Origin, Insertion, Movement
Epicranium (Frontal Belly)
Epicranial aponeurosis>Eyebrow skin + nose Bridge
Raising Eyebrows, Wrinkle Forehead
Origin, Insertion, Movement
Epicranium (Occipital Belly)
Occipital (Superior Nuchal Line) and temporal bones>Epicranial aponeurosis
Pulls Scalp Posteriorly
Origin, Insertion, Movement
Orbicularis Oculi
Frontal and maxillary bones>Eyelid
Closes Eyes
Origin, Insertion, Movement
Levator Labii Superioris
Zygomatic bone and infraorbital margin of maxilla>upper lip/nostril (Superior one that elevates lip)
Raises/Furrows Upper Lips (Duck Face Muscle)
Origin, Insertion, Movement
Zygomaticus Major/Minor (Which is which?)
Zygomatic bone–> Corner of mouth (Minor is to medial lip, major is lateral. Minor is also superior)
(Raises lateral corners of mouth for smiling, synergist with risorius?)
Origin, Insertion, Movement
Fascia of Masseter–>Side of Mouth
Puls corners of lips laterally (Zygomatic Synergistic)
Origin, Insertion, Movement
Orbicularis Oris
Maxilla and Mandible> Lateral Mouth Angle
Closes lips, Purses and protrudes lips (Mackin + Whistling)
Origin, Insertion, Movement
Molar region of maxilla and mandible-> Orbicularis Oris (Deep Cheek Muscle)
Compresses Cheek, Holds food for chewing, Draw corner of mouth laterally
Origin, Insertion, Movement
Masseter Muscles
Zygomatic arch and Maxilla>Angle and ramus of mandible
Closes Jaw
Origin, Insertion, Movement
Temporalis Muscles
Temporal fossa>Coronoid process of mandible
Closes and retracts the jaw
Origin, Insertion, Movement
Medial Pterygoid (Synergist to what?)
Maxillary, Palatine, Sphenoid Bones > Medial surface of mandible (M(axilla)edial P(alatine)tery(sphen)oid)
Elevates Mandible, Grinds Teeth
Synergist of temporalis and masseter
Origin, Insertion, Movement
Lateral Pterygoid
Greater Wing of Sphenoid>Mandibular Condyle
Protracts Jaw, Grinds Teeth
Origin, Insertion, Movement
Internal Surface of Mandible (Chin)> Inferior aspect of tongue, body of Hyoid Bone
Protracts Tongue (Big ol tongue muscle)
Origin, Insertion, Movement
Body + Greater Horn of Hyoid Bone > Inferolateral tongue
Depresses Tongue
Origin, Insertion, Movement
Styloid Process of Temporal Bone > Inferolateral Tongue
Retracts and elevates tongue (Towards the styloid process)
Origin, Insertion, Movement
Extrinsic Eye Muscles
Bony Orbit > Sclera of Eye
in=medial; out=lateral
Superior Rectus > Up and In
Inferior Rectus > Down and In
Lateral Rectus > Out
Medial Rectus > In
Inferior Oblique Muscles > Up and Out (Below Eye, attaches going medial)
Superior Oblique Muscles > Down and Out (>Trochlea > Posterosuperior eye attaches going lateral))
Notsureifsrs OBLIQUE MOVEMENT???
Origin, Insertion, Movement
Digastric (two parts)
Lower Margin of Mandible (Anterior Belly) and Mastoid Process of Temporal Bone (Posterior Belly) > Hyoid Bone (Loops Around It)
Elevates Hyoid Bone, Opens mouth and depress mandible.
