Practical Exam - Cadillac / Tower Flashcards
Cadillac tower - Arm work - intermediate - Arms Standing Series
Set up: standing upright facing away from tower, holding handles, palms facing down, body leaning slightly forward, arms at shoulder height, elbows bent reaching out to sides, cross bar slightly above shoulder height.
Resistance: medium
Exhale: straighten one arm directly forward, in line with shoulder, switch arms
Inhale: repeat cycle
Muscle focus: triceps
Objectives: elbow extensor strength, shoulder horizontal adductor strength, trunk stabilization
Cues: arms move in line with shoulders, keep fingers facing forward throughout, focus movement in arms as trunk remains still
Cadillac tower - arm work - advanced - arms standing series
Set up: Set up: standing upright facing away from tower, body leaning slightly forward, holding handles, palms facing forward, arms in a T position, elbows soft, cross bar slightly above shoulder height
Resistance: medium
Inhale: laterally flex trunk
Exhale: Rotate upper body to face tower, bring top arm up and over and bottom arm under and across into a T position
Inhale: Reverse sequence, return to lateral flexion position
Exhale: lift trunk, return to starting position
Muscle focus: abdominal obliques
Objectives: Ab obliques stretch, ab obliques control
Cues: Maintain constant tension in springs, keep arms wide and reaching outward, keep pelvis facing forward as long as possible.
Side Lift (Push through group)
Cadillac - Lateral Flexion/Rotation - Intermediate - Push through group
Set up: Lying on side, legs straight and under strap, top leg in front, bottom arm straight, head resting on arm, top arm straight holding PTBar.
Resistance: Light (1 yellow)
Inhale: Bend top arm bringing PTBar through and up
Exhale: Lift trunk into lateral felxion, bottom arm lifts
Inhale: lower body
Exhale: bend top arm, return to starting position
Muscle focus: abdominal obliques, lat, QLs
Objectives: Abdominal oblique stretch, lateral flexor stretch
Cues: Keep arm on bar straight while lifting body, Maintain abdominal engagement throughout, move body as if between two panes of glass
Hanging Back
Cadillac - Back Extension - Advanced
Resistance: N/A
Setup: USE GRIPPERS: Hold onto the cross bars on the top section of the Cadillac, legs straight and externally rotated, feet on trapeze dorsi flexed, back extended
Exhale: curl the pelvis and spine up to a horizontal line
Inhale: extend the spine further into an arc shape
Exhale: return to horizontal before returning to starting position
Muscle Focus: Back extensors
Objectives: Back extensor strength, Chest stretch
Cues: Initiate the articulation of the spine by drawing in the abdominals, Reach tailbone towards the mat when hanging in starting position, Maximize extension in the mid and upper back before lumbar and hip extension! Feet can stay in dorsi flex or go into plantar flexion to accentuate line.
Saw (push through group)
Cadillac - FBI - Advanced
Set up: Sitting upright, facing PTBar, feet pressing against upright poles, hands on PTBar shoulder width apart
Resistance: light
Exhale: Round trunk and lean back, holding on to PTBar
Inhale: release one arm, extend trunk into upright position, rotate trunk toward arm holding PTBar
Exhale: reach forward, flexing at hip with trunk over leg KEEPING FLAT BACK, hand to outside of foot
Inhale: extend spine followed by lifting to upright sitting position in rotation, return to starting position
Muscle focus: hammies
Objectives: hammie stretch, back extensor control, abdominal oblique control
Cues: Rotate trunk on longitudinal axis, keep back extensors engaged, head aligned with spine when stretching forward
Sitting Forward
Cadillac - FBI - Intermediate
Set up: sitting upright, facing PTBar, feet pressing against upright poles, hands on PTBar shoulder width apart
Resistance: medium (top loaded)
Exhale: round trunk into a c curve, press bar down and then forward together with body reaching forward
Inhale: extend spine on a diagonal line
Exhale: round trunk, returning to c curve position, lift arms
Inhale: extend trunk, sitting upright, return to starting position
Muscle focus: abs
Objectives: ab control, hammie stretch, spinal mobility
Cues: keep arms straight throughout, differentiate between movement of trunk and arms
Tower prep
Cadillac - spinal articulation - fundamental
Set up: lying supine, arms straight and overhead holding upright poles (close to mat), legs straight and parallel, toes in PTBar, feet plantar flexed
Resistance: medium (2 springs) bottom loaded
Movement: Exhale: roll up onto shoulder girdle while simultaneously bending knees and extending hips (bar should move when pelvis moves) Inhale: pause Exhale: roll down, straightening knees Inhale: dorsi flex and plantar flex feet
Muscle focus: abs, hip extensors, hammies
Objectives: spinal articulation, hammie stretch, hammie control
Cues: keep arms straight, scapulae stable, initiate movement with deep lumbar flexion, maintain hip extensor engagement throughout
Thigh stretch with roll up bar
Cadillac - FBI - Intermediate
Resistance : Roll up bar (light to medium)
Set up: kneeling (~1/2 way on table), hands on RU bar shoulder width apart, palms down.
