Practical Exam - Reformer Flashcards
Up Stretch 2
Reformer - FBI - Intermediate
Setup: Hands on footbar shoulder width apart, arms straight, shoulders stable with head between arms, heels halfway up the shoulder blocks, pelvis lifted toward ceiling, back flat
Resistance: Light (1 yellow?)
Inhale: Lower body into Front Support position, pivoting at shoulders and hips
Exhale: Lift pelvis, return to starting position
Muscle Focus: Abdominals, Back extensors
Keep head aligned with spine
Initiate with abdominals, curl into plank
Emphasize hip and shoulder disassociation
Maintain consistent angle of arms throughout
Focus on coordinated use of hip extensors and hip flexors (HINGE on the return to plank)
Chest Expansion (Arms Kneeling Series)
Reformer - Arms Kneeling Series - Arm Work - Intermediate
Set up:
Kneeling on the carriage, knees against the shoulder rests, holding onto the ropes, palms facing sides of body, arms slightly forward of the trunk
Resistance: Light (blue or green, prob!)
Exhale: extend shoulders
Inhale: flex shoulders, return to starting position
Muscle Focus: Latissimus dorsi
Cues: NOT scapular!
Maintain upright position of trunk
Bias toward a slight posterior tilt of the pelvis
Move the arms in a range approximately 20 degrees forward and 20 degrees back of the perpendicular
Single Leg Parallel
Reformer - Jumping Series - Leg Work - Intermediate
Set up: Lying supine in a neutral position, legs parallel, one foot on Foot Plate (Jump Board), other leg in tabletop position, heel pressing down
Resistance: Light to medium (1 yellow?)
Movement: EXHALE, kegel, jump!
Exhale: straighten knee, plantar flex foot, jump
Inhale: bend knee, dorsi flex foot, return to starting position
Muscle Focus:
Foot plantar flexors
Cues: Articulate through feet on take off and landing (toe, ball, heel)
Want leg to “stream” - stay in line with hip
Emphasize pelvic lumbar stabilization throughout
Keep pelvis and tabletop leg stable
Maintain heel contact following landing avoiding a double bounce
Short Box Series (on long box!) - Reformer - Ab Work - Intermediate
Set up: Sitting upright at front edge of Short Box, one foot under strap, other leg bent with thigh to chest, holding shin (can be performed on LONG box!)
Resistance: ALL SPRINGS
Exhale: Pump knee to chest 3 times, keep back straight
Inhale: Straighten leg holding ankle
Exhale: Round back, walk hands down leg lifting leg to perpendicular
Inhale: Extend back over box, circle arms overhead and around, lift head and chest, hold onto leg
Exhale: Walk hands up leg, rounding trunk
Inhale: Extend spine, bend leg, return to starting position
Muscle Focus: Abs
Cues: Begin movement with straight back
Walk hands down and up leg during trunk flexion
Maintain pelvic lumbar stabilization as back extends and arms circle
Reverse Knee Stretch
Reformer - FBI - Intermediate
Set up: Kneeling in quadriped position, knees against shoulder rests, hands on rails, shoulders slightly forward of hands, shoulder girdle stable, trunk rounded
Resistance: Light (1 yellow or blue)
Exhale: Flex hips, drawing carriage back (towards hands)
Inhale: Extend hips, returning to starting position
Muscle Focus: Abdominals
Cues: Focus on hip disassociation
Pelvis in front of knees at start!
Imagine drawing knees toward chest
Avoid pulling with arms and elevating scapulae
Maintain a consistent C curve position throughout
Deltoid Reach
Side Arm Kneeling Series - Reformer - Arm Work - Advanced
Set up: Kneeling sideways on carriage, trunk upright, legs shoulder width apart, lower legs parallel, one leg against shoulder rests, same side arm holding strap or handle, palm facing ear, elbow bent out to side
Resistance: Extra light
Exhale: straighten elbow, fingers reaching upward
Inhale: bend elbow, return to starting position
Muscle Focus: Deltoid
Maintain scapular stabilization
Keep hand on a vertical line with shoulder
Maintain slight external rotation of shoulder
Reach straight up without elevating
Deltoid up or scapula up and around (?)
Pulling Straps 2
Reformer - Long Box Series - Back Extension - Fundamental
Set up: Lying prone on the Long Box, feet toward the footbar, holding ropes, arms in T position parallel to the floor
Resistance: Light (1 blue? or green?)
Exhale: lift trunk, adduct shoulders, arms to sides of body
Inhale: lower trunk, return to starting position
Muscle focus: Back Extensors
Move the arms on a horizontal line
Emphasize the mid and upper back extensors
Keep shoulders externally rotated and palms facing the floor
Activate hammies!
Balance Control Back Prep
Reformer - FBI - Advanced
Set up: Hands on shoulder rests, palms facing back, trunk upright, hips 90 degrees, feet on footbar hip width apart, legs straight
Resistance: Light (1 blue? Or green?)
