Practical Methodologies Flashcards
What is content analysis?
reading/watching/listening of specific material that will assit in your topic and analysing and interpreting what you see/hear.
What are some examples of content anaylsis and what do u look for and require?
eg. newspaper, TV, radio, films
Typically look for repeated reference to topic or varying viewpoints.
usually requires data recording sheet
what is the difference between questionnaires and surveys?
Questionnaires are directed to specific area of research and responded questions in writing, but surveys are in oral form and provide info on wider range of issues
What is questionnaire?
collection of info from large/diverse range of people.
Has simple, easy to follow qs to avoid confusion as you are not present when ppl complete it
What is observation?
observing of people’s / group’s behaviours and record it.
What are the two types of observation?
Passive and active
Passive are observers that are not present and without direct involvement,
Active researchers participate in and record certain activities.
For observation, what must you do ensure validity and do to perform successfully/professionally?
use a data recording sheet.
Never place yourself or participant in danger and behave ethically at all times
What is statistical analysis?
analysis and interpretation of statistics. Social researcher needs to tabulate raw data into useful forms, percentage most common stats.
What is interviews?
it is a qualitative research and involves one on one scenario where researcher prepares appropiate qs around topic.
What can interviews give you and when is it good to use?
can give you detailed knowledge that cant be obtained from questionnaires/surverys.
good if need to talk expert in partic field eg uni professor
What are the two types of interviews?
Structured and unstructured
Structured uses close ended qs for specific answer. Quick and easy to collate but less acurate
Unstructured open ended qs giving interviewee chance to comment freely, then interpreted by researcher
What is quantitative method?
collection of data that can be measured, counted or quanitified resulting in statistcal report. Collection of specific data from a sample of population. WHAT and HOW MANY.
What are the features of quantitative method? (7 features)
- large and randomly selected sample of respondents
- close ended or rating scale qs
- comparisons can be made
- researcher not known to participant most of time
- participant characters unknown
- lack of direct contact needs to be taken into consideration for potential bias
- findings changed into numerical data, tables, graphs, and diagrams
Advantages of quantitative?
- data retrieval made easy
- east to write qs and compare with other research
- statistically significant
Disadvantage of quantitative?
- less depth in response
- need larger amt of participant to make it valid