What are the sulci and gyri starting from the parahippocampal gyrus? (mediolateral direction)
parahippocampal gyrus -> collateral sulcus -> occipitotemporal/fusiform gyrus -> occipitotemporal sulcus -> inferior temporal gyrus -> inferior temporal sulcus -> middle temporal gyrus
which type of stain best visualises SATELITE CELLS?
H&E staining
in H&E staining, which colours refer to which structures?
dark blue/purple = cell nuclei
red/pink = proteins (e.g., in cytoplasm)
What colour does NISSL staining appear as? and what do they highlight?
- blue
- nissl bodies (dark)
What does LFB stain?
- myelin -> white matter fibres (appear blue)
What is shown from Peter’s and Bielchowsky stain?
- nerve fibres and axons
- Bielchowsky especially for features of Alzheimer’s Disease : neurofibrillary tangle (dark) sand senile plaques (dark)
In H&E staining, what do Lewy bodies appear as? and where are they found? What disease are they associated with?
- large pink blobs inside the cell
- Parkinson’s disease
what is an aneurysm?
a “stretch” in the blood vessel, which can eventually rupture and cause a haemorrhage.
On a DWI scan, what can be said if an area appears abnormally HYPERINTENSE (bright)?
- it is an INFARCTION caused by CYTOTOXIC EDEMA (decrease in extracellular fluid leading to less diffusion)
On a DWI scan, what can be said if an area appears abnormally HYPOINTENSE (dark)?
- it is caused by VASOGENIC EDEMA (increase in extracellular fluid thus diffusion)
what is distention?
enlargement, swelling
what is stenosis
abnormal narrowing
what score would be given to an atheromatous occlusion which obstructs the lumen by 50%?
if the surface of the brain features sulci that are obscured (unclearly visible due to thickening of arachnoid mater) what is the pathology?
acute meningitis
ventricular enlargement may be caused by? (x2)
cortical atrophy or hydrocephalus (due to sinus blockage)
blastomas are? what do they look like
- primary metastases in the brain
- more spread out than a secondary metastases