Exhale: Extend shoulders
Inhale: Flex shoulders, return to starting position
Muscle Focus: Latissimus dorsi, Lower trapezius
Maintain scapular stabilization
Maintain a neutral spine position (no tucking!)
Hinge from shoulder and hip joints
Stomach Massage Round Back
Reformer - FBI - Intermediate (not recommended)
Setup: Sitting on sit bones, toes on the footbar in a small V position, hands on front edge of carriage, trunk in a C curve position
Resistance: Medium (Red blue?)
Exhale: straighten legs, dorsi flex and then plantar flex feet
Inhale: bend legs, return to starting position
Muscles: Lower abs, inner thighs
Cues: Use pad to prevent slipping!
Keep shoulders aligned over hips
Press hand against front of carriage
Maintain a consistent C curve position throughout!
Triceps (Side Arm Kneeling Series)
Side Arm Kneeling Series - Reformer - Arm Work - Advanced
Set up: Kneeling sideways on carriage, trunk in lateral flexion, legs shoulder width apart, lower legs parallel, outer leg against front edge of carriage, inside hand on shoulder rest, upper hand holding the strap or handle, palm facing up, elbow reaching to ceiling, upper arm vertical
Resistance: Extra light
Exhale: straighten elbow, fingers reaching upward
Inhale: bend elbow, return to starting position
Muscle Focus: Triceps
Look down toward hand on shoulder rest
Keep reaching elbow up to the ceiling as arm bends
Distribute weight evenly on both legs keeping pelvis level
Finish through the contraction straight up with arm!
Teaser Prep (Long Box Series)
Reformer - Long Box Series - Ab Work - Intermediate
Set up: Lying supine on Long Box, legs in a tabletop position, holding straps, arms straight and stretched overhead
Resistance: light (1 yellow?)
Inhale: Roll up, Circle arms around to sides of body, reaching forward (palms up) in line with shoulders, straighten legs to perpendicular
Exhale: Roll down, take arms around and back overhead, bend legs, return to start position
Muscle Focus: Abs
Hold arms at shoulder height on completion of movement
Circle arms around in line with shoulders prior to beginning trunk flexion
Balance Control Front
Reformer - FBI - Advanced
Set Up: Starting in Front Support position, hands on shoulder rests, shoulders over wrists, feet plantar flexed.
Resistance: Light (1 yellow?)
Exhale: Flex shoulders, pushing carriage out
Inhale: Extend shoulders, return to starting position
Muscle Focus: Abs, Deltoids
Cues: Keep feet plantar flexed
Maintain scapular stabilization
Focus on trunk stabilization throughout
Twist (Reformer)
Short Box Series - Reformer - Ab Work - Intermediate
Set up: Sitting upright at front edge of Short Box, knees bent, feet under strap, fingers interlaced behind head
Resistance: ALL SPRINGS
Inhale: Rotate trunk, Hinge diagonally back
Exhale: Hinge trunk up, return to starting position
Muscle Focus: Abs with obliques emphasis
Cues: Keep both sitz bones in contact with box, Maintain co-contraction of abs and back extensors, Rotate on longitudinal axis prior to hinging diagonally back, Return to longitudinal axis prior to facing front in starting position
Long Stretch
Reformer - FBI - Intermediate
Resistance Settings: Light (1 yellow?)
Setup: Starting in the Front Support position with heels firmly anchored halfway up the shoulder rests
Inhale: glide forward until carriage reaches stopper
Exhale: push carriage back to starting
Muscle Focus: Abdominals
Back extensors
Keep head aligned with spine
Maintain scapular stabilization
Bias toward slight posterior tilt of pelvis
Reformer - FBI - Fundamental
Setup: Hands on footbar shoulder width apart, arms straight, shoulders stable with head between arms, heels flat on carriage against shoulder blocks, pelvis lifted toward ceiling, back flat
Resistance: Light to medium (1 yellow?) - depends on person - heavier for bigger
Inhale: Extend hips, pushing carriage slightly back
Exhale: Flex hips, drawing carriage toward stopper, return to starting position
Muscle Focus: Abdominals, Back extensors, Hip flexors
Cues: Keep head aligned with spine Keep tailbone reaching upwards Emphasize “in” phase of movement Maintain a pyramid shape with body Keep trunk and shoulders as stable as possible Emphasize pressing heels into carriage
Triceps (Arms Kneeling Series)
Reformer - Arms Kneeling Series - Arm Work - Intermediate
Set up:
Kneeling on carriage facing footbar, feet against shoulder rests, hand in straps behind head, forming a triangle with thumbs and index fingers, elbows bent facing outward
Resistance: Light (blue or green, prob!) - Depends on their posture and the challenge of it
Exhale: straighten elbows, fingers reaching upward!
Inhale: bend elbows, return to starting position
Muscle Focus: Triceps
Direct the fingertips upward!!
