Practical Feeding Flashcards
What are the golden rules of feeding?
-little and often
-feed plenty of fibre
-make changes gradually
What does barley consist of and how is it fed?
- grain
- de=12.8
- low in fats and lipids
-husk must be removed or grain should be processed
What does Wheat consist of and how is it fed?
- Small grains may be swallowed whole
- Deficient in lysine and methionine (amino acids)
- palatable (found in bran)
- DE=14.1
What does Oats consist of and how is it fed?
- de= 10-12
-longest grain
-deficient in several amino acids - fast release energy
- high in unsaturated fats
What does Maize consist of and how is it fed ?
de= 14.2
-hard grain must be processed (flaked)
- slow release response
-low cp
what are grains deficient in?
What does linseed consist of and how is it fed?
De= 15.1
-MUST BE BOILED to remove toxins (cyanogenic glycosides)
- high in vitamins (b and k)
- contains mucilage (absorbs water)
-boiled = proteins released from proteins
What does soya bean contain and how is it fed?
good calcium to phosporus ratio
must be cook to destroy goitrogens, allergens, anticoagulants, protases inhibitors
What does Peas and Beans contain and how are they fed?
-high in energy, protein and phosphorus
- low in calcium, manganese lysine and methionine
Differences within grass?
- differing sugar content
-grass stores fructans
-horses require meadow grass for high fibre and low sugar
What are legumes?
- eg. peas, lupins, clover
- good sources of protein
- cut when nutrient content is optimal
Nutritional value of grass?
- high water content (750-800 g/kg)
- nutrient value varies based on time of day and year
- cp = 50-350
-soluble carbs = 25-300
-insoluble cp =- 200-300
-lipid = 60 (very low)
-high in vitamins (this can vary)
-low dense swards (resistance of trampling)
long and stemmy needed for hay
Nutritional value of hay?
dm = >850 (very high)
-de= 7 mj/kg
-cp = 45-80
- cut = dry= turn= dry
-faster drying =less nutrients lost
- wet weather can effect drying ability thus nutritional value
-alfalfa = legume / good protein/ high vit/ disproportional ca:p
Nutritional value of silage?
-grass chopped and packed into polythene
-lactobacillus ferment forming Vfa (from carbs)
-ph falls (impacting of good bacteria- releasing toxins) preserving energy
-can increase risk of colic (moves quickly)
-dm = <350
rate of fermentation dependent on grass sugar content
- areobic exposure = bacteria growth
What is botulism?
bacteria proliferate producing neurotoxins, blocking nerve impulses
-caused by forage poisoning