Practical Exam- Muscles Flashcards
Biceps Brachii
Short head - Coracoid Process of the Scapula
Long head - Supraglenoid Tubercle of the scapula
I= Radial Tuberosity of the Radius
Agonist exercise= Biceps Curl
Joint Action = Flexion & Extension
Contraction = Concentric & Eccentric
Plane = Sagital Plane Axis= Frontal
O= Humerus - Anterior surface of distal humerus
I= Ulna - Coranoid process and tuberosity
Agonist exercise = Dumbbell hammer curls
Joint Action = Flexion & Extension
Contraction = Con / Ecc
Plane = Sagital Plane Axis= frontal
O= Lateral supracondyle ridge of the Humerus
I= Lateral surface of distal end of Radius
Agonist exercise = Dumbbell hammer curls
Joint Action = Flexion & Extension
Contraction = Con / Ecc
Plane = Sagital Plane Axis= frontal
Triceps brachii
Medial Head - Humerus - Bottom 1/3 posterior shaft
Lateral Head - Humerus - Top 1/3, above radial groove
Long Head - Scapula - Infraglenoid Tubercle
I= Ulna - Olecreon of the Ulna
Agonist exercise = Tricep Pull down
Joint Action = Elbow extension
Contraction = Concentric & Eccentric
Plane = Sagital Plane Axis= Frontal
Pronator teres
O= Humerus - Medial epicondyle & Ulna - Coronoid process
I= Radius - Middle of lateral surface
Agonist exercise = Resistance band - Pronation
Joint Action = Elbow pronation
Contraction = Con/Ecc
Plane = Transverse Axis= Vertical
O= Humerus - Lateral epicondyle
I= Radius - Proximal 1/3 - anterior, posterior and lateral surface
Agonist exercise = Resistance band - supination
Joint Action = Elbow supination
Contraction = Con/Ecc
Plane = Transverse Axis= Vertical
Pectoralis major
Clavicular Head
O= Medial half of clavicle
Sternal Head
O= Sternum and costal cartilage (1-6)
I= Greater tubercle crest of Humerus
Agonist exercise = Bench Press
Joint Action = Horizontal shoulder adduction
Contraction = Concentric & Eccentric
Plane = Transverse Plane Axis= Vertical
Latissimus dorsi
O= R - Ribs - Lower 3 or 4 S - Sacrum I - Iliac Crest - posterior part T - Thoracolumbar Fascia S - Spine - Thoracic 7-12 & Lumbar 1-5
I= Humerus - Floor of intertubercular groove
Agonist exercise = Seated Row
Joint Action = Shoulder - Extension/Flexion
Contraction = Con / Ecc
Plane = Sagital Axis= Frontal
Anterior - O= Lateral 1/3 of clavicle
Middle - O= Scapula - Acromion - lateral margin, superior surface
Posterior - O= Spine of the scapula - Inferior lip of posterior border
I= Humerus - Deltoid tuberosity
Agonist exercise = Lateral Raise - dumbells
Joint Action = Shoulder Abduction
Contraction = Con/Ecc
Plane = Frontal Axis= Sagital
O= Scapula - Supraspinatus Fossa
I = Humerus - Greater Tuberosity
Agonist exercise = Lateral Raise
Joint Action = Shoulder abduction
Contraction = Con/Ecc
Plane = Frontal Axis= Sagital
O= Scapula - Infraspinatus Fossa
I= Humerus - Greater Tuberosity
Agonist exercise = External rotation with resistance band
Joint Action = Shoulder external rotation
Contraction = Con /Ecc
Plane = Transverse Axis= Vertical
Serratus anterior
O= Ribs 1-8 OR 1-9 - Outer surface and superior border
I = Scapula - Costal (Anterior) surface of medial border
Agonist exercise = Push up plus
Joint Action = Scapula protraction
Contraction = Protraction/retraction
Plane = Transverse Axis= Vertical
Upper Trapezius
O= Occipital Bone
Nuchal Ligament
Cervical Vertebrae C7 - Spinous Process
I= Clavicle - Lateral 1/3
Agonist exercise = Weighted shoulder shrugs
Joint Action = Scapula elevation
Contraction = Con/Ecc
Plane = Frontal Axis= Sagital
Middle Trapezius
O= Thoracic Vertebrae T1-4 - Spinous Processes
I= Scapula - Spine lateral 1/3 and Acromion Process
Agonist exercise = Seated Row
Joint Action = Scapula - Retraction/Protraction
Contraction = Con / Ecc
Plane = Transverse Axis= Vertical
Lower Trapezius
O= Thoracic Vertebrae T5-12 - Spinous Process
I= Scapula - Spine - medial third
Agonist exercise = Seated Row
Joint Action = Scapula - Retraction/Protraction
Contraction = Con / Ecc
Plane = Transverse Axis= Vertical
O= Thoracic Vertebrae 2-5 - Spinous Processes
I= Scapula - Medial Border
Agonist or synergist exercise = Seated Row
Joint Action = Scapula - Retraction/Protraction
Contraction = Con / Ecc
Plane = Transverse Axis= Vertical
Rectus abdominis
O = Pelvis - Pubic symphysis and Pubic Ramus
I = Sternum - Xiphoid process
Ribs - Costal cartilage 5-7
Agonist or synergist exercise = Sit up /Crunch
Joint Action = Trunk - Flexion/Extension
Contraction = Con/Ecc
Plane = Sagital Axis= Frontal
External oblique
O= Ribs 5-8 - External surface
I= Linea albia
Pubic crest and pubic tubercle
Pelvis - superior iliac spine
Pelvis - lateral aspect Iliac Crest
Agonist or synergist exercise = Sit up /Crunch
Joint Action = Trunk - Flexion/Extension
