.
B. is the number of x-ray exposures permitted by law before it must be replaced.
C. reflects the frequency with which successive exposures can be made
D. describes the longest exposure time the tube can be energized for a range of voltages and tube current values with
risk of damage to the target from overheating.
The primary source of radiation from an x-ray tube is caused by:
A. bremsstrahlung radiation.
B. characteristic radiation.
C. electrons from the filament directly hitting the nucleus of atoms in the target.
D. electrons from the filament directly hitting electrons in the target.
The shape of the x-ray beam may be modified by altering the:
A. exposure duration.
B. exposure rate.
C. collimation.
D. intensity.
When exposure time is doubled, the # of photons generated at all energies in the x-ray emission spectrum is:
A. the same, and the range of photon energies is unchanged.
B. the same, but the range of photon energies doubles.
C. doubled, but the range of photon energies is unchanged.
D. doubled, and the range of photon energies doubles as well.
A machine operating at 15 mA for 2 secs produces the same quantity of radiation when operated at 10 mA for ___
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
Increasing the kVp will:
A. increase the number of photons generated, but neither their mean energy nor their maximal energy.
B. increase the number of photons generated and their mean energy, but not their maximal energy.
C increase the number of photons generated, their mean energy, and their maximal energy.
D. decrease the number of photons generated, but will increase their mean energy and their maximal energy.
Dental x-ray beams are usually collimated to a circle ___ in diameter.
A. 1.0 mm
B. 2.5 mm
C. 2.75 inches
D. 8 inches
The patient exposure resulting from a 1.0-second exposure using a 16-inch cone would be equivalent to a
-second exposure with an 8-inch cone if the kVp and mA are kept constant.
A. 0.25
B. 0.5
C. 1.0
D. 2.0
The primary means of dental x-ray beam attenuation is caused by:
A. coherent scattering.
B. photoelectric absorption.
C. Compton scattering.
D. pass-through with no interaction.
Photoelectric absorption occurs when a(n) ____ of the absorbing medium.
A. low-energy incident photon passes near the outer electron of an atom
B. photon interacts with an outer orbital electron
C. incident photon interacts with an electron in an inner orbital of an atom
D. photon interacts with the nucleus
_____ will result in the loss of an electron and ionization of the absorbing atom.
A. Coherent scattering, photoelectric absorption, and Compton scattering
B. Coherent scattering and photoelectric absorption, but not Compton scattering
C. Coherent scattering, but neither photoelectric absorption nor Compton scattering
D. Photoelectric absorption and Compton scattering, but not coherent scattering
As an x-ray beam passes through matter, the intensity of the beam ___
and the mean energy of the residual
beam ___
y preferential removal of low-energy photons.
A. increases; decreases
B. decreases; increases
C. decreases; decreases
D. increases; increases
When the energy of the incident photon is raised to match the binding energy of the 1s orbital electrons of the
absorber, the probability of photoelectric absorption ___
and the number of transmitted photons ___
A. increases; increases
B. increases; decreases
C. decreases; increases
D. decreases; decreases
The SI unit of exposure is the:
A. Gray.
B. Sievert.
C. air kerma.
D. Becquerel.
Which of the following statements is true concerning direct effects of radiation on living systems?
A. Exposure to radiation initiates a complex series of chemical changes in water that result in the radiolysis of water.
B. The energy of a photon or secondary electron ionizes biologic macromolecules.
C. The interaxn of hydrogen and hydroxyl free radicals w/ organic molecs results in formation of organic free radicals
D. Approximately two thirds of the biologic effects of x-ray exposure result from direct effects.
The primary cause of radiation-induced cell death, heritable (genetic) mutations, and cancer formation
(carcinogenesis) is damage to a cell’s:
A. protein.
B. lipid.
C. carbohydrate.
For deterministic effects:
A. the severity of the clinical effect is independent of dose.
B. it is an all-or-none response; an individual either has the effect or does not have the effect.
C. all individuals show the effect when the dose is above the threshold.
D. the frequency of the effect is proportional to the dose.
If a radiation-induced break occurs in Stage ___of mitosis, before the DNA in a chromosome has replicated, the
damage manifests as a break in both arms at the next mitosis.
