PR flash cards
the receiver of the action, or the finish to a prepositional phrase.
A word used to describe or modify a noun or pronoun
Dependent clause
a group of words that has a subject and a verb but that can’t stand alone as a sentence.
A punctuation used after a complete statement to introduce an explanation of the statement or a list of related elements
The topic of the sentence. Always a noun or include a noun because it can be a group of words.
A punctuation mark used to separate items in a list or to change restrictive clauses to nonrestrictive clauses.
Who versus Whom
who is a subjective pronoun (subject of the clause) and whom is an objective pronoun (object of the clause)
a figure of speech that follows no grammatical rules
the form of the verb beginning with “to”
A category of pronouns that describes the function of the pronoun: subject ,object or possessive.
passive voice
use of the verb so that the subject is the receiver not the performer of the action.
the form of the verb that tells what time the action happened.
An introductory word often used to show emphasis
A group of words lacking a subject and a verb and which can function as a noun, adjective, or adverb.
A punctuation mark used to link two independent clauses or used between items in a list containing commas.
independent clause
A group of words that has a subject and a verb and that can stand alone as a sentence.
prepositional phrase
A group of words that begins with a preposition and ends with a noun or pronoun
A word that stands in for a noun.
A word that expresses an action, a feeling, or a state of being.
collective noun
Nouns that identify groups of things or people
present participle
the “-ing” form of the verb, either used with the verb “to be” to make a verb phrase, or on its own as an adjective.
A person, place, thing. or idea
past participle
The form of the verb, either used with the verb “to have” to make a verb phrase or on its own as an adjective.
-d, -t , -en , -n
A word used to identify a noun
A word used to describe, or modify , a verb, adjective, or other adverb.
A word that describes time or place relationships between words.
misplaced modifier
Any kind of description that is put in the wrong place in a sentence and thus describes the wrong thing.
A word that joins words, phrases, or clauses together.
Active voice
Use of the verb so that the subject is the performer, not the receiver, of an action.
A noun made from the “-ing” form of the verb
Helping verb
Verbs that can stand on their own or are used with the participles of other verbs to ask a question, add emphasis, change tense, or change voice.