Contraction = Con/Ecc
Plane = Sagital Axis= Frontal
Internal oblique
O= Spine - Thoracolumbar fascia
Pelvis - Iliac crest
Pelvis - Inguinal ligament
I= Pelvis - pubic crest
Linea albia
Ribs - lower 3-4
Agonist or synergist exercise = Sit up /Crunch
Joint Action = Trunk - Flexion/Extension
Contraction = Con/Ecc
Plane = Sagital Axis= Frontal
Erector spinae
O= Sacrum
Spine - L1-5 & T11-12 Spinous process
I= Ribs - lower 6-7 & upper 6-7 inferior border
Spine - C4-C7 Transverse process
Agonist exercise = Prone back extensions
Joint Action = Truck - extension/flexion
Contraction = Con/Ecc
Plane = Sagital Axis= Frontal
Quadratus lumborum
O= Posterior border of iliac crest
I= Inferior border of rib 12, transverse processes of vertebrae L1-L4
Agonist or synergist exercise = Prone back extensions
Joint Action = Truck - extension/flexion
Contraction = Con/Ecc
Plane = Sagital Axis= Frontal
O = Pelvis - iliac fossa
I= Femur - Lesser trochanter
Psoas Major:
O= Spine - T12 + L1-L5 - Lateral aspect
I= Femur Lesser trochanter
Agonist or synergist exercise = Lying leg raise
Joint Action = Hip - Flexion / Extension
Contraction = Con/Ecc
Plane = Sagital Axis= Frontal
Tensor fasciae latae
O= Pelvis - Iliac crest (Anterior), ASIS
Fascia Lata
I= Tibia - Lateral condyle
Agonist or synergist exercise = Lying leg raise
Joint Action = Hip - Flexion / Extension
Contraction = Con/Ecc
Plane = Sagital Axis= Frontal
Rectus femoris
O= Pelvis - AIIS
I= Patella - proximal surface, Patella ligament & tibia - tibia tuberosity
Agonist or synergist exercise = Lying leg raise
Joint Action = Hip - Flexion / Extension
Contraction = Con/Ecc
Plane = Sagital Axis= Frontal
Gluteus maximus
O= Pelvis - iliac crest & Sacrum - posterior part
I= Femur - Gluteal tuberosity & IT band
Agonist exercise = Squat
Joint Action = Hip - Flexion/extension
Contraction = Ecc/Con
Plane = Sagital Axis= Frontal
Biceps femoris
Short head
O= Femur - linea aspera
I= Fibula, proximal head
Long head
O= Pelvis - ischial tuberosity
I= Fibula - head
Agonist or synergist exercise = Standing hamstring curl
Joint Action = Knee - Flexion/Extension
Contraction = Con/Ecc
Plane = Sagital Axis= frontal
Semimembranosus and semitendinosus
O= Pelvis - Ischial Tuberosity I= Tibia - medial condyle
Agonist or synergist exercise = Standing hamstring curl
Joint Action = Knee - Flexion/Extension
Contraction = Con/Ecc
Plane = Sagital Axis= frontal
Adductor longus
O= Pubis - Anterior surface
I= Femur - Linea aspera - Middle 1/3, medial lip
Agonist exercise = Hip Adductor machine
Joint Action = Hip adduction
Contraction = Con / Ecc
Plane = Frontal Plane Axis= Sagital
Adductor magnus
O= Pubis - Inferior ramus of pubis & Pelvis - Ischial tuberosity
I= Femur - Distal aspect of linea aspera and adductor tubercle
Agonist exercise = Hip Adductor machine
Joint Action = Hip adduction
Contraction = Con / Ecc
Plane = Frontal Plane Axis= Sagital
Gluteus medius
O= Pelvis - iliac crest
I= Femur - Greater trochanter
Agonist exercise = Lying leg raise
Joint Action = Hip Abduction
Contraction = Con/Ecc
Plane = Frontal Axis= Sagital
Quadriceps (vastii group)
Vastus Lateralis-
O= Femur - Greater Trochanter and Lateral lip of linea aspera
I= Patella - Lateral superior part, patella ligament and Tibia tuberosity
Vastus Medialis -
O= Femur - Intertrochanteric line and medial lip of linea aspera
I= Patella - medially, patella ligament, tibia tuberosity
Vastus intermedius-
O= Femur - anterior & lateral surface of the body
I= Patella - superior surface, patella ligament, tibia tuberosity
Agonist exercise = Seated knee extension
Joint Action = Knee extension/flexion
Contraction = Con/Ecc
Plane = Sagital Axis= Frontal
O= Femur - Medial & Lateral epicondyle
I= Achilles tendon into posterior surface of calcaneus
Agonist exercise = Calf raises
Joint Action = Ankle planter flexion
Contraction = Con/Ecc
Plane = Sagital Axis= Frontal
O= Tibia - Soleal line & Fibula - Proximal 1/3 Posterior
I= Forms Achilles tendon and inserts into Calcaneus - posterior surface
Agonist exercise = Calf raises
Joint Action = Ankle - planter flexion/ Dorsiflexion
Contraction = Con/Ecc
Plane = Sagital Axis= Frontal
Peroneus Longus
O= Fibula - Head and upper 1/2 lateral shaft
I= Medial Cuneiform and 1st Metatarsal - lateral side
Agonist exercise = lying resistance band
Joint Action = Ankle eversion
Contraction = con/ecc
Plane = Frontal Axis= sagital
Tibialis anterior
O= Tibia - Lateral condyle and lateral surface of proximal 1/2 & interosseous membrane
I= Medial coneiform and base of 1st metatarsal bone
Agonist exercise = Dorsiflexion wit resistance band around foot
Joint Action = Ankle dorsiflexion
Contraction = Con/Ecc
Plane = Sagital Axis= Frontal