Practicals Flashcards
What must be done every time the isoflurane level is changed?
Flush the bag.
How is a fluid therapy calculation done for ml per hour?
fluid rate x patient weight = ml/hr
For example:
2ml/kg/hr x 12kg = 24ml/hr
How is a fluid therapy calculation done for drops per second?
Drop amount for giving set per ml x ml per hour = drops per hour
(60 minutes in an hour)
drops per hour ÷ 60 minutes = drops per minute
(60 seconds in a minute)
drops per minute ÷ 60 seconds = drops per second
Round up to countable number by timesing.
Amount timesed by = seconds per drop.
1 drop every ___ seconds.
For example:
20 drops/ml x 24ml/hr = 480 drops/hr
(60 minutes in an hour)
480 drops/hr ÷ 60 minutes = 8 drops/min
(60 seconds in a minute)
8 drops/min ÷ 60 seconds = 0.133 drops/sec
Rounding it up to a countable number:
- 133 drops/sec x 7 seconds = 0.931 drop/7 sec
- 133 drops/sec x 8 seconds = 1.064 drop/8 sec
1 drop every 8 seconds.
What is important to remember when doing calculations?
Units must always be used.
What does sid mean?
One time daily
What does bid mean?
Two times daily
What does tid mean?
Three times daily
What does qid mean?
Four times daily
What does qh mean?
Every hour
What does qd mean?
Every day
What does w/o mean?
What does per os mean?
Per oesophagus, given orally.
How should tablets be packaged?
A plastic pill bottle that is labelled and is child-proof.
What advice would be given to clients who are pregnant and are handling tablets?
Ideally, pregnant women should avoid handling them, but if they must be handled by them, then protection like gloves should be worn (a mask is also ideal to wear).
How is the amount of tablets needed for a patient worked out?
Patient’s weight x dose rate = concentration needed per dose.
Choose a tablet(s) that best match that concentration with a minimal amount of tablets per dose.
Now the amount per dose is known, times that by the amount that needs to be given throughout the course.
That answer is the number of tablets needed. The price is that times the cost per tablet with the added dispensing fee.
For example:
25kg x 10mg/kg = 250mg
500 mg ÷ 2 = 250mg (Best choice for tablet)
Half a tablet per dose.
3 times a day x 0.5 tablets = 1.5 tablets a day
- 5 tablets x 5 days = 7.5 tablets
- 5 tablets total
7.5 tablets x $5 = $37.50 + $3 dispensing fee =
$40.50 for cost.
How is the amount of medication to be drawn up for a patient calculated?
Weight x dose ÷ concentration
For example:
5kg x 3mg/kg ÷ 10mg/ml = 1.5ml
1.5ml will be drawn up.
What does q4d mean?
Every 4 hours
What does qod mean?
Every other day
What does CRT stand for and show?
Capillary refill time. It shows how well perfusion is in areas of the body.
What are the normal HR ranges for dogs?
60-150 bpm
What are the normal HR ranges for cats?
100-200 bpm
What are the normal temperature ranges for dogs?
38.3-39.2 degrees celsius
What are the normal temperature ranges for cats?
38.2-38.6 degrees celsius
What are the normal RR ranges for dogs?
What are the normal RR ranges for cats?
What are the normal blood pressure ranges for dogs and cats?
60-85 mm hg
What are the lymph nodes that should be checked and their locations?
Submandibular (under the jaw), prescapular (front, under neck near shoulders), axillary ( underneath armpits), inguinal (inner thigh, groin area), popliteal (back of the hind legs).
What are the surgical fluid rates for IV (isotonic crystalliod fluid)?
What is a healthy PCV% for a dog and cat?
Dog: 35-55% (Greyhounds can be higher with 60-65%)
Cat: 30-45%
Anything below is worth investigating.
How do you troubleshoot a beeping fluid pump?
Always go from least to most invasive techniques when troubleshooting. Find the occlusion.
Giving set clamps closed?
IV catheter blocked?
Limb/vessel flow blocked?
What are the normal daily water input and urine output for dogs and cats?
1-2ml per kg per day for water input, urine output should match this (1-2ml per kg per day).
What are the two ideal veins for catheter placement?
Cephalic vein and lateral saphenous vein.
What does turbidity in urine mean?
Whether it’s clear or cloudy.
What is the healthy urine pH range for dogs and cats?
6.5 to 7.0
What are the normal specific gravity ranges for dogs?
