Practical #1 Flashcards
Erythrocytes appearance
non-nucleated cells shaped like biconcave disks
What is the function of erythrocytes?
transport oxygen from the lungs to the tissues, and some carbon dioxide from
the tissues to the lungs
Plasma makes up what percentage of blood?
about 55% of the blood
Composition of plasma
- about 91.5% water the
- remaining portion is composed of proteins and solutes, which include gases and electrolytes
What are the granulocytes?
- neutrophils
- basophils
- eosinophils
What are the agranulocytes?
- lymphocytes
- monocytes
Neutrophils apperance
- has multiple deeply staining lobes
- cytoplasm is pale with fine granules
Neutrophils function
destroy bacteria
Eosinophils appearance
- two darkly stained lobes connected by thin strand
- large granules that stain red-orange
Eosinophils function
Phagocytize antibody-antigen complexes and
attack parasitic worms
Basophils appearance
- two difficult to see lobes
- dense blue stained granules
Basophils function
Aid in inflammation by releasing histamines
Lymphocytes appearance
- round oval nucleus that fills cytoplasm
- dark blue to purple nucleus
- light blue cytoplasm
Lymphocytes function
Involved in specific disease resistance and
includes B-cells; T-cells; and natural killer
Monocytes appearance
- kidney-bean or horse shoe shaped nucleus
- darkly staining nucleus
- abundant pale blue cytoplasm
Monocytes function
Develop into phagocytic macrophages
Blood type A
Antigen: A
Anti-body: anti-B
Donate to: A, AB
Receive from: A,O
Blood type B
Antigen: B
Anti-body: anti-A
Donate to: B, AB
Receive from: B,O
Blood type AB
Antigen: A&B
Anti-body: none
Donate to: AB
Receive from: All
Blood type O
Antigen: none
Anti-body: anti-A &anti-B
Donate to: All
Receive from: O
Antigen: Rh
Anti-body: none
Receive from: Rh+, Rh-
Antigen: none
Anti-body: Rh
Receive from: Rh-
an instrument for measuring blood pressure
How to calculates pulse pressure?
systolic pressure - diastolic pressure
Blood pressure numbers
systolic over diastolic
Define systolic
the maximum pressure the heart exerts while beating
Define diastolic
is the amount of pressure in the arteries between beats
Precava and Postacava
These are two large veins that enter the right
atrium and carry unoxygenated blood from
the superior and inferior body, respectively.
Aortic arch and aorta
This is the largest elastic artery in the body
and carries oxygenated blood to the body
Pulmonary veins
These veins carry oxygenated blood from
the lungs to the left atrium
Pulmonary arteries
These arteries carry unoxygenated blood
from the right ventricle to the lungs.
Right atrium
This is the first chamber of the heart; it
receives unoxygenated blood from the
Right ventricle
This is the second chamber of the heart; it
pumps blood to the lungs
Left atrium
This is the third chamber of the heart; it
receives oxygenated blood from the lungs.
Left ventricle
This is the fourth chamber of the heart; it
pumps oxygenated blood to the body
Tricuspid or right atrioventricular valve
This valve separates the right atrium and
ventricle. It prevents backflow into the
Bicuspid, mitral, or left atrioventricular valve
This valve separates the left atrium and
ventricle. It prevents backflow into the
Pulmonary semilunar valve
This valve separates the pulmonary trunk
from the right ventricle and prevents
backflow into the ventricle.
Aortic semilunar valve
This valve separates the aortic arch from the
left ventricle and prevents backflow into the
Papillary muscles
The papillary muscles are muscles that
control the tricuspid and bicuspid valves
and are located within the ventricles.
Chordae tendineae
The chordae tendineae “heart strings” attach
the valves to the papillary muscles and
prevent inversion of the valves during
Coronary arteries and veins
These are the vessels located on and in the
actual myocardium or heart muscle. They
supply and drain the myocardium of blood,
What is the pathway of blood through the heart?
blood, low in O2 returns from body via the vena cavae (2 veins)
Right atrium
Tricuspid valve
Right ventricle
Pulmonary semilunar valve
Pulmonary trunk/arteries
Lungs to pick up O2 and release CO2
Pulmonary vein
Left atrium
Bicuspid valve
Left ventricle
Aortic semilunar valve
Pigs are born with closed eyelids
The external earflap. It gathers sound and
directs it into the external auditory canal.
External nares
The exterior openings of the nose used for
breathing and the sense of smell. Pigs have a
well-developed sense of smell.
The long, stiff hairs on the head, commonly
called whiskers. Their function is touch.
These are the toes and hooves.
Mammary papilla
There are five to six pairs of these structures
present in both sexes, but only develop into
the mammary glands in females
Umbilical cord
Contains the two umbilical arteries and one
umbilical vein.
Umbilical cord function
The vessels within the cord are responsible for nutrient, gas, and waste
exchange between the fetus and maternal
Genital papilla
The female’s external genitalia.
Urogenital opening
The opening that is the terminal end of the
male urogenital tract.
A sac of skin containing the male’s testes.
The terminal opening of the digestive tract.
