This is the application of scientific principles to the planning, design, operation, and management of transportation systems
A. Transportation Engineering
B. Highway Engineering
C. Civil Engineering
D. Traffic Engineering
These are primarily involved in planning, designing, constructing, maintaining, and operating fixed facilities
A. Carriers
B. Facility-oriented Organizations
C. Operating Organizations
D. Operating Strategies
Also known as carriers, are primarily concerned with operating fleets to provide transportation services
A. Physical facilities
B. Facility-oriented Organizations
C. Operating Organization
D. Operating Strategies
This is a highly specialized mode of transportation. It includes traditional mass transit modes such as buses, streetcars, and light rail and rail rapid transit, as well as paratransit modes such as jitneys and dial-a-ride services
A. Rail
B. Water
C. Air
D. Urban Transit
This exists wherever demand exceeds the capacity of the transportation system
A. Traffic Congestions
B. Traffic Accidents
C. Highway Congestion
D. Highway Accidents
It is a major challenge to the transportation system and the transportation engineering profession because it undermines the effectiveness and efficiency of the system
A. Traffic Congestion
B. Traffic Accidents
C. Highway Congestion
D. Highway Accidents
It is a continuing challenge for the transportation engineering profession because of public expectations that safety will continue to improve
A. Traffic Congestion
B. Traffic Acidents
C. Highway Congestion
D. Traffic Safety
Distance required to see an object 150 mm high on the roadway
A. Stopping Sight Distance
B. Passing Sight Distance
C. Breaking Distance
D. Horizontal Distance
The distance required to see an oncoming vehicle of a certain minimum size
A. Stopping Sight Distance
B. Passing Sight Distance
C. Breaking Distance
D. Horizontal Distance
It is the maximum safe speed that can be maintained over a specified section of highway when conditions are so favorable that the design features of the highway govern
A. Traffic Speed
B. Design Speed
C. Posted Speed
D. Speed Limit
These refer to drawings, usually accompanied by notes, of various, aspects or components of the design
A. Specifications
B. Estimates
C. Bid Documents
D. Plans
These are written instructions detailing how the facility is to be constructed
A. Specifications
B. Bid Documents
C. Estimates
D. Plans
These includes cost estimates for various parts of the project and are used to evaluate the acceptability of bids and financial feasibility of project
A. Specifications
B. Bid Documents
C. Estimates
D. Plans
This is a drawing of the facility as it would look to an observer directly above it
A. Plan View
B. Profile
C. Geometric Cross-Section
D. Superelevation Diagram
This drawing has elevation as its vertical axis, and horizontal distance as measured along the centerline of the facility (or other reference line), as its horizontal axis
A. Plan View
B. Profile
C. Geometric Cross-Section
D. Superelevation Diagram
This view has elevation as its vertical axis and horizontal distance, measured perpendicular to the centerline, as its horizontal axis
A. Plan View
B. Profile
C. Geometric Cross-Section
D. Superelevation Diagram
This applies to curved facilities, such as highways or railways, only. It consists of a graph with roadway or railway cross slope versus horizontal distance
A. Profile
B. Plan View
C. Geometric Cross-Section
D. Suuperelevation Diagram
The line representing the facility on profile
A. Elevations
B. Profile Grade
C. Cross-slope
D. Cross-section
These are normally specified in m/m or in percentages. In railway practice, these may be expressed in mm or inches that the high rail is above the low rail, since there is a standard horizontal distance maintained between rails
A. Elevations
B. Profile Grade
C. Cross-slope
D. Cross-section grade
These are intended primarily as a safety feature. They provide for accommodation of stopped vehicles, emergency use, and lateral support of the pavement
A. Drainage
B. Parking Space
C. Shoulders
D. Railway
The vertical alignment of a transportation facility consists of the following
A. Tangent grades and vertical curve
B. Profile and cross-section
C. Horizontal and vertical reference
D. Station and elevation
These are used to connect tangents to circular curves
A. Vertical curves
B. Transition curves
C. Horizontal tangents
D. Horizontal alignment
This determines the length of the superelevation runoff of transitional curves (spiral curves)
A. Superelevation or banking of curves
B. Centripetal acceleration
C. Speed of vehicle
D. Vehicle dynamic or appearance criteria
This traffic conflict occurs when vehicles enter a traffic stream
A. Merging conflicts
B. Diverging conflict
C. Weaving conflicts
D. Crossing conflicts
This traffic conflict occurs when vehicles leave the traffic stream
A. Weaving conflicts
B. Diverging conflicts
C. Merging conflicts
D. Crossing conflicts
This traffic conflict occurs when vehicles cross paths by first merging and the diverging
A. Weaving conflicts
B. Diverging conflicts
C. Merging conflicts
D. Crossing conflicts
This traffic conflict occurs when they cross paths directly
A. Weaving conflicts
B. Diverging conflicts
C. Merging conflicts
D. Crossing conflicts
This traffic solution involve assignment of the right-of-way to particular movements for particular time
A. Grade separation
B. Time-sharing
C. Space-sharing
D. Vehicle separation