A. G1
B. G1 or early S
C. mid- and late S or G2
D. G2
When a population of slowly dividing cells is irradiated, ___
are required for induction of ___
effects than when a rapidly dividing cell system is involved.
A. smaller doses and longer time intervals; deterministic
larger doses and shorter time intervals; stochastic
C. larger doses and longer time intervals; deterministic
D. larger doses and longer time intervals; stochastic
The most radiosensitive cells are those that have a:
A. low mitotic rate, undergo many future mitoses, and are most primitive in differentiation.
B. high mitotic rate, undergo many future mitoses, and are the most primitive in differentiation.
C. high mitotic
rate, undergo many future mitoses, and are the most advanced in differentiation.
D. low mitotic rate, undergo few future mitoses, and are the most advanced in differentiation.
Which of the following cells have the greatest radiosensitivity?
A. Striated muscle cells
B. Basal cells of oral mucous membrane
C. Parenchymal cells of liver, kidney, and thyroid
D. Fibroblasts
When considering deterministic effects, often a clinical threshold dose exists below which no adverse effects ar
seen. In all individuals receiving doses above the threshold level, the amount of damage is proportional to the dose.
A. Both statements are true.
B. Both statements are false.
C. The first statement is true; the second statement is false.
D. The first statement is false; the second statement is true.
Fractionation of a total x-ray dose into multiple small doses during radiation therapy:
A. decreases cellular repair of normal tissues, which are believed to have less capacity for recovery than tumor cells.
B. decreases cellular repair of normal tissues, which are believed to have a greater capacity for recovery than tumor
C. provides less tumor destruction than possible with a single large dose.
D. increases the mean oxygen tension in an irradiated tumor, rendering the tumor cells more radiosensitive.
Which of the following statements is true concerning the effects of irradiation on major salivary glands?
A. The stroma of the glands is rather radiosensitive, and the parenchyma is not.
B. The extent of reduced salivary flow is independent of dose.
C. The residual saliva is more viscous than usual because serous cells are more radiosensitive than mucous cells.
D. The small volume of saliva that is secreted usually has a pH value above normal.
Which of the following statements is true regarding radiation therapy to the jaws of children?
radiation therapy precedes dental calcification, it may destroy the tooth bud.
B. The eruptive mechanism of teeth is extremely sensitive to radiation; irradiated teeth w/ normal root anatomy will
not erupt.
C. Irradiated teeth with altered root form will not erupt.
D. Irradiation after calcification will accelerate general growth.
The best method of reducing radiation caries is:
A. prophylactic removal of all previously restored teeth.
B. daily application of a viscous topical 1% neutral sodium fluoride gel in custom-made applicator trays.
C. rinsing daily with an alcohol-containing mouthwash.
D. applying a fluoride-containing cavity varnish to all exposed root surfaces
Osteoradionecrosis is:
A. more common in the maxilla than in the mandible.
B. primarily caused by radiation-induced damage to the vasculature of the trabecular bone.
C. caused by an insult, such as infection in bone compromised by radiation therapy.
D. less likely to occur, the higher the radiation dose absorbed by the bone.
Whenever possible, patients who have had radiation therapy should avoid having intraoral radiographs during the
first ___ after completion of radiotherapy, to allow time for mucous membrane to heal.
A. 2 weeks
B. 2 months
C. 6 months
D. There is no minimal suggested time; the question is incorrect.
GI symptoms will be seen as a component of acute radiation syndrome when the dose is ___ Grays (Gy).
A. 2 to 4
B. 4 to 7
C. 7 to 15
D. 50
Which of the following blood cells are least affected by whole-body exposure to radiation 10 days after
A. granulocytes
B. platelets
C. erythrocytes
D. lymphocytes
Which of the following organs has the lowest susceptibility to radiation-induced cancer?
A. lung
B. thyroid
C. stomach
D. salivary glands
Which of the following statements reflects basic principles of radiation genetics?
. Radiation causes increased induction of new mutations rather than increased frequency of spontaneous mutations.
