Practical 2 Head and Neck (Semi Learned Already) Flashcards
Epicranium (Frontal Belly)
Epicranial aponeurosis>Eyebrow skin + nose BridgeRaising Eyebrows, Wrinkle Forehead
Epicranium (Occipital Belly)
Occipital (Superior Nuchal Line) and temporal bones>Epicranial aponeurosisPulls Scalp Posteriorly
Orbicularis Oculi
Frontal and maxillary bones>EyelidCloses Eyes
Levator Labii Superioris
Zygomatic bone and infraorbital margin of maxilla>upper lip/nostril (Superior one that elevates lip)Raises/Furrows Upper Lips (Duck Face Muscle)
Zygomaticus Major/Minor (Which is which?)
Zygomatic bone–> Corner of mouth (Minor is to medial lip, major is lateral. Minor is also superior)(Raises lateral corners of mouth for smiling, synergist with risorius?)
Fascia of Masseter–>Side of MouthPuls corners of lips laterally (Zygomatic Synergistic)
Orbicularis Oris
Maxilla and Mandible> Lateral Mouth AngleCloses lips, Purses and protrudes lips (Mackin + Whistling)
Molar region of maxilla and mandible-> Orbicularis Oris (Deep Cheek Muscle)Compresses Cheek, Holds food for chewing, Draw corner of mouth laterally
Masseter Muscles
Zygomatic arch and Maxilla>Angle and ramus of mandibleCloses Jaw
Temporalis Muscles
Temporal fossa>Coronoid process of mandibleCloses and retracts the jaw
Medial Pterygoid (Synergist to what?)
Maxillary, Palatine, Sphenoid Bones > Medial surface of mandible (M(axilla)edial P(alatine)tery(sphen)oid)Elevates Mandible, Grinds TeethSynergist of temporalis and masseter
Lateral Pterygoid
Greater Wing of Sphenoid>Mandibular CondyleProtracts Jaw, Grinds Teeth
Internal Surface of Mandible (Chin)> Inferior aspect of tongue, body of Hyoid BoneProtracts Tongue (Big ol tongue muscle)
Body + Greater Horn of Hyoid Bone > Inferolateral tongueDepresses Tongue
Styloid Process of Temporal Bone > Inferolateral TongueRetracts and elevates tongue (Towards the styloid process)
Extrinsic Eye Muscles
Bony Orbit > Sclera of Eyein=medial; out=lateralSuperior Rectus > Up and InInferior Rectus > Down and InLateral Rectus > OutMedial Rectus > InInferior Oblique Muscles > Up and Out (Below Eye, attaches going medial)Superior Oblique Muscles > Down and Out (>Trochlea > Posterosuperior eye attaches going lateral))Notsureifsrs OBLIQUE MOVEMENT???
Digastric (two parts)
Lower Margin of Mandible (Anterior Belly) and Mastoid Process of Temporal Bone (Posterior Belly) > Hyoid Bone (Loops Around It)Elevates Hyoid Bone, Opens mouth and depress mandible.
Styloid Process of Temporal Bone > Hyoid BoneElevates and retracts hyoid bone
Medial Surface of Mandible> Hyoid BoneElevates hyoid bone + Tongue base during swallowing
Inner Surface of Mandible > Hyoid Bone(Between Genioglossus and Mylohyoid)Pulls hyoid bone superiorly and anteriorly
Manubrium and medial end of clavicle > Hyoid BoneDepresses Larynx and Hyoid Bone
Manubrium > Thyroid Cartilage of Larynx (Inf. to Thyohyoid)Depressed Larynx and Hyoid Bone
Omohyoid (Two Bellies)
Superior Border of Scapula > Hyoid Bone (More Like Scapula > Inf. Belly > Sup Belly > Hyoid)Depresses larynx and Hyoid Bone
Thyroid Cartilage > Hyoid BoneDepresses Hyoid Bone, or elevates larynx if Hyoid is fixed
Manubrium of Sternum (Sternal Head), Medial aspect of Clavicle (Clavicular Head) > Mastoid process of Temporal Bone + Superior Nuchal Line of Occipital BoneSimultaneous contraction=neck flexionIndependent: Rotate head towards opposite shoulder
Anterior, Posterior, Middle Scalene
Transverse Processes of Cervical Vertebrae > Anterolaterally on ribs 1 + 2Flex + Slightly Rotate Neck, Elevate 1st 2 ribs. Aid in Inspiration
Spinous Process of Vertebrae C7-T6 > Mastoid Process of Temporal Bone, Occipital Bone, and Transverse Process of Cervical Vertebrae(Capitis is between traps and semispinalis capitis)Head Extension
Iliac Crest, Inferior thoracic and cervical ribs > Ribs and Transverse Processes of Cervical VertebraeExtend neck + Vertebral column
Transverse processes of lumbar-cervical vertebrae > Transverse processes of thoracic and cervical vertebrae + mastoid process of temporal boneExtends + laterally flex the vertebral column
Quadratus Lumborum
Iliac Crest > Transverse processes of lumbar vertebrae (+ lower margin of 12th rib)Flexes Vertebral Column Laterally
Spinous process of upper lumbar and lower thoracic vertebrae > Spinous process of upper thoracic and cervical vertebraeExtends vertebral column
Transverse processes of C7-T12 > Occipital bone + Spinous Processes of Cervical + Thoracic VertebraeExtend vertebral column + head + rotates them
Quadratus Lumborum
Iliac Crest > Transverse Processes of Lumbar Vertebrae and lower margin of 12th ribFlexes vertebral column laterally
External Intercostal
Inferior border of rib above > Superior border of rib belowElevates rib cage (Pulls lower rib up)
Internal Intercostal
Superior border of rib below > Inferior border of rib aboveDepresses rib cage (Pulls upper rib down)
Ribs/Carilage, Sternum, Vertebrae > Central TendonInspiration (Prime Action)
Rectus Abdominis
Pubic Crest + Symphysis > Xiphoid Process/ RibsIncrease Abdominal Pressure, Flex/rotate lumbar vertebral column
External Oblique
Lower 8 Ribs > Linea Alba, Pubic Crest/Tubercle, Iliac CrestCompresses Abdominal Wall, Flexes Vertebral Column, Helps Trunk Rotation
Internal Oblique
Lumbar Fascia, Iliac Crest, Inguinal Ligament > Linea Albra, Pubic crest, last 3-4 RibsCompresses Abdominal Wall, Flexes Vertebral Column, Helps Trunk Rotation
Transversus Abdominis
Last 6 ribs, Inguinal Ligament, Iliac Crest, Lumbar Fascia > Linea Alba, Pubic CrestCompresses Abdominal Content