Avoid elevating the shoulders
Keep elbows reaching out to sides
Rowing Back 2
Reformer - Rowing Series - Arm Work - Intermediate
Set Up:
Sitting upright with back to footbar, footbar down, legs straight between shoulder rests (crossed if necessary), arms straight and parallel to each other, holding straps in hands
Resistance: Light (1 yellow prob)
Inhale: bend elbows to 90 degrees
Exhale: roll down bringing elbows to sides
Inhale: pause
Exhale: lift body initiating with lumbar flexion followed by back extension, arms reaching up and forward, return to starting position
Muscle Focus: Back extensors, Abdominals
Sit on carriage so the back is supported by carriage when supine
Avoid hyperlordosis when lifting from supine to sitting
Keep elbows at 90 degrees when rolling down into supine position
Shoulder Push
Reformer - Arm Work - Intermediate
Set up:
Kneeling at edge of carriage, trunk over thighs, BACK EXTENDED, hands on footbar, elbows bent, scapula retracted (head back!!)
Resistance: Light to medium (yellow?)
Exhale: straighten elbows
Inhale: bend elbows, return to starting position
Muscle Focus: Triceps
Cues: Head BACK!! Engage back extensors throughout Reach elbows out to sides as they bend Establish scapular stabilization prior to movement
Rowing Front 1
Reformer - Rowing Series - Arm Work - Intermediate
Set Up:
Sitting upright against the shoulder rests, legs straight out in front, upper arms close to sides with elbows bent, hands by chest, thumbs in straps, palms face down, straps under arms
Resistance: Light (1 yellow prob)
Exhale: straighten arms forward on a slight diagonal line
Inhale: lower arms, hands touch the carriage
Exhale: lift arms up overhead, circle arms around and down to sides, palms facing forward
Inhale: bend arms to starting position
Muscle Focus: Deltoid
Maintain upright position of trunk
Establish scapular stabilization prior to movement
Internally rotate arms as they lift overhead to accommodate Reformer strap
V Position Jumping
Reformer - Jumping Series - Leg Work - Intermediate
Set up: ying supine in a neutral spine position, legs externally rotated, feet on Foot Plate in a small V position, heels pressing down
Resistance: Light to medium (1 red? or yellow?)
Movement: EXHALE, kegel, jump!
Exhale: straighten knees, plantar flex feet, jump
Inhale: bend knees, dorsi flex feet, return to starting position
Muscle Focus:
Hip adductors
Cues: Squeeze legs together when in air
Keep knees aligned with feel during landing
Up Stretch 3
Reformer - FBI - Fundamental
Setup: Hands on footbar shoulder width apart, arms straight, shoulders stable with head between arms, heels halfway up shoulder blocks, pelvis lifted toward ceiling, back flat
Resistance: Light to medium (1 yellow?) - depends on person - heavier for bigger
Inhale: Lower body into Front Support position, pivoting at shoulders and hips , glide forward until carriage reaches stopper (not necessary to close??)
Exhale: Lift pelvis, return to starting position
Muscle Focus: Abdominals, Back extensors, Hip flexors
Co-contract the back extensors and abdominals throughout
Hold carriage firmly on stopper when transitioning from Long Stretch to Up Stretch
Initiate transition from Long Stretch to Up Stretch with deep abdominal contraction and slight lumbar flexion
Round About
Short Box Series - Reformer - Ab Work - Intermediate
Set up: Sitting upright at front edge of Short Box, knees bent, feet under strap, fingers interlaced behind head
Resistance: ALL SPRINGS
Inhale: Rotate trunk, Hinge diagonally back
Exhale: Rotate to other side, Hinge trunk up to longitudinal axis, return to starting position
Muscle Focus: Abs with obliques emphasis
Cues: Keep both sitz bones in contact with box, Maintain co-contraction of abs and back extensors, Rotate on longitudinal axis prior to hinging diagonally back, Return to longitudinal axis prior to facing front in starting position
Leg Changes
Reformer - Jumping Series - Leg Work - Intermediate
Set up: Lying supine in a neutral position, legs parallel, one foot on Foot Plate (Jump Board), other leg in tabletop position, heel pressing down
Resistance: Light to medium (1 yellow?)
Movement: EXHALE, kegel, jump!
Exhale: straighten knee, plantar flex foot, jump, straighten other knee simultaneously
Inhale: bend knee, dorsi flex foot landing on opposite leg, alternate
Muscle Focus:
Foot plantar flexors
Cues: Articulate through feet on take off and landing (toe, ball, heel)
Straighten both legs prior to switch
Emphasize pelvic lumbar stabilization throughout
Keep pelvis and tabletop leg stable
Maintain heel contact following landing avoiding a double bounce
Flat Back (Short Box Series)
Short Box Series - Reformer - Ab Work - Intermediate
Set up: Sitting upright at front edge of Short Box, knees bent, feet under strap, arms straight overhead holding a pole or fingers interlaced behind head
Resistance: ALL SPRINGS
Inhale: Hinge trunk back, moving from hip joints
Exhale: Hinge trunk up, return to starting position
Muscle Focus: Abs, Back extensors
Cues: Avoid thrusting ribs forward, Keep head aligned with spine, Maintain co-contraction of abs and back extensors.