Practicals Flashcards
Method of prescribed practical 1 (average speed down a ramp)
Decide on a starting point for the car and mark it on the ramp.
Use the ruler to adjust the ramp to the 1st height at this point.
Measure distance between the starting point and the end of ramp or another marked point.
Release car and time it between two points.
Repeat until reliable data is obtained.
How do go graph for prescribed practical 1?
Speed against height
Method for prescribed practical 2 (Investigating Hooke’s Law)
Hang a spring from a clamp and fix a metre ruler beside it.
Record the natural (unextended) length of the spring.
Now hang a 1N weight holder from the bottom of the spring.
Record the new length of the spring.
Calculate extension (extended - natural).
Continue to add masses to the spring up to 8N in total.
Record results.
Plot 2 graphs for length and extension.
Method for prescribed practical 3 (Investigating The Principle of Moments)
Suspend and balance a metre ruler at the 50cm mark using thread.
Adjust the position of the thread so that the ruler does not rotate.
Hang unequal masses from either side of the metre ruler.
Adjust position of masses until the ruler is balanced.
Gravity exerts forces on the masses.
Record results in a table.
F1 X d1 = F2 X d2
Methods for investigating relationship between mass and volume of liquids (Prescribed practical 4)
Prepare a table for results.
Measure the mass of a 100cm3 graduated cylinder.
Pour 20cm3 of water into the cylinder.
Record its mass and volume.
Record mass of 40cm3, 60, 80 and 100.
Find the density by dividing mass by volume.
Method for investigating the relationship between mass the volume of regular solids (Prescribed practical 4)
Prepare a table for results.
Measure and record the dimensions of each cube.
Calculate volume.
Measure the mass of each cube using digital scale.
Calculate the density by dividing mass by volume.
Method for investigating personal power (Prescribed practical 5)
Prepare table of results.
Measure mass of a student using bathroom scales.
Convert mass to weight using W = mg.
Find height of one step in metres.
Count number of steps and multiply by the height of one step. Vertical height of stairs.
Ask student to measure time to run up stairs.
Repeat and find average.
Calculate personal power.
Method for Ohm’s Law (Prescribed practical 7)
Prepare table.
Set up circuit.
Adjust voltage to supply zero volts.
Switch on voltage.
Record voltage and the corresponding current.
Switch off voltage.
Wait two mins to ensure wire cools.
Switch on voltage and adjust voltage to increase it.
Method for investigating resistance and length of wire (Prescribed practical 8)
Prepare table.
Measure and cut off one metre of wire.
Attach it with sticky tape to a metre ruler.
Set up circuit.
Ensure voltage is off.
Connect the lead so that length is 10cm.
Switch on voltage.
Record voltage and current.
Switch off voltage.
Record lengths from 10 - 90.
Calculate resistance for each length.
Investigating factors affecting strength of an electromagnet (Prescribed practical 9) (Current)
Construct an electromagnet using 50 turns of insulated wire around a soft iron core.
Connect it in the circuit.
Using rheostat, increase current in steps, measuring the number of iron nails attracted to the electromagnet for each current.
Record results in table.
Investigating factors affecting strength of an electromagnet (Prescribed practical 9) (Current)
Construct an electromagnet using 50 turns of insulated wire around a soft iron core.
Connect it in the circuit.
Using rheostat, increase current in steps, measuring the number of iron nails attracted to the electromagnet for each current.
Record results in table.
What is a controlled variable?
Variable that is kept constant during an experiment to ensure that results are valid
What is an independent variable?
Variable that is altered
What is a dependent variable?
Variable being tested or measured