Mandibular gland shape
This salivary gland has a “lima bean” shape.
Mandibular gland location
It lies partially ventral to the parotid gland,
and between the parotid and the angle of
the jaw.
- It is also called the “submaxillary
Sublingual gland shape
This salivary gland is narrow and flat.
Sublingual gland location
It lies beneath the skin, medial to the lower jaw,
and alongside the tongue. Generally found
near the medial edge of the mandibular
Parotid gland
A large salivary gland that lies posteriorly
and ventrally to the masseter muscle.
Generally found most easily toward the base
of the pinna.
Hard palate
The ridged surface on the anterior portion of
the roof of the mouth.
Soft palate
The smooth surface on the posterior portion
of the roof of the mouth.
The tongue lies on the floor of the mouth,
between the lower jaws. It is the location of
the taste buds and aids in food manipulation.
Papillae of the tongue
The small projections on the tongue. They
are particularly large on the anterior margins
and the base of the tongue. They aid in the
manipulation of food.
Papillae of the tongue function
They aid in the
manipulation of food.
The region of the throat where the respiratory and digestive system are merged
A flap of skin that covers the glottis. It serves
to separate the esophagus from the trachea
and prevents food from entering the
respiratory system.
The opening of the trachea, covered by the
- Commonly called the “voice box.”
- It connects to the glottis anteriorly, and the trachea posteriorly.
- The larynx contains the
vocal cords. - The vocal cords can be viewed by making a longitudinal mid-dorsal incision
and opening the cartilage
Commonly called the “windpipe.” It is a tube
extending from the larynx to the lungs. It is lined with cartilage rings, which keep the trachea open.
Thymus gland
- This endocrine gland is large and elongated.
- It lies beneath the skin on each side of, and over, the trachea. It also extends down into the thoracic cavity and lies on the dorsal surface of the heart.
Thymus gland function
Hormones from the
thymus gland stimulate the early development of the immune system
Thyroid gland shape
This small endocrine gland is darkly colored and has an oval shape.
Thyroid gland location
It lies between the two lobes of the thymus gland, posterior to the larynx, and ventral to the trachea. To find the gland, remove the two sternohyoid
The large organs that lie on the lateral sides
of the heart, and function in gas exchange
The skeletal muscle located between the
lungs and the liver. It is the primary muscle
responsible for breathing.
The tube connecting the pharynx to the
stomach. It travels through the throat and
diaphragm, into the stomach.
This digestive organ lies just posterior to the
liver and is the primary structure functioning
in the breakdown of food.
Connective tissue that attaches to and
anchors the stomach.
Lesser omentem
is on the inside, concave curve of the
Greater omentum
is on the
outside, convex curve of the stomach.
Pyloric sphincter muscle
A “doughnut-like” smooth muscle, found at
the posterior end of the stomach. It
separates the stomach from the duodenum
Gall bladder
A sac containing green bile, located in the
middle lobe of the liver.
Common bile duct
transports the bile from the gall bladder to the duodenum.
The largest gland in the body, located
between the stomach and diaphragm. It filters the blood and produces proteins for blood clotting
A long, flat, finger-like projection to the left of
the stomach. It functions to store blood. It is
dark red to purplish in color.
An endocrine gland located at the base of
the stomach. It functions to produce
hormones to control blood sugar and
digestive enzymes.
Small intestine
Portion of the digestive system between the
stomach and the large intestine. It is divided
into the duodenum, jejunum, and ileum.
This is where the majority of nutrient absorption occurs.
Small intestine function
This is where the majority of nutrient absorption occurs.
The connective tissue attached to the
The finger-like projection of the large
intestine at the junction of the large and
small intestines.
Large intestine
The posterior portion of the intestines, divided into the ascending colon, transverse colon, descending colon, and
sigmoid colons.
Large intestine function
The large intestine absorbs water and prepares waste for
Waste is stored in the final
portion of the large intestine, the rectum,
prior to being eliminated from the body
through the anus
Carries unoxygenated blood from the head,
neck, and forelimbs, to the right atrium
Brachiocephalic veins
Carry blood from the cephalic, subclavian,
and jugulars to the precava.
Internal jugular vein
- The first set of vessels to emerge from the cranial vena cava, medially.
- These veins carry blood from the head to the brachiocephalic veins.
- They are located on
either side of the trachea.
External jugular veins
- The second set of vessels to emerge from the
cranial vena cava, medially. - Carry blood
from the head to the brachiocephalic veins
Subscapular veins
- The third set of veins medially in the neck
region. - They carry blood from the region of
the arm pit and join with the axillary vein to
form the subclavian vein.
Subclavian veins
The fourth set of vessels vessels medially in
the neck region. These veins carry blood
from the subscapular veins and axillary veins
to the brachiocephalic veins.
Axillary veins
These veins carry blood from the forelimbs
and join with the subscapular veins to form
the subclavian vein
Carries unoxygenated blood from the
posterior portion of the body to the right
Hepatic portal vein
A large vein located between the stomach
and liver. It carries blood from the stomach,
spleen, pancreas, and intestines to the liver.
