Practical I Flashcards
MMT supraspinatus
Start: Sitting, neck extended, bend same side, rotate opposite side
Test: shoulder abducted to 90, elbow bent at 90, slight ER & flexion
Pressure: pushing against abduction and ER
Normal Muscle Length for pec major
arms drop to table level, back remains flat
MMT upper traps
Start: sitting
Test: lift shoulder, side bend same side, rotate opposite
Pressure: one hand shoulder depression, other hand posterior head
MMT anterior deltoid
Start: seated
Test: shoulder abduction, slight flexion, slight ER
Pressure: (in front of patient) anteriormedial surface in direction of adduction & extension
Stabilize same shoulder
Normal Muscle Length for pec minor
shoulders lay flat on table (examiner at head of table)
MLT (Motion) pec minor
arms at sides, elbows extended, palms upwards
MMT cervical flexors
Start: supine
Test: flex cervical spine, chin depressed
Pressure: against forehead
MLT (Motion) upper trapezius
flex head, side bend opposite side, rotate same side
MLT (Motion) per major (upper)
full horizontal abduction, elbow extended, shoulder ER
Normal Muscle Length for lats
can bring arms down to table level; keeping them close to head
MLT position for pec major, pec minor, and lats
supine, knees bent, low back flat on table
MLT (Motion) levator scapulae
flex head, side bend opposite side, rotate opposite side
MMT subscapularis
Start: prone
Test: hand on back, resting on posterior iliac crest
Pressure: against the arm above elbow, direction of abduction & flexion
MMT lower traps
Start: prone
Test: arm abducted to 135 with thumb up
Pressure: downward force against forearm
MMT teres minor
Start: supine
Test: elbow flexed at 90, arm slightly abducted from side
Pressure: towards IR