This traffic solution eliminates the crossing conflicts by placing the conflicting traffic streams at different elevations at their point of intersection
A. Grade spearation
B. Time-sharing
C. Space-sharing
D. Vehicle separation
These quantities are normally expressed as volumes
A. Fill
B. Earthwork
C. Excavation
D. Cross-Section
The points at which the cut or fill slopes intersect the existing ground
A. Haul point
B. Section point
C. Catch point
D. Hinge point
In earthworks, it is defined as the proportional change in volume of the material, relative to the volume it occupied in its natural state
A. Contract and expand
B. Relative density
C. Shrinkage and swell
D. Optimum density
Calculation of optimum haul strategies and earthwork costs is done by means of a ___
A. Mass diagram
B. Earthwork diagram
C. Cut and fill diagram
D. Balance diagram
This is a graph cumulative volume of earthwork vs distance in stations from the beginning of the job, in which cut is considered to be positive and fill to be negative
A. Mass diagram
B. Earthwork diagram
C. Cut and fill diagram
D. Balance diagram
The product of a volume of materials times the average distance it is hauled is referred to as a ___, and it is expressed in stations times cubic meters
A. Cut
B. Fill
C. Haul
D. Mass
The cost of excavation normally includes the cost of removing the material from its existing state, hauling it up to some specified distance referred to as the ___
A. Hauling distance
B. Embankment distance
C. Free haul distance
D. Excavation distance
This is the cost of any material that has to be obtained off the job site in order to make a fill
A. Cost of borrow
B. Cost of excavation
C. Cost of overhaul
D. Cost of embankment
The longest distance material should ever be hauled is
A. Free haul distance
B. Excavation distance
C. Embankment distance
D. Limit of economic haul
This normally consists of aggregates such as gravel and crushed rock
A. Subbase
B. Base course
C. Geotextile
D. Subgrade
These are usually local aggregate materials. They may consist of either unstabilized compacted aggregate or stabilized materials
A. Subbase
B. Base course
C. Geotextile
D. Subgrade
These are sometimes used in constructing pavements. These are used to add strength, control moisture, and prevent the movement of fine materials into drainage layers
A. Subbase
B. Base course
C. Geotextile
D. Subgrade
For a given service life and performance index value, a ___ is determined based on the traffic loads, soil support, and other design factors
A. Structural member
B. Layer coefficients
C. Performance index
D. Resilient modulus
A series of interconnected or interlaced cracks caused by fatigue failure of the asphalt concrete surface under repeated traffic loading
A. Block cracking
B. Transverse cracking
C. Longitudinal cracking
D. Alligator cracking
Cracks forming large interconnected polygons, usually with sharp corners or angles. These cracks are generally caused by hardening and shrinkage of the asphalt and/or reflection cracking from underlying layers such as cement-treated base
A. Block cracking
B. Transverse cracking
C. Longitudinal cracking
D. Raveling
Cracks approximately at right angles to the pavement center-line. These may be caused by shrinkage or differential thermal stress of the asphalt concrete or may be reflective crack
A. Drip track raveling
B. Transverse cracking
C. Longitudinal cracking
D. Raveling
Cracks approximately at right angles to the pavement center-line. These are caused by poorly constructed construction joints and shrinkage of the asphalt concrete surface; they may also be reflective cracks
A. Drip track raveling
B. Transverse cracking
C. Longitudinal cracking
D. Raveling
Wearing away of the pavement surface caused by the dislodging of aggregate particles and binder
A. Drip track raveling
B. Transverse cracking
C. Longitudinal cracking
D. Raveling
Progressive disintegration of the surface between the heel paths caused by dripping of a gasoline or oil from vehicles
A. Drip track raveling
B. Transverse cracking
C. Longitudinal cracking
D. Raveling
The exuding of bitumen onto the pavement surface, causing a reduction in skid resistance
A. Longitudinal cracking
B. Bleeding or flushing
C. Block cracking
D. Transverse cracking
Elevation differences between adjacent slabs at transverse joints. This is usually the result of pumping, and is a major source of Portland Concrete Pavement failure
A. Faulting
B. Settlement
C. Blowups
D. Buckling
Local sagging in the pavement caused by differential settlement, consolidation, or movement of the underlying earth mass
A. Faulting
B. Settlement
C. Blowups
D. Buckling
Localized upward buckling and shattering of the slabs at transverse joints or cracks
A. Faulting
B. Settlement
C. Blowups
D. Buckling
Abnormal surface wear, usually resulting from poor-quality surface mortar or coarse aggregate
A. Joint or crack spalling
B. Surface attrition or surface abrasion
C. Surface polish
D. Blowups
Loss of the original surface texture due to traffic action
A. Joint or crack spalling
B. Surface attrition or surface abrasion
C. Surface polish
D. Blowups
These models of traffic flow describe the motion of individual vehicles and their interactions with one another
A. Macroscopic
B. Microscopic
C. Macro-level
D. Micro-level
These models of traffic flow describe the relationship among flow, speed, and density
A. Macroscopic
B. Microscopic
C. Macro-level
D. Micro-level
Two basic types of traffic signals
A. Automatic and manual
B. Fixed time and traffic-actuated
C. Electromechanical and electronic
D. Impulse detector and presence detector