Umbilical vein
This vein carries blood containing oxygen
and nutrients from the placenta to the fetus.
Renal veins
These veins carry blood from the kidneys to
the caudal vena cava.
Common iliac veins
These veins carry blood from the external
and internal iliac veins to the caudal vena
Internal iliac veins
These veins carry blood from the pelvis to
the common iliac veins
External iliac veins
These veins carry blood from the femoral
and deep femoral veins to the common iliac
Aortic arch
The artery that leaves the left ventricle and
gives rise to the brachiocephalic trunk, left subclavian artery, and dorsal aorta.
Left subclavian artery
The second large artery arising from the
aortic arch. It carries blood to the left
Brachiocephalic trunk
The first large artery arising from the aortic
arch. It carries oxygenated blood to the neck,
head, and right forelimb.
Right subclavian artery
The second artery to arise from the
brachiocephalic trunk. It supplies blood to
the cervical vertebrae and right forelimb.
Carotid trunk
The first vessel to arise from the
brachiocephalic trunk, medially. It carries
blood anteriorly towards the neck and head
Common carotid arteries
The carotid trunk splits into the right and left
common carotids.
External carotid artery
Medial branches of common carotid arteries.
They carry blood to the area around the
masseter muscle and chin.
Internal carotid arteries
Lateral branches of common carotid arteries.
They carry blood to the brain.
Dorsal aorta
Lies on the mid-dorsal wall, measures the
length of the abdominal cavity. It carries
blood to the entire posterior portion of the
Celiac trunk
First artery to branch off of the dorsal aorta,
posterior to the diaphragm. It carries blood to the stomach, pancreas, and spleen.
Cranial mesenteric artery
The second artery to branch off of the aorta,
posterior to the diaphragm. It carries blood to most of the small intestine.
Renal arteries
Branch off of the aorta and carry blood to
the kidneys
Caudal mesenteric artery
This artery branches off of the ventral
surface of the aorta before it splits into the
umbilical arteries. It carries blood to the
large intestine and colon.
Umbilical arteries
The terminal end of the aorta splits into
these two arteries. They enter the umbilical
cord and carry blood to the placenta.
Internal iliac arteries
These arteries branch dorsally off of the
aorta, immediately anterior to the umbilical
arteries. They carry blood to the pelvic
External iliac arteries
These arteries branch off the aorta immediately anterior to the umbilical
arteries. They carry blood to the thighs and hind limbs.
Femoral arteries
These arteries are one of two branches of
the external iliac arteries. They carry blood
to the thigh and lower hind limb.
Deep femoral arteries
These arteries are one of two branches of
the external iliac arteries. They carry blood
to the back of the thigh.
The large, kidney-bean-shaped organs
located on the posterior dorsal wall of the
abdominal cavity. They lie beneath a layer of
connective tissue on either side of the dorsal
Kidney function
They produce urine
The paired tubes that join the kidneys and
the urinary bladder. They conduct urine to
the bladder.
Urinary bladder
The large sack that is located between the
two umbilical arteries. It is the temporary
storage site of urine.
This tube transports urine when the urinary
bladder is emptied.
Urethra in females
It is relatively short in
females, and just ventral to the anus.
Urethra in males
- It is much longer in males and ends at the
urogenital opening. - It also functions to
conduct semen in males
The small, bean-shaped male reproductive
organs contained within the scrotum which produce sperm and testosterone.
The band-shaped collection of tubules with
a coiled duct that lays on the testis. It is used
for sperm storage and maturation.
Ductus deferens
- The ducts that transfer sperm from the
epididymis to the urethra during an ejaculation. - It is called the “vas deferens” in
Inguinal canal
The passageway through the abdominal
wall in the groin of males though which the
ductus deferens and blood vessels pass to
the testes.
Seminal vesicles
These small glands are located near the
junction of the ductus deferens and the
urethra. They produce some of the seminal
Prostate gland
- A small gland located between the seminal
vesicles, which surrounds the junction of the
ductus deferens and the urethra. - It produces
some of the seminal fluid
Bulbourethral glands
- A pair of glands near the base of the penis in
the pelvic canal on either side of the urethra. - They produce some of the seminal fluid.
- They are also called “Cowper’s glands.
The male copulatory organ located ventrally
on the exterior abdominal wall, just posterior
to the umbilical cord
The female reproductive organs, which are
small and bean-shaped, found on the dorsal
abdominal wall, just posterior to the
Ovaries function
They produce the eggs and hormones like estrogen and progesterone.
Uterine tubes
- Small ducts found between the ovaries and
uterine horns. - They transport eggs to the uterine horns.
- In humans, fertilization occurs in the uterine tubes.
- They are also termed
the “fallopian tubes” in humans.
Uterine horns
The wider tubes located at the end of the
uterine tubes and connected to the uterine
body. Embryos develop within these tubes.
Uterine body
- The single, wider tube formed by the union
of the two uterine horns. The cervix is at its
posterior end. - Termed the “uterus” in
The most posterior tube of the female
reproductive tract. It receives the penis
during copulation.