Origin, Insertion, Movement
Styloid Process of Temporal Bone > Hyoid Bone
Elevates and retracts hyoid bone
Origin, Insertion, Movement
Medial Surface of Mandible> Hyoid Bone
Elevates hyoid bone + Tongue base during swallowing
Origin, Insertion, Movement
Inner Surface of Mandible > Hyoid Bone(Between Genioglossus and Mylohyoid)
Pulls hyoid bone superiorly and anteriorly
Origin, Insertion, Movement
Manubrium and medial end of clavicle > Hyoid Bone
Depresses Larynx and Hyoid Bone
Origin, Insertion, Movement
Manubrium > Thyroid Cartilage of Larynx (Inf. to Thyohyoid)
Depressed Larynx and Hyoid Bone
Origin, Insertion, Movement
Omohyoid (Two Bellies)
Superior Border of Scapula > Hyoid Bone (More Like Scapula > Inf. Belly > Sup Belly > Hyoid)
Depresses larynx and Hyoid Bone
Origin, Insertion, Movement
Thyroid Cartilage > Hyoid Bone
Depresses Hyoid Bone, or elevates larynx if Hyoid is fixed
Origin, Insertion, Movement
Manubrium of Sternum (Sternal Head), Medial aspect of Clavicle (Clavicular Head) > Mastoid process of Temporal Bone + Superior Nuchal Line of Occipital Bone
Simultaneous contraction=neck flexion
Independent: Rotate head towards opposite shoulder
Origin, Insertion, Movement
Anterior, Posterior, Middle Scalene
Transverse Processes of Cervical Vertebrae > Anterolaterally on ribs 1 + 2
Flex + Slightly Rotate Neck, Elevate 1st 2 ribs. Aid in Inspiration
Origin, Insertion, Movement
Spinous Process of Vertebrae C7-T6 > Mastoid Process of Temporal Bone, Occipital Bone, and Transverse Process of Cervical Vertebrae
(Capitis is between traps and semispinalis capitis)
Head Extension
Origin, Insertion, Movement
Iliac Crest, Inferior thoracic and cervical ribs > Ribs and Transverse Processes of Cervical Vertebrae
Extend neck + Vertebral column
Origin, Insertion, Movement
Transverse processes of lumbar-cervical vertebrae > Transverse processes of thoracic and cervical vertebrae + mastoid process of temporal bone
Extends + laterally flex the vertebral column
Origin, Insertion, Movement
Quadratus Lumborum
Iliac Crest > Transverse processes of lumbar vertebrae (+ lower margin of 12th rib)
Flexes Vertebral Column Laterally
Origin, Insertion, Movement
Spinous process of upper lumbar and lower thoracic vertebrae > Spinous process of upper thoracic and cervical vertebrae
Extends vertebral column
Origin, Insertion, Movement
Transverse processes of C7-T12 > Occipital bone + Spinous Processes of Cervical + Thoracic Vertebrae
Extend vertebral column + head + rotates them
Origin, Insertion, Movement
Quadratus Lumborum
Iliac Crest > Transverse Processes of Lumbar Vertebrae and lower margin of 12th rib
Flexes vertebral column laterally
Origin, Insertion, Movement
External Intercostal
Inferior border of rib above > Superior border of rib below
Elevates rib cage (Pulls lower rib up)
Origin, Insertion, Movement
Internal Intercostal
Superior border of rib below > Inferior border of rib above
Depresses rib cage (Pulls upper rib down)
Origin, Insertion, Movement
Ribs/Carilage, Sternum, Vertebrae > Central Tendon
Inspiration (Prime Action)
Origin, Insertion, Movement
Rectus Abdominis
Pubic Crest + Symphysis > Xiphoid Process/ Ribs
Increase Abdominal Pressure, Flex/rotate lumbar vertebral column
Origin, Insertion, Movement
External Oblique
Lower 8 Ribs > Linea Alba, Pubic Crest/Tubercle, Iliac Crest
Compresses Abdominal Wall, Flexes Vertebral Column, Helps Trunk Rotation
Origin, Insertion, Movement
Internal Oblique
Lumbar Fascia, Iliac Crest, Inguinal Ligament > Linea Albra, Pubic crest, last 3-4 Ribs
Compresses Abdominal Wall, Flexes Vertebral Column, Helps Trunk Rotation
Origin, Insertion, Movement
Transversus Abdominis
Last 6 ribs, Inguinal Ligament, Iliac Crest, Lumbar Fascia > Linea Alba, Pubic Crest
Compresses Abdominal Content
Origin, Insertion, Movement
SKIP #46 - #52 Because they nasty
Origin, Insertion, Movement
Pectoralis Minor
3-5 Ribs > Coracoid process of Scapula
Fixed Ribs: Scapula Forward and Inferior
Fixed Scapula: Elevate Rib Cage (Respiratory Accessory)
Origin, Insertion, Movement
Serratus Anterior
1-8 Ribs > Scapula (Anterior Surface of medial Border)
Rotates or Protracts Scapula
Origin, Insertion, Movement
Trapezius Muscles
Occipital Bone, Spinous processes of C7 + all Thoracic Vertebrae > Acromion and Spine of Scapula, Lateral 1/3 of clavicle