Movement: Exhale: Posteriorly tilt pelvis, hinge back Inhale: Pause Exhale: Lift up Inhale: Return to start
Muscle focus: abs, quads
Objectives: an control, quad strength, quad stretch
Shoulder adduction single arm
Cadillac - arm work - intermediate - push through group
Set up: Sitting sideways, one hand holding PTBar, palm facing up, other arm by side
Resistance: medium (1 green)
Exhale: adduct shoulder, elbow bends
Inhale: abduct shoulder, return to starting position
Muscle focus: Latissimus dorsi (NOT BICEP)
Objectives: shoulder adductor control
Cues: Minimize use of bicep, maintain slight external rotation of shoulder, actively engage shoulder adductors prior to movement
Breathing with Push Through Bar
Cadillac - Ab Work - Intermediate
Set up: lying supine in a neutral spine position, holding PTBar, arms shoulder width apart, feet resting on trapeze strap, legs externally rotated, feet dorsi flexed.
Resistance: medium / light (top loaded)
inhale: pull PTBar though to overhead
Exhale: return PTBar to starting position
Inhale: roll pelvis and spine off mat
Exhale: roll spine down to starting position
Inhale: roll up to teaser position
Exhale: roll down, return to starting position
Muscle focus: abs
Objectives: spinal articulation, improve coordination, balance and breathing
Cues: Perform three distinct phases in each repetition, keep elbows wide when pulling PTBar through to overhead.
Cadillac - Leg Work - Advanced - Single Leg Side Series
Set up: Lying on side, legs straight and EXTERNALLY ROTATED, top leg on a diagonal line, foot in strap, bottom arm straight, head resting on arm, top arm holding upright pole or placed on mat in front of body
Resistance: Medium (bar ~12 in from top of cadillac)
Exhale: Lower top leg in front of bottom leg
Inhale: Lift top leg
Exhale: Lower top leg down behind bottom leg
Inhale: Lift top leg, return to starting position
Muscle focus: Hip adductors
Objectives: Hip adductor control, pelvic lumbar stabilization
Cues: Minimize pelvic lumbar movement, imagine elongating both legs out of hip joints, engage abs (particularly obliques) to create a small space under waistline
Sitting Side Prep
Cadillac - arm work - intermediate - push through group
Setup: sitting sideways, one hand on PTBar, palm facing down, arm straight, other arm out to side, fingers on mat (set up far enough away, the arm won’t go far down)
Resistance: medium (1 green? 1 yellow?) top loaded
Movement: Inhale: adduct scapula Exhale: adduct shoulder, abduct scapula Inhale: adduct scapula Exhale: abduct shoulder, abduct scapula, return to starting position
Muscle focus: scapula adductors, scapula abductors, shoulder adductors
Objectives: scapula adductor control, scapula adductor control, shoulder adductor control
Cues: Maximize scapula glide, avoid lateral deviation of trunk!! (Keep ribcage stable)
Circles (Forward, Back)
Cadillac - Leg Work - Advanced - Single Leg Side Series
Set up: Lying on side, legs straight, EXTERNALLY ROTATED and together, top foot in strap, bottom arm straight, head resting on arm, top arm holding upright pole or placed on mat in front of body
Resistance: Light to Medium
Circles Forward:
Inhale: Reach top leg forward
Exhale: Circle leg up, around and back, return to starting position
Circles Back:
Inhale: Reach top leg back
Exhale: Circle leg up, around and forward, return to starting position
Muscle Focus: Hip adductors
Objectives: Hip adductor control, Hip joint range of motion, Pelvic Lumbar stabilization
Cues: Keep pelvis stable, maintain spring tension throughout movement, maximize hip eternal rotation and hip disassociation.
Arms Standing Series
Cadillac tower - arm work - int/adv
Chest Expansion Hug a Tree Circles (up, down) Punches Biceps Butterfly
Teaser 1 - Cadillac
Cadillac - Abdominal work - advanced
Set up: lying supine, holding PTBar arms shoulder width apart, legs straight on a Diagonal line
Resistance: light to medium (1 spring top loaded)
Inhale: roll up, extend trunk
Exhale: roll down, return to start
Muscle focus: abs, back extensors
Objectives: ab strength, back extensor strength, hip flexor control, trunk stabilization
Cues: keep legs still throughout, articulate spine during roll up and down, extend back to achieve final teaser position
Circles (up and down) - arms standing series
Cadillac - arm work - intermediate - arms standing series
Set up: starting in hug a tree position (farther out = more challenging)
Resistance: medium
Circles up:
Exhale: Draw arms toward each other until they are parallel to each other
Inhale: Rotate arms so palms face down, lift arms overhead, circle out to sides, return to starting position
Circles Down:
Inhale: Lift arms overhead
Exhale: press arms down to shoulder height, palms facing down
Inhale: Rotate arms so palms face each other, open arms to starting position
Muscle focus: shoulder extensors and horizontal adductors
Objectives: scapulae stabilization, increase range of motion in shoulder joint, trunk stabilization
Cues: maintain abdominal engagement, keep arms in peripheral vision when out to sides