Practical Exam - Auxiliary Flashcards
Gluteals Side Lying Series
Side Leg Lift
Forward and Lift
Forward and Drops
Hip Extension Straight Leg
Gluteals Kneeling Series - Leg Work - Fundamental
Set up: Kneeling on mat, resting elbows on box, hips aligned over knees, shoulders aligned over elbows, palms facing up, one leg straight and extended back
Resistance: Light to medium (ankle weights)
Exhale: Lift leg up
Inhale: Lower leg down
Muscle Focus: Hip extensors
Objectives: Hip extensor strength, Pelvic lumbar stabilization
Cues: Maintain abdominal engagement, Disassociate movement of hip, keeping pelvis and trunk still, Keep spine elongated and aligned from top of head through tail bone
Side Leg Lift
Gluteals Side Lying Series - Leg Work - Fundamental
Set Up: Lying on side, head resting on arm, spine in neutral alignment, bottom knee and hip at 90 degree flexion, top leg relaxed and straight at hip height and in line with trunk
Resistance: Light to medium (ankle weight)
Exhale: Lift leg slightly higher than hip
Inhale: Lower to starting position
Muscle Focus: Gluteus medius
Objectives: Hip abductor strength, Pelvic lumbar stabilization
Cues: Maintain neutral spine, Allow leg and foot to relax and droop toward floor
Overhead Stretch
Step Barrel - Abdominal Work - Intermediate
Set up: Sitting upright on step, arms reaching forward, palms facing each other, legs together and knees bent
Exhale: Roll down over barrel, lift arms overhead
Inhale: Circle arms around
Exhale: Roll up to C shape
Inhale: Extend back, return to starting position
Muscle Focus: Abdominals
Objectives: Abdominal strength, Thoracic stretch, Shoulder mobility
Cues: Avoid neck tension, Coordinate lifting head as arms circle around, Circle Arms when trunk reaches full extension
Forward with Drops
Gluteals Side Lying Series - Leg Work - Fundamental
Set Up: Lying on side, head resting on arm, spine in neutral alignment, bottom knee and hip at 90 degree flexion, top leg relaxed and straight at hip height and at 90 degree hip flexion
Resistance: Light to medium (ankle weight)
Exhale: Lower and lift leg (5 pulses)
Inhale: Lower and lift leg (5 pulses)
Muscle Focus: Gluteus medius
Objectives: Hip abductor strength, Pelvic lumbar stabilization
Cues: Maintain neutral pelvis, Keep movement small and focused in hip area, Allow leg and foot to relax and droop toward floor
Swan Prep (Step Barrel)
Step Barrel - Back Extension - Fundamental
Set Up: Lying prone on Step Barrel, legs straight and parallel, knees slightly relaxed, feet plantar flexed and anchored on floor, hands behind head, fingers interlaced, elbows wide
Inhale: Extend trunk to create a diagonal line
Exhale: Straighten elbows, reaching arms forward
Inhale: Bend elbows, placing hands behind head
Exhale: Lower trunk, return to starting position
Muscle Focus: Back extensors
Objectives: Trunk stabilization, Back extensor strength
Cues: Keep head aligned with spine, Try to minimize use of legs and glutes, Focus work in the area directly above apex of barrel arc
Side Stretch (Pole Series)
Pole Series - Stretches - Fundamental
Set Up: Standing or sitting, legs parallel to each other, pole resting on shoulders, arms straight resting in a T position along pole
Inhale: Reach over to side (“up and over”)
Exhale: Return to starting position
(Alternate sides)
Muscle Focus: Abs with oblique emphasis
Objectives: Oblique stretch, Trunk control
Cues: Move in coronal plane, Keep head aligned with spine, Avoid thrusting ribs forward and pelvic shifting, Maintain co-contraction of abs and back extensors
Arms Standing Series (Ped-A-Pul)
Extension Adduction Circles Up Circles Down Triceps
Spine Twist Standing (Pole series)
Pole Series - Stretches - Fundamental
Set Up: Standing, legs parallel to each other, pole resting on shoulders, arms straight resting in a T position along pole
Exhale: Rotate trunk to one side (2 pulses)
Inhale: Return to center
(Alternate sides)
Muscle Focus: Abs with oblique emphasis