What are the normal specific gravity ranges for cats?
1.035 -1.060
What value should the specific gravity read when calibrating the refractometer?
What needs to be checked when a patient is being discharged? What else needs to be done during the discharge?
The patient is clean, the wound has been checked, the patient’s records are complete.
Computer records updated, schedules post-op check /bandage check.
What needs to be explained when a patient is being discharged?
Procedure done, wound care needed, possible complications/when to call the clinic, expectations for normal recovery, procedures for toileting and changes in diet, exercise, bedding, comfort. Medication demonstration and review is also included.
For this it’s a spay/neuter so no bathing for 10 days (or until suture removal) wound care is minimal, just checking for any abnormalities, exercise should be minimised for the first 24 hours in neuters and in the first week for speys.
What needs to be laid out for a surgical setup?
Heat pad Other padding Towels Blankets Tie ropes Clippers Tape IV catheter Et tubes and ties Ap alert Doppler Stethoscopes Scrubs/scrub solution Lint roller Antiseptic spray Drapes Blade Surgical kit Suture materials Gloves, gowns, hats. masks Surgical fluid rate and IV bag 2 x syringes Kidney dish + blue container Alcohol swabs T-port
How is a subcutaneous injection administerd?
Check the 5 R’s (the right patient, the right drug, the right dose, the right route, and the right time)
Ensure the patient is comfortable or restrained
Choose area and tent the skin, desensitize area
Introduce needle into the tented area
Draw the plunger back, there shouldn’t be blood present
Inject slowly
Withdraw, massage area, recap needle
How is an intramuscular injection administerd?
Check the 5 R’s (the right patient, the right drug, the right dose, the right route, and the right time)
Ensure the patient is comfortable or restrained
Choose the area, isolate the muscle
Introduce needle into the muscle, point it straight up for lumbar muscle
Draw the plunger back, there shouldn’t be blood present
Inject slowly
Withdraw, massage area, recap needle
What needs to be checked when doing a pre-surgical exam?
Asks about:
vaccinations, prior or current illness and medications, prior surgeries, estrus cycle, pregnancies, appetite and signs of illness (v/d, c/s).
Species, colour, breed.
Age, whether juvenile, adult or senior.
Gender, neuter status, state of coat, body condition, posture, behaviour, temperament, demeanour, gait and any obvious injuries.
Respiratory rate and character
What needs to be checked when doing a hands-on exam?
Assesses: nose, lips, oral cavity, mm colour, teeth, eyes, ears, head, neck, lymph nodes, skin and coat, limbs and paws, thorax, hydration state, dorsum and spine, ventrum and abdomen (+ mammary glands), perineum, vulva and surrounds, penis/scrotum/testes (+ number of testes) and tail.
What size clipper blades would suit each situation?
An electric clipper and number 30 blades may be
used to remove the bulk of the coat.
Electric clippers and a number 40 blade shall then
be used to clean shave the skin.
What should be checked before using the clippers?
If they work, are the right size and are clean/hair free.
What should be checked before performing a urinalysis?
Expiry date, starting colours of pads, any damage.
Calibrate and check if clean.
Label, ask how fresh it is if no information. If older than 12 hours, it isn’t a good sample to use.
What should be checked during and after applying bandage?
Appropriately fit, not too tight or loose.
What what are the legal requirements that need to be on the tablet label?
What needs to be put on a tablet label?
Clinic details:
Dr prescribing, clinic address, clinic phone, Clinic name
Drug details:
Name, amount and concentration
Patient name
Owner name
Administration instructions:
How many times a day? What administration route? Once every how many hours? Morning/night? Give with/after food or without food? When to start? Stop treatment if? Contact clinic when? How long should the treatment last for?
Legal details
What should be discussed after bandaging?
Prevention of interference and aftercare of bandage.
What are the vital parameters?
Heart rate, respiratory rate/character, pulse quality, temperature and capillary refill time.
What are the 5 R’s that need to be checked before administering medication?
The right patient, the right drug, the right dose, the right route, and the right time.
What are the differences between temperament and demeanour?
Temperament = aggressive or friendly, personality Demeanour = BAR, indicator of how the patient feels
How far around the wound should the area be clipped?
About 5cm around the site.
How long should you wait between breaths when doing IPPV?
4-5 seconds
How should medication calculations be typed into a calculator?
(Weight x dose) ÷ concentration