B. There is evidence of a minimal threshold of mutations caused by radiation.
C. Dose rate is not important.
D. Males are much more radiosensitive than females.
The average annual effective dose of background radiation from cosmic and terrestrial sources is about 2.4
millisieverts (mSv) worldwide and 3.0 mSv in the United States because of:
A. fallout from the nuclear fuel cycle.
B. residual radiation from nuclear tests.
C higher radon levels.
D. nuclear
power plants.
The majority of the radiation exposure of the world’s population from natural sources iS caused by:
decay or radioactive nuclides in the soil.
B. radon.
C. ingestion of radionuclides.
D. cosmic radiation.
Dental x-ray examinations are responsible for % of the average man-made exposure.
A. 90
B. 50
C. 10
D. less than
Dose limits from man-made sources for members of the general public, not occupationally exposed, have been
established at ___
% of that of occupationally exposed individuals.
A. 10
B. 25
C. 50
D. 75
The average dose for individuals occupationally exposed in the operation of dental x ray equipment is about_%
of the allowable exposure.
A. 40
B. 4.0
C. 0.4
D. 0.001
Which of the following statements is true regarding the risk for cancer being induced in humans as a result of
exposure to low doses of radiation?
A. The data for the cancer risk from radiation exposure involve exposures many times smaller than those involved
with dental radiology.
B. The incidence of cancer that may result from dental exposure is easily detected by direct measurement.
C. Radiation-induced cancers are clinically and histologically distinguishable from cancers induced by other causes.
D. The time between radiation exposure and the development of cancer may be years to decades, during which
individuals may be subjected to many other carcinogens.
The 33 uSv for a full-mouth x-ray series delivered to 1,000,000 people would result in about ___ additional cancer deaths over the lifetime of the exposed individuals.
A. 2
B. 20
C. 200
D. 2000
If a person living in an
average location in the United States had
complete mouth surveys made by optimized
techniques every year, he or she would incur only the same risk as a person living in Denver who was not exposed to
dental radiography.
A. 2
B. 4
C. 6
D. 14
The principle of ___
obligates the dentist to do more good than harm.
A. justification
B. optimization
C. dose limitation
ALARA stands for:
A. as long as radiation applies.
B. as low as reasonably accountable.
C as low as reasonably achievable.
D. as low as radiology allows.
Which of the following statements is true of intraoral film speed?
A. D-speed film is the fastest speed.
B. F-speed film requires about 75% the exposure of D-speed film.
C. Film speed refers to the amount of exposure required to produce a standard amount of darkening.
D. F-speed film should not be used for dental radiographs.
Contemporary intensifying screens used in extraoral radiography:
A. primarily use the rare earth elements (thallium, niobium, terbium).
B. emit green light on interaction with x rays.
C. are made of calcium tungstate.
D. require doses of radiation that are significantly reduced by replacement with digital imaging.
When a 16-inch focal source-to-skin distance is contrasted with an 8-inch focal source-to-skin distance, use of
the long source-to-skin distance results in a(n) ___
in exposed tissue V because the beam is ___
A. increase; more
B. increase; less
C. decrease; more
D. decrease; less
Federal guidelines and state regulations require that the x-ray beam used in intraoral radiography be collimated
so that the field of radiation at the patient’s skin surface has a ___
when the x-ray tube is operated
above 50 kVp.
A. size of no more than 3.2 x 4.1 cm
B. size of no more than 3.5 x 4.4 cm
C. diameter of no more than 2¾ inches
D. diameter of no more than 3.2 cm
The purpose of the aluminum filter is to remove ___ of relatively ___ energy.
A. electrons; higher
B. electrons; lower
C. photons; higher
D. photons; lower
to protect personnel during exposure of dental radiographs:
A. the operator should stand at least 2 feet from the tube head.
B. it is necessary to line the walls of the area with lead.
C. the operator should stand at an angle of 90 to 135 degrees to the central ray of the x ray beam and at least 6 feet
away from the patient.
D. walls must be of sufficient density or thickness so that the exposure to occupationally exposed individuals is no
greater than 110 Gy per year.