Objectives: Oblique stretch, Trunk control
Cues: Rotate through waist area, Maintain equal weight on both feet, Keep pelvis still and in a neutral position
Shoulder Stretch (Pole Series)
Pole Series - Stretches - Fundamental
Set Up: Standing or sitting, legs parallel to each other, pole in hands, arms straight down in front of body, slightly wider than shoulder width apart
Inhale: Raise arms overhead
Exhale: Bend arms to 90 degrees
Muscle Focus: Lower trapezius
Objectives: Shoulder stretch, Scapulae stabilization
Cues: Don’t elevate shoulders! Maintain scapulae stabilization, Keep head aligned with spine, Maintain slight external rotation of shoulders when arms bend
Overhead Stretch (Pole Series)
Pole Series - Stretches - Fundamental
Set Up: Standing or sitting, legs parallel to each other, pole in hands, arms straight down in front of body, slightly wider than shoulder width apart (prob wider than Shoulder Stretch)
Movement: Inhale: Raise arms overhead Exhale: Lower arms behind body Inhale: Raise arms overhead Exhale: Return to starting position
Muscle Focus: Pectorals, Abdominal Support
Objectives: Shoulder stretch, chest stretch
Cues: Don’t elevate shoulders! Maintain scapulae stabilization, Keep head aligned with spine, Avoid thrusting ribs and head forward
Side Lift
Step Barrel - Lateral Flexion / Rotation - Fundamental
Set Up: Sitting sideways on barrel, one leg straight, foot plantar flexed touching floor, other leg bent on top of barrel, foot resting on floor, hands behind head, body in a diagonal line
Inhale: Laterally flex trunk over barrel
Exhale: Lift trunk, return to starting position
Final inhale: Stretch both arms over barrel
Muscle Focus: Abdominal obliques
Objectives: Lateral flexor stretch, Abdominal control with oblique emphasis
Cues: Start with trunk and leg on a diagonal line, Engage abdominals prior to lateral flexion to stabilize core, Avoid “crunching” sideways by reaching elbow toward ceiling (more of a “lift” than a bend)
Adductor Lift
Leg Weights - Leg Work - Fundamental
Set up: Lying on side, bottom arm straight and head resting on it, pelvis perpendicular to mat, one leg resting on top edge of box, bottom leg placed insude box, foot plantar flexed
Resistance: Light to medium (ankle weights)
Exhale: Adduct bottom leg toward top leg
Inhale: Lower leg, returning to starting position
Muscle Focus: Adductor strength
Objectives: Hip adductor strength, Pelvic lumbar stabilization
Cues: Maintain co-contraction of abdominals and back extensors, Avoid pressing down with top leg, Keep pelvis aligned perpendicular to mat
Forward and Lift
Gluteals Side Lying Series - Leg Work - Fundamental
Set Up: Lying on side, head resting on arm, spine in neutral alignment, bottom knee and hip at 90 degree flexion, top leg relaxed and straight at hip height and in line with trunk
Resistance: Light to medium (ankle weight)
Exhale: Move top leg forward to 90 degrees of hip flexion, then slightly lift and lower leg
Inhale: Return to starting position
Muscle Focus: Gluteus medius
Objectives: Hip abductor strength, Pelvic lumbar stabilization
Cues: Maintain neutral spine, Allow leg and foot to relax and droop toward floor
Hip Extension Bent Knee
Gluteals Kneeling Series - Leg Work - Fundamental
Set up: Kneeling on mat, resting elbows on box, hips aligned over knees, shoulders aligned over elbows, palms facing up, one leg slightly extended back with knee 90 degrees of flexion
Resistance: Light to medium (ankle weights)
Exhale: Extend hip reaching toes to ceiling
Inhale: Return to starting position
Muscle Focus: Hip extensors
Objectives: Hip extensor strength, Pelvic lumbar stabilization
Cues: Maintain abdominal engagement, Maintain consistent 90 degree angle in knee of moving leg, Keep spine elongated and aligned from top of head through tail bone
Spine Twist Supine (Step Barrel)
Step Barrel - Lateral Flexion / Rotation - Fundamental
Set Up: Lying supine with low back and pelvis connected to barrel, knees bend to 90 degrees, thighs perpendicular to floor, hands holding handles
Inhale: Lower legs to one side
Exhale: Draw abdominals in, return to starting position
(Alternate sides)
Muscle Focus: Abdominals with oblique emphasis (not hip flexors)
Objectives: Spinal rotation, Abdominal control with oblique emphasis, Pelvic lumbar stabilization
Cues: Avoiding excessive hyperlordosis, Initiate return phase with abdominals, Thighs remain on same plane throughout movement
Adductor Squeeze
Leg Weights - Leg Work - Fundamental
Set Up: Lying supine in a neutral spine position, feet together, knees bent and apart, cushion or circle placed between knees
Resistance (light to medium)
Exhale: Squeeze knees together
Inhale: Open knees
Muscle Focus: Hip adductors
Objectives: Adductor strength, Pelvic lumbar stabilization
Cues: Maintain resistance in circle when opening knees, Avoid tension in body, particularly in the shoulders and neck
Step Barrel - Abdominal Work - Fundamental
Set up: Sitting on step, holding pole with arms reaching forward, legs together and knees bent
Exhale: Roll down, lift arms overhead, straighten legs
Inhale: Pause
Exhale: Roll up, transfer arms forward, draw legs in, maintain C shape of trunk
Inhale: Pause
Final Exhale: Extend back, return to starting position
Muscle Focus: Abdominals
Objectives: Abdominal strength, abdominal stretch, Shoulder stretch
Cues: Pause in C shape when shoulders are directly above hips, Keep the body in a straight line when in the supine position
Hip Abduction Bent Knee
Gluteals Kneeling Series - Leg Work - Fundamental
Set up: Kneeling on mat, resting elbows on box, hips aligned over knees, shoulders aligned over elbows, palms facing up, one leg slightly lifted off mat to side with knee 90 degrees of flexion and in line with other knee
Resistance: Light to medium (ankle weights)
Exhale: Lift leg out to side
Inhale: Return to starting position
Muscle Focus: Hip abductors
Objectives: Hip abductor strength, Pelvic lumbar stabilization (will move a bit)
Cues: Maintain abdominal engagement, Avoid lateral flexion of trunk, Avoid shifting pelvis sideways
Chest Lift (Step Barrel)
Step Barrel - Abdominals - Fundamental
Set up: Lying Supine, hands interlaced behind head, elbows wide, legs together and knees bent
Movement: Inhale: Prepare Exhale: Lift head and chest Inhale: Pause Exhale: Lower to starting position
Muscle Focus: Abdominals
Objectives: Abdominal strength, Thoracic stretch
Cues: Keep elbows wide, keep legs together, Support head with hands, do not lift lumbar spine off barrel
Extension (Arms Standing Series)
Ped-A-Pul - Arm Work - Fundamental
Set Up: Standing or sitting with back upright against pole, legs parallel to each other, knees slightly bent (or in sitting position), arms directly forward at shoulder height, parallel to each other, palms facing down
Resistance: Light to Medium
Exhale: Extend arms down to sides of body
Inhale: Raise arms back to starting position
Muscle Focus: Latissimus dorsi
Objectives: Shoulder extensor strength, Scapulae stabilization
Cues: Keep arms straight, Maintain scapulae depression
Shoulder Stretch Lying Side
Step Barrel - Stretches - Fundamental
Set Up: Lying sideways over barrel, bottom leg bent, top leg straight, bottom arm relaxed by ear, top arm overhead
Inhale: Circle top arm back and around to a T position, body follows rolling into a supine position
Exhale: Circle arm from T position down to leg as body follows rolling onto side, lift arm overhead returning to starting position
Muscle Focus: Latissimus dorsi, Pectorals
Objectives: Shoulder control, Shoulder stretch, Thoracic stretch
Cues: Allow body to follow movement of arm, Let head gently roll back and forward following path of body (arm can support head), Recruit abdominals as body returns from supine to side lying position
Pole Series
Shoulder Stretch
Overhead Stretch
Side Stretch
Spine Twist